//! This module implements the builtins exposed in the Nix language.
//! See //tvix/eval/docs/builtins.md for a some context on the
//! available builtins in Nix.
use bstr::{ByteSlice, ByteVec};
use builtin_macros::builtins;
use genawaiter::rc::Gen;
use regex::Regex;
use std::cmp::{self, Ordering};
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::collections::VecDeque;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use crate::arithmetic_op;
use crate::value::PointerEquality;
use crate::vm::generators::{self, GenCo};
use crate::warnings::WarningKind;
use crate::{
self as tvix_eval,
errors::{CatchableErrorKind, ErrorKind},
value::{CoercionKind, NixAttrs, NixList, NixString, Thunk, Value},
use self::versions::{VersionPart, VersionPartsIter};
mod hash;
mod to_xml;
mod versions;
pub use to_xml::value_to_xml;
#[cfg(feature = "impure")]
mod impure;
#[cfg(feature = "impure")]
pub use impure::impure_builtins;
// we set TVIX_CURRENT_SYSTEM in build.rs
/// Coerce a Nix Value to a plain path, e.g. in order to access the
/// file it points to via either `builtins.toPath` or an impure
/// builtin. This coercion can _never_ be performed in a Nix program
/// without using builtins (i.e. the trick `path: /. + path` to
/// convert from a string to a path wouldn't hit this code).
/// This operation doesn't import a Nix path value into the store.
pub async fn coerce_value_to_path(
co: &GenCo,
v: Value,
) -> Result<Result<PathBuf, CatchableErrorKind>, ErrorKind> {
let value = generators::request_force(co, v).await;
if let Value::Path(p) = value {
return Ok(Ok(*p));
match generators::request_string_coerce(
CoercionKind {
strong: false,
import_paths: false,
Ok(vs) => {
let path = vs.to_path()?.to_owned();
if path.is_absolute() {
} else {
Err(cek) => Ok(Err(cek)),
mod pure_builtins {
use std::ffi::OsString;
use bstr::{BString, ByteSlice, B};
use itertools::Itertools;
use os_str_bytes::OsStringBytes;
use rustc_hash::FxHashSet;
use crate::{value::PointerEquality, AddContext, NixContext, NixContextElement};
use super::*;
macro_rules! try_value {
($value:expr) => {{
let val = $value;
if val.is_catchable() {
return Ok(val);
async fn builtin_abort(co: GenCo, message: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
// TODO(sterni): coerces to string
// Although `abort` does not make use of any context,
// we must still accept contextful strings as parameters.
// If `to_str` was used, this would err out with an unexpected type error.
// Therefore, we explicitly accept contextful strings and ignore their contexts.
async fn builtin_add(co: GenCo, x: Value, y: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
arithmetic_op!(&x, &y, +)
async fn builtin_all(co: GenCo, pred: Value, list: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
for value in list.to_list()?.into_iter() {
let pred_result = generators::request_call_with(&co, pred.clone(), [value]).await;
let pred_result = try_value!(generators::request_force(&co, pred_result).await);
if !pred_result.as_bool()? {
return Ok(Value::Bool(false));
async fn builtin_any(co: GenCo, pred: Value, list: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
for value in list.to_list()?.into_iter() {
let pred_result = generators::request_call_with(&co, pred.clone(), [value]).await;
let pred_result = try_value!(generators::request_force(&co, pred_result).await);
if pred_result.as_bool()? {
return Ok(Value::Bool(true));
async fn builtin_attr_names(co: GenCo, set: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
let xs = set.to_attrs()?;
let mut output = Vec::with_capacity(xs.len());
for (key, _val) in xs.iter() {
Ok(Value::List(NixList::construct(output.len(), output)))
async fn builtin_attr_values(co: GenCo, set: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
let xs = set.to_attrs()?;
let mut output = Vec::with_capacity(xs.len());
for (_key, val) in xs.iter() {
Ok(Value::List(NixList::construct(output.len(), output)))
async fn builtin_base_name_of(co: GenCo, s: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
let span = generators::request_span(&co).await;
let s = s
CoercionKind {
strong: false,
import_paths: false,
let mut bs = (**s).to_owned();
if let Some(last_slash) = bs.rfind_char('/') {
bs = bs[(last_slash + 1)..].into();
Ok(NixString::new_inherit_context_from(&s, bs).into())
async fn builtin_bit_and(co: GenCo, x: Value, y: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
Ok(Value::Integer(x.as_int()? & y.as_int()?))
async fn builtin_bit_or(co: GenCo, x: Value, y: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
Ok(Value::Integer(x.as_int()? | y.as_int()?))
async fn builtin_bit_xor(co: GenCo, x: Value, y: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
Ok(Value::Integer(x.as_int()? ^ y.as_int()?))
async fn builtin_cat_attrs(co: GenCo, key: Value, list: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
let key = key.to_str()?;
let list = list.to_list()?;
let mut output = vec![];
for item in list.into_iter() {
let set = generators::request_force(&co, item).await.to_attrs()?;
if let Some(value) = set.select(&key) {
Ok(Value::List(NixList::construct(output.len(), output)))
async fn builtin_ceil(co: GenCo, double: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
Ok(Value::Integer(double.as_float()?.ceil() as i64))
async fn builtin_compare_versions(co: GenCo, x: Value, y: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
let s1 = x.to_str()?;
let s1 = VersionPartsIter::new_for_cmp((&s1).into());
let s2 = y.to_str()?;
let s2 = VersionPartsIter::new_for_cmp((&s2).into());
match s1.cmp(s2) {
std::cmp::Ordering::Less => Ok(Value::Integer(-1)),
std::cmp::Ordering::Equal => Ok(Value::Integer(0)),
std::cmp::Ordering::Greater => Ok(Value::Integer(1)),
async fn builtin_concat_lists(co: GenCo, lists: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
let mut out = Vec::new();
for value in lists.to_list()? {
let list = try_value!(generators::request_force(&co, value).await).to_list()?;
async fn builtin_concat_map(co: GenCo, f: Value, list: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
let list = list.to_list()?;
let mut res = Vec::new();
for val in list {
let out = generators::request_call_with(&co, f.clone(), [val]).await;
let out = try_value!(generators::request_force(&co, out).await);
async fn builtin_concat_strings_sep(
co: GenCo,
separator: Value,
list: Value,
) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
let mut separator = separator.to_contextful_str()?;
let mut context = NixContext::new();
if let Some(sep_context) = separator.take_context() {
let list = list.to_list()?;
let mut res = BString::default();
for (i, val) in list.into_iter().enumerate() {
if i != 0 {
match generators::request_string_coerce(
CoercionKind {
strong: false,
import_paths: true,
Ok(mut s) => {
if let Some(other_context) = s.take_context() {
Err(c) => return Ok(Value::Catchable(Box::new(c))),
// FIXME: pass immediately the string res.
Ok(NixString::new_context_from(context, res).into())
async fn builtin_deep_seq(co: GenCo, x: Value, y: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
generators::request_deep_force(&co, x).await;
async fn builtin_div(co: GenCo, x: Value, y: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
arithmetic_op!(&x, &y, /)
async fn builtin_dir_of(co: GenCo, s: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
let is_path = s.is_path();
let span = generators::request_span(&co).await;
let str = s
CoercionKind {
strong: false,
import_paths: false,
let result = str
.map(|last_slash| {
let x = &str[..last_slash];
if x.is_empty() {
} else {
if is_path {
} else {
&str, result,
async fn builtin_elem(co: GenCo, x: Value, xs: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
for val in xs.to_list()? {
match generators::check_equality(&co, x.clone(), val, PointerEquality::AllowAll).await?
Ok(true) => return Ok(true.into()),
Ok(false) => continue,
Err(cek) => return Ok(Value::from(cek)),
async fn builtin_elem_at(co: GenCo, xs: Value, i: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
let xs = xs.to_list()?;
let i = i.as_int()?;
if i < 0 {
Err(ErrorKind::IndexOutOfBounds { index: i })
} else {
match xs.get(i as usize) {
Some(x) => Ok(x.clone()),
None => Err(ErrorKind::IndexOutOfBounds { index: i }),
async fn builtin_filter(co: GenCo, pred: Value, list: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
let list: NixList = list.to_list()?;
let mut out = Vec::new();
for value in list {
let result = generators::request_call_with(&co, pred.clone(), [value.clone()]).await;
let verdict = try_value!(generators::request_force(&co, result).await);
if verdict.as_bool()? {
async fn builtin_floor(co: GenCo, double: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
Ok(Value::Integer(double.as_float()?.floor() as i64))
async fn builtin_foldl(
co: GenCo,
op: Value,
#[lazy] nul: Value,
list: Value,
) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
let mut nul = nul;
let list = list.to_list()?;
for val in list {
// Every call of `op` is forced immediately, but `nul` is not, see
// https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/940e9eb8/src/libexpr/primops.cc#L3069-L3070C36
// and our tests for foldl'.
nul = generators::request_call_with(&co, op.clone(), [nul, val]).await;
nul = generators::request_force(&co, nul).await;
if let c @ Value::Catchable(_) = nul {
return Ok(c);
async fn builtin_function_args(co: GenCo, f: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
let lambda = &f.as_closure()?.lambda();
let formals = if let Some(formals) = &lambda.formals {
} else {
return Ok(Value::attrs(NixAttrs::empty()));
formals.arguments.iter().map(|(k, v)| (k.clone(), (*v))),
async fn builtin_from_json(co: GenCo, json: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
let json_str = json.to_str()?;
serde_json::from_slice(&json_str).map_err(|err| err.into())
async fn builtin_to_json(co: GenCo, val: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
match val.into_contextful_json(&co).await? {
Err(cek) => Ok(Value::from(cek)),
Ok((json_value, ctx)) => {
let json_str = serde_json::to_string(&json_value)?;
Ok(NixString::new_context_from(ctx, json_str).into())
async fn builtin_from_toml(co: GenCo, toml: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
let toml_str = toml.to_str()?;
toml::from_str(toml_str.to_str()?).map_err(|err| err.into())
async fn builtin_generic_closure(co: GenCo, input: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
let attrs = input.to_attrs()?;
// The work set is maintained as a VecDeque because new items
// are popped from the front.
let mut work_set: VecDeque<Value> =
generators::request_force(&co, attrs.select_required("startSet")?.clone())
let operator = attrs.select_required("operator")?;
let mut res = Vec::new();
let mut done_keys: Vec<Value> = vec![];
while let Some(val) = work_set.pop_front() {
let val = generators::request_force(&co, val).await;
let attrs = val.to_attrs()?;
let key = attrs.select_required("key")?;
let value_missing = bgc_insert_key(&co, key.clone(), &mut done_keys).await?;
if let Err(cek) = value_missing {
return Ok(Value::Catchable(Box::new(cek)));
if let Ok(false) = value_missing {
let op_result = generators::request_force(
generators::request_call_with(&co, operator.clone(), [val]).await,
async fn builtin_gen_list(
co: GenCo,
// Nix 2.3 doesn't propagate failures here
#[lazy] generator: Value,
length: Value,
) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
let len = length.as_int()?;
let mut out = Vec::with_capacity(
.map_err(|_| ErrorKind::Abort(format!("can not create list of size {}", len)))?,
// the best span we can get…
let span = generators::request_span(&co).await;
for i in 0..len {
let val = Value::Thunk(Thunk::new_suspended_call(generator.clone(), i.into(), span));
async fn builtin_get_attr(co: GenCo, key: Value, set: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
let k = key.to_str()?;
let xs = set.to_attrs()?;
match xs.select(&k) {
Some(x) => Ok(x.clone()),
None => Err(ErrorKind::AttributeNotFound {
name: k.to_string(),
async fn builtin_group_by(co: GenCo, f: Value, list: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
let mut res: BTreeMap<NixString, Vec<Value>> = BTreeMap::new();
for val in list.to_list()? {
let key = try_value!(
generators::request_call_with(&co, f.clone(), [val.clone()]).await,
.map(|(k, v)| (k, Value::List(NixList::from(v)))),
async fn builtin_has_attr(co: GenCo, key: Value, set: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
let k = key.to_str()?;
let xs = set.to_attrs()?;
async fn builtin_hasContext(co: GenCo, e: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
if e.is_catchable() {
return Ok(e);
let v = e.to_contextful_str()?;
async fn builtin_getContext(co: GenCo, e: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
if e.is_catchable() {
return Ok(e);
// also forces the value
let span = generators::request_span(&co).await;
let v = e
CoercionKind {
strong: true,
import_paths: true,
let s = v.to_contextful_str()?;
let groups = s
.flat_map(|context| context.iter())
// Do not think `group_by` works here.
// `group_by` works on consecutive elements of the iterator.
// Due to how `HashSet` works (ordering is not guaranteed),
// this can become a source of non-determinism if you `group_by` naively.
// I know I did.
.into_grouping_map_by(|ctx_element| match ctx_element {
NixContextElement::Plain(spath) => spath,
NixContextElement::Single { derivation, .. } => derivation,
NixContextElement::Derivation(drv_path) => drv_path,
let elements = groups
.map(|(key, group)| {
let mut outputs: Vec<NixString> = Vec::new();
let mut is_path = false;
let mut all_outputs = false;
for ctx_element in group {
match ctx_element {
NixContextElement::Plain(spath) => {
debug_assert!(spath == key, "Unexpected group containing mixed keys, expected: {:?}, encountered {:?}", key, spath);
is_path = true;
NixContextElement::Single { name, derivation } => {
debug_assert!(derivation == key, "Unexpected group containing mixed keys, expected: {:?}, encountered {:?}", key, derivation);
NixContextElement::Derivation(drv_path) => {
debug_assert!(drv_path == key, "Unexpected group containing mixed keys, expected: {:?}, encountered {:?}", key, drv_path);
all_outputs = true;
// FIXME(raitobezarius): is there a better way to construct an attribute set
// conditionally?
let mut vec_attrs: Vec<(&str, Value)> = Vec::new();
if is_path {
vec_attrs.push(("path", true.into()));
if all_outputs {
vec_attrs.push(("allOutputs", true.into()));
if !outputs.is_empty() {
vec_attrs.push(("outputs", Value::List(outputs
.map(|s| s.into())
(key.clone(), Value::attrs(NixAttrs::from_iter(vec_attrs.into_iter())))
async fn builtin_appendContext(
co: GenCo,
origin: Value,
added_context: Value,
) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
// `appendContext` is a "grow" context function.
// It cannot remove a context element, neither replace a piece of its contents.
// Growing context is always a safe operation, there's no loss of dependency tracking
// information.
// This is why this operation is not prefixed by `unsafe` and is deemed *safe*.
// Nonetheless, it is possible to craft nonsensical context elements referring
// to inexistent derivations, output paths or output names.
// In Nix, those nonsensical context elements are partially mitigated by checking
// that various parameters are indeed syntatically valid store paths in the context, i.e.
// starting with the same prefix as `builtins.storeDir`, or ending with `.drv`.
// In addition, if writing to the store is possible (evaluator not in read-only mode), Nix
// will realize some paths and ensures they are present in the store.
// In this implementation, we do none of that, no syntax checks, no realization.
// The next `TODO` are the checks that Nix implements.
let mut ctx_elements: FxHashSet<NixContextElement> = FxHashSet::default();
let span = generators::request_span(&co).await;
let origin = origin
CoercionKind {
strong: true,
import_paths: true,
let mut origin = origin.to_contextful_str()?;
let added_context = added_context.to_attrs()?;
for (context_key, context_element) in added_context.into_iter() {
// Invariant checks:
// - TODO: context_key must be a syntactically valid store path.
// - Perform a deep force `context_element`.
let context_element = context_element.to_attrs()?;
if let Some(path) = context_element.select("path") {
if path.as_bool()? {
if let Some(all_outputs) = context_element.select("allOutputs") {
if all_outputs.as_bool()? {
// TODO: check if `context_key` is a derivation path.
// This may require realization.
if let Some(some_outputs) = context_element.select("outputs") {
let some_outputs = some_outputs.to_list()?;
// TODO: check if `context_key` is a derivation path.
// This may require realization.
for output in some_outputs.into_iter() {
let output = output.to_str()?;
ctx_elements.insert(NixContextElement::Single {
derivation: context_key.to_string(),
name: output.to_string(),
if let Some(origin_ctx) = origin.context_mut() {
// TODO: didn't we forget cases where origin had no context?
async fn builtin_hash_string(co: GenCo, algo: Value, s: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
hash_nix_string(algo.to_str()?, std::io::Cursor::new(s.to_str()?)).map(Value::from)
async fn builtin_head(co: GenCo, list: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
if list.is_catchable() {
return Ok(list);
match list.to_list()?.get(0) {
Some(x) => Ok(x.clone()),
None => Err(ErrorKind::IndexOutOfBounds { index: 0 }),
async fn builtin_intersect_attrs(co: GenCo, x: Value, y: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
if x.is_catchable() {
return Ok(x);
if y.is_catchable() {
return Ok(y);
let left_set = x.to_attrs()?;
if left_set.is_empty() {
return Ok(Value::attrs(NixAttrs::empty()));
let mut left_keys = left_set.keys();
let right_set = y.to_attrs()?;
if right_set.is_empty() {
return Ok(Value::attrs(NixAttrs::empty()));
let mut right_keys = right_set.keys();
let mut out: BTreeMap<NixString, Value> = BTreeMap::new();
// Both iterators have at least one entry
let mut left = left_keys.next().unwrap();
let mut right = right_keys.next().unwrap();
// Calculate the intersection of the attribute sets by simultaneously
// advancing two key iterators, and inserting into the result set from
// the right side when the keys match. Iteration over Nix attribute sets
// is in sorted lexicographical order, so we can advance either iterator
// until it "catches up" with its counterpart.
// Only when keys match are the key and value clones actually allocated.
// We opted for this implementation over simpler ones because of the
// heavy use of this function in nixpkgs.
loop {
if left == right {
// We know that the key exists in the set, and can
// skip the check instructions.
unsafe {
left = match left_keys.next() {
Some(x) => x,
None => break,
right = match right_keys.next() {
Some(x) => x,
None => break,
if left < right {
left = match left_keys.next() {
Some(x) => x,
None => break,
if right < left {
right = match right_keys.next() {
Some(x) => x,
None => break,
async fn builtin_is_attrs(co: GenCo, value: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
// TODO(edef): make this beautiful
if value.is_catchable() {
return Ok(value);
Ok(Value::Bool(matches!(value, Value::Attrs(_))))
async fn builtin_is_bool(co: GenCo, value: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
if value.is_catchable() {
return Ok(value);
Ok(Value::Bool(matches!(value, Value::Bool(_))))
async fn builtin_is_float(co: GenCo, value: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
if value.is_catchable() {
return Ok(value);
Ok(Value::Bool(matches!(value, Value::Float(_))))
async fn builtin_is_function(co: GenCo, value: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
if value.is_catchable() {
return Ok(value);
Value::Closure(_) | Value::Builtin(_)
async fn builtin_is_int(co: GenCo, value: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
if value.is_catchable() {
return Ok(value);
Ok(Value::Bool(matches!(value, Value::Integer(_))))
async fn builtin_is_list(co: GenCo, value: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
if value.is_catchable() {
return Ok(value);
Ok(Value::Bool(matches!(value, Value::List(_))))
async fn builtin_is_null(co: GenCo, value: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
if value.is_catchable() {
return Ok(value);
Ok(Value::Bool(matches!(value, Value::Null)))
async fn builtin_is_path(co: GenCo, value: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
if value.is_catchable() {
return Ok(value);
Ok(Value::Bool(matches!(value, Value::Path(_))))
async fn builtin_is_string(co: GenCo, value: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
if value.is_catchable() {
return Ok(value);
Ok(Value::Bool(matches!(value, Value::String(_))))
async fn builtin_length(co: GenCo, list: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
if list.is_catchable() {
return Ok(list);
Ok(Value::Integer(list.to_list()?.len() as i64))
async fn builtin_less_than(co: GenCo, x: Value, y: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
let span = generators::request_span(&co).await;
match x.nix_cmp_ordering(y, co, span).await? {
Err(cek) => Ok(Value::from(cek)),
Ok(Ordering::Less) => Ok(Value::Bool(true)),
Ok(_) => Ok(Value::Bool(false)),
async fn builtin_list_to_attrs(co: GenCo, list: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
let list = list.to_list()?;
let mut map = BTreeMap::new();
for val in list {
let attrs = try_value!(generators::request_force(&co, val).await).to_attrs()?;
let name = try_value!(
generators::request_force(&co, attrs.select_required("name")?.clone()).await
let value = attrs.select_required("value")?.clone();
// Map entries earlier in the list take precedence over entries later in the list
async fn builtin_map(co: GenCo, #[lazy] f: Value, list_val: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
let list = list_val.to_list()?;
let mut out = Vec::with_capacity(list.len());
// the best span we can get…
let span = generators::request_span(&co).await;
for val in list {
let result = Value::Thunk(Thunk::new_suspended_call(f.clone(), val, span));
async fn builtin_map_attrs(
co: GenCo,
#[lazy] f: Value,
attrs: Value,
) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
let attrs = attrs.to_attrs()?;
let mut out: BTreeMap<NixString, Value> = BTreeMap::new();
// the best span we can get…
let span = generators::request_span(&co).await;
for (key, value) in attrs.into_iter() {
let result = Value::Thunk(Thunk::new_suspended_call(
let result = Value::Thunk(Thunk::new_suspended_call(result, value, span));
out.insert(key, result);
async fn builtin_match(co: GenCo, regex: Value, str: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
let s = str;
if s.is_catchable() {
return Ok(s);
let s = s.to_contextful_str()?;
let re = regex;
if re.is_catchable() {
return Ok(re);
let re = re.to_str()?;
let re: Regex = Regex::new(&format!("^{}$", re.to_str()?)).unwrap();
match re.captures(s.to_str()?) {
Some(caps) => Ok(Value::List(
.map(|grp| {
// Surprisingly, Nix does not propagate
// the original context here.
// Though, it accepts contextful strings as an argument.
// An example of such behaviors in nixpkgs
// can be observed in make-initrd.nix when it comes
// to compressors which are matched over their full command
// and then a compressor name will be extracted from that.
grp.map(|g| Value::from(g.as_str())).unwrap_or(Value::Null)
None => Ok(Value::Null),
async fn builtin_mul(co: GenCo, x: Value, y: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
arithmetic_op!(&x, &y, *)
async fn builtin_parse_drv_name(co: GenCo, s: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
if s.is_catchable() {
return Ok(s);
// This replicates cppnix's (mis?)handling of codepoints
// above U+007f following 0x2d ('-')
let s = s.to_str()?;
let slice: &[u8] = s.as_ref();
let (name, dash_and_version) = slice.split_at(
.find_map(|x| match x {
(idx, [b'-', c1]) if !c1.is_ascii_alphabetic() => Some(idx),
_ => None,
let version = dash_and_version
.map(|x| core::str::from_utf8(x.1))
[("name", core::str::from_utf8(name)?), ("version", version)].into_iter(),
async fn builtin_partition(co: GenCo, pred: Value, list: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
let mut right: Vec<Value> = Default::default();
let mut wrong: Vec<Value> = Default::default();
let list: NixList = list.to_list()?;
for elem in list {
let result = generators::request_call_with(&co, pred.clone(), [elem.clone()]).await;
if try_value!(generators::request_force(&co, result).await).as_bool()? {
} else {
let res = [
("right", Value::List(NixList::from(right))),
("wrong", Value::List(NixList::from(wrong))),
async fn builtin_remove_attrs(
co: GenCo,
attrs: Value,
keys: Value,
) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
let attrs = attrs.to_attrs()?;
let keys = keys
.map(|v| v.to_str())
.collect::<Result<FxHashSet<_>, _>>()?;
let res = attrs.iter().filter_map(|(k, v)| {
if !keys.contains(k) {
Some((k.clone(), v.clone()))
} else {
async fn builtin_replace_strings(
co: GenCo,
from: Value,
to: Value,
s: Value,
) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
let from = from.to_list()?;
for val in &from {
try_value!(generators::request_force(&co, val.clone()).await);
let to = to.to_list()?;
for val in &to {
try_value!(generators::request_force(&co, val.clone()).await);
let mut string = s.to_contextful_str()?;
let mut res = BString::default();
let mut i: usize = 0;
let mut empty_string_replace = false;
let mut context = NixContext::new();
if let Some(string_context) = string.take_context() {
// This can't be implemented using Rust's string.replace() as
// well as a map because we need to handle errors with results
// as well as "reset" the iterator to zero for the replacement
// everytime there's a successful match.
// Also, Rust's string.replace allocates a new string
// on every call which is not preferable.
'outer: while i < string.len() {
// Try a match in all the from strings
for elem in std::iter::zip(from.iter(), to.iter()) {
let from = elem.0.to_contextful_str()?;
let mut to = elem.1.to_contextful_str()?;
if i + from.len() > string.len() {
// We already applied a from->to with an empty from
// transformation.
// Let's skip it so that we don't loop infinitely
if empty_string_replace && from.is_empty() {
// if we match the `from` string, let's replace
if string[i..i + from.len()] == *from {
i += from.len();
if let Some(to_ctx) = to.take_context() {
// remember if we applied the empty from->to
empty_string_replace = from.is_empty();
continue 'outer;
// If we don't match any `from`, we simply add a character
res.push_str(&string[i..i + 1]);
i += 1;
// Since we didn't apply anything transformation,
// we reset the empty string replacement
empty_string_replace = false;
// Special case when the string is empty or at the string's end
// and one of the from is also empty
for elem in std::iter::zip(from.iter(), to.iter()) {
let from = elem.0.to_contextful_str()?;
// We mutate `to` by consuming its context
// if we perform a successful replacement.
// Therefore, it's fine if `to` was mutate and we reuse it here.
// We don't need to merge again the context, it's already in the right state.
let mut to = elem.1.to_contextful_str()?;
if from.is_empty() {
if let Some(to_ctx) = to.take_context() {
Ok(Value::from(NixString::new_context_from(context, res)))
async fn builtin_seq(co: GenCo, _x: Value, y: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
// The builtin calling infra has already forced both args for us, so
// we just return the second and ignore the first
async fn builtin_split(co: GenCo, regex: Value, str: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
if str.is_catchable() {
return Ok(str);
if regex.is_catchable() {
return Ok(regex);
let s = str.to_contextful_str()?;
let text = s.to_str()?;
let re = regex.to_str()?;
let re = Regex::new(re.to_str()?).unwrap();
let mut capture_locations = re.capture_locations();
let num_captures = capture_locations.len();
let mut ret = Vec::new();
let mut pos = 0;
while let Some(thematch) = re.captures_read_at(&mut capture_locations, text, pos) {
// push the unmatched characters preceding the match
// Push a list with one element for each capture
// group in the regex, containing the characters
// matched by that capture group, or null if no match.
// We skip capture 0; it represents the whole match.
let v: Vec<Value> = (1..num_captures)
.map(|i| capture_locations.get(i))
.map(|o| {
o.map(|(start, end)| {
// Here, a surprising thing happens: we silently discard the original
// context. This is as intended, Nix does the same.
if pos == text.len() {
pos = thematch.end();
// push the unmatched characters following the last match
// Here, a surprising thing happens: we silently discard the original
// context. This is as intended, Nix does the same.
async fn builtin_sort(co: GenCo, comparator: Value, list: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
let list = list.to_list()?;
let mut len = list.len();
let mut data = list.into_inner();
// Asynchronous sorting algorithm in which the comparator can make use of
// VM requests (required as `builtins.sort` uses comparators written in
// Nix).
// This is a simple, optimised bubble sort implementation. The choice of
// algorithm is constrained by the comparator in Nix not being able to
// yield equality, and us being unable to use the standard library
// implementation of sorting (which is a lot longer, but a lot more
// efficient) here.
// TODO(amjoseph): Investigate potential impl in Nix code, or Tvix bytecode.
loop {
let mut new_len = 0;
for i in 1..len {
if try_value!(
[data[i].clone(), data[i - 1].clone()],
.context("evaluating comparator in `builtins.sort`")?
data.swap(i, i - 1);
new_len = i;
if new_len == 0 {
len = new_len;
async fn builtin_split_version(co: GenCo, s: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
if s.is_catchable() {
return Ok(s);
let s = s.to_str()?;
let s = VersionPartsIter::new((&s).into());
let parts = s
.map(|s| {
Value::from(match s {
VersionPart::Number(n) => n,
VersionPart::Word(w) => w,
Ok(Value::List(NixList::construct(parts.len(), parts)))
async fn builtin_string_length(co: GenCo, #[lazy] s: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
// also forces the value
let span = generators::request_span(&co).await;
let s = s
CoercionKind {
strong: false,
import_paths: true,
if s.is_catchable() {
return Ok(s);
Ok(Value::Integer(s.to_contextful_str()?.len() as i64))
async fn builtin_sub(co: GenCo, x: Value, y: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
arithmetic_op!(&x, &y, -)
async fn builtin_substring(
co: GenCo,
start: Value,
len: Value,
s: Value,
) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
let beg = start.as_int()?;
let len = len.as_int()?;
let span = generators::request_span(&co).await;
let x = s
CoercionKind {
strong: false,
import_paths: true,
if x.is_catchable() {
return Ok(x);
let x = x.to_contextful_str()?;
if beg < 0 {
return Err(ErrorKind::IndexOutOfBounds { index: beg });
let beg = beg as usize;
// Nix doesn't assert that the length argument is
// non-negative when the starting index is GTE the
// string's length.
if beg >= x.len() {
return Ok(Value::from(NixString::new_inherit_context_from(
let end = if len < 0 {
} else {
cmp::min(beg + (len as usize), x.len())
async fn builtin_tail(co: GenCo, list: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
if list.is_catchable() {
return Ok(list);
let xs = list.to_list()?;
if xs.is_empty() {
} else {
let output = xs.into_iter().skip(1).collect::<Vec<_>>();
Ok(Value::List(NixList::construct(output.len(), output)))
async fn builtin_throw(co: GenCo, message: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
// If it's already some error, let's propagate it immediately.
if message.is_catchable() {
return Ok(message);
// TODO(sterni): coerces to string
// We do not care about the context here explicitly.
async fn builtin_to_string(co: GenCo, #[lazy] x: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
// TODO(edef): please fix me w.r.t. to catchability.
// coerce_to_string forces for us
// FIXME: should `coerce_to_string` preserve context?
// it does for now.
let span = generators::request_span(&co).await;
CoercionKind {
strong: true,
import_paths: false,
async fn builtin_to_xml(co: GenCo, value: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
let value = generators::request_deep_force(&co, value).await;
if value.is_catchable() {
return Ok(value);
let mut buf: Vec<u8> = vec![];
let context = to_xml::value_to_xml(&mut buf, &value)?;
// FUTUREWORK: We have a distinction between an empty context, and
// no context at all. Fix this.
if !context.is_empty() {
} else {
async fn builtin_trace(co: GenCo, message: Value, value: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
// TODO(grfn): `trace` should be pluggable and capturable, probably via a method on
// the VM
eprintln!("trace: {} :: {}", message, message.type_of());
async fn builtin_to_path(co: GenCo, s: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
if s.is_catchable() {
return Ok(s);
match coerce_value_to_path(&co, s).await? {
Err(cek) => Ok(Value::from(cek)),
Ok(path) => {
let path: Value = crate::value::canon_path(path).into();
let span = generators::request_span(&co).await;
CoercionKind {
strong: false,
import_paths: false,
async fn builtin_try_eval(co: GenCo, #[lazy] e: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
let res = match generators::request_try_force(&co, e).await {
Value::Catchable(_) => [("value", false.into()), ("success", false.into())],
value => [("value", value), ("success", true.into())],
async fn builtin_type_of(co: GenCo, x: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
if x.is_catchable() {
return Ok(x);
/// Internal helper function for genericClosure, determining whether a
/// value has been seen before.
async fn bgc_insert_key(
co: &GenCo,
key: Value,
done: &mut Vec<Value>,
) -> Result<Result<bool, CatchableErrorKind>, ErrorKind> {
for existing in done.iter() {
match generators::check_equality(
// TODO(tazjin): not actually sure which semantics apply here
Ok(true) => return Ok(Ok(false)),
Ok(false) => (),
Err(cek) => return Ok(Err(cek)),
/// The set of standard pure builtins in Nix, mostly concerned with
/// data structure manipulation (string, attrs, list, etc. functions).
pub fn pure_builtins() -> Vec<(&'static str, Value)> {
let mut result = pure_builtins::builtins();
// Pure-value builtins
result.push(("nixVersion", Value::from("2.3-compat-tvix-0.1")));
result.push(("langVersion", Value::Integer(6)));
result.push(("null", Value::Null));
result.push(("true", Value::Bool(true)));
result.push(("false", Value::Bool(false)));
Value::Thunk(Thunk::new_suspended_native(Box::new(move || {
// TODO: implement for nixpkgs compatibility
("line", 42.into()),
("column", 42.into()),
("file", Value::String("/deep/thought".into())),
mod placeholder_builtins {
use crate::NixContext;
use super::*;
async fn builtin_unsafe_discard_string_context(
co: GenCo,
s: Value,
) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
let span = generators::request_span(&co).await;
let mut v = s
// It's weak because
// lists, integers, floats and null are not
// accepted as parameters.
CoercionKind {
strong: false,
import_paths: true,
async fn builtin_unsafe_discard_output_dependency(
co: GenCo,
s: Value,
) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
let span = generators::request_span(&co).await;
let mut v = s
// It's weak because
// lists, integers, floats and null are not
// accepted as parameters.
CoercionKind {
strong: false,
import_paths: true,
// If there's any context, we will swap any ... by a path one.
if let Some(c) = v.take_context() {
let mut context = NixContext::new();
context.extend(c.into_iter().map(|elem| match elem {
crate::NixContextElement::Derivation(drv_path) => {
elem => elem.clone(),
return Ok(Value::String(NixString::new_context_from(context, v)));
async fn builtin_add_error_context(
co: GenCo,
#[lazy] _context: Value,
#[lazy] val: Value,
) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
generators::emit_warning_kind(&co, WarningKind::NotImplemented("builtins.addErrorContext"))
async fn builtin_unsafe_get_attr_pos(
co: GenCo,
_name: Value,
_attrset: Value,
) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
// TODO: implement for nixpkgs compatibility
let res = [
("line", 42.into()),
("column", 42.into()),
("file", Value::String("/deep/thought".into())),
pub fn placeholders() -> Vec<(&'static str, Value)> {