//! Implements `builtins.derivation`, the core of what makes Nix build packages.
use nix_compat::derivation::Derivation;
use nix_compat::nixhash;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::collections::{btree_map, BTreeSet};
use std::rc::Rc;
use tvix_eval::builtin_macros::builtins;
use tvix_eval::generators::{self, GenCo};
use tvix_eval::{AddContext, CoercionKind, ErrorKind, NixAttrs, NixList, Value};
use crate::errors::Error;
use crate::known_paths::{KnownPaths, PathKind, PathName};
// Constants used for strangely named fields in derivation inputs.
const STRUCTURED_ATTRS: &str = "__structuredAttrs";
const IGNORE_NULLS: &str = "__ignoreNulls";
/// Helper function for populating the `drv.outputs` field from a
/// manually specified set of outputs, instead of the default
/// `outputs`.
async fn populate_outputs(
co: &GenCo,
drv: &mut Derivation,
outputs: NixList,
) -> Result<(), ErrorKind> {
// Remove the original default `out` output.
for output in outputs {
let output_name = generators::request_force(co, output)
.context("determining output name")?;
if drv
.insert(output_name.as_str().into(), Default::default())
return Err(Error::DuplicateOutput(output_name.as_str().into()).into());
/// Populate the inputs of a derivation from the build references
/// found when scanning the derivation's parameters.
fn populate_inputs<I: IntoIterator<Item = PathName>>(
drv: &mut Derivation,
known_paths: &KnownPaths,
references: I,
) {
for reference in references.into_iter() {
let reference = &known_paths[&reference];
match &reference.kind {
PathKind::Plain => {
PathKind::Output { name, derivation } => {
match drv.input_derivations.entry(derivation.clone()) {
btree_map::Entry::Vacant(entry) => {
btree_map::Entry::Occupied(mut entry) => {
PathKind::Derivation { output_names } => {
match drv.input_derivations.entry(reference.path.clone()) {
btree_map::Entry::Vacant(entry) => {
btree_map::Entry::Occupied(mut entry) => {
/// Populate the output configuration of a derivation based on the
/// parameters passed to the call, flipping the required
/// parameters for a fixed-output derivation if necessary.
/// This function handles all possible combinations of the
/// parameters, including invalid ones.
/// Due to the support for SRI hashes, and how these are passed along to
/// builtins.derivation, outputHash and outputHashAlgo can have values which
/// need to be further modified before constructing the Derivation struct.
/// If outputHashAlgo is an SRI hash, outputHashAlgo must either be an empty
/// string, or the hash algorithm as specified in the (single) SRI (entry).
/// SRI strings with multiple hash algorithms are not supported.
/// In case an SRI string was used, the (single) fixed output is populated
/// with the hash algo name, and the hash digest is populated with the
/// (lowercase) hex encoding of the digest.
/// These values are only rewritten for the outputs, not what's passed to env.
fn populate_output_configuration(
drv: &mut Derivation,
hash: Option<String>, // in nix: outputHash
hash_algo: Option<String>, // in nix: outputHashAlgo
hash_mode: Option<String>, // in nix: outputHashmode
) -> Result<(), ErrorKind> {
// We only do something when `digest` and `algo` are `Some(_)``, and
// there's an `out` output.
if let (Some(hash), Some(algo), hash_mode) = (hash, hash_algo, hash_mode) {
match drv.outputs.get_mut("out") {
None => return Err(Error::ConflictingOutputTypes.into()),
Some(out) => {
// treat an empty algo as None
let a = if algo.is_empty() {
} else {
let output_hash = nixhash::from_str(&hash, a).map_err(Error::InvalidOutputHash)?;
// construct the NixHashWithMode.
out.hash_with_mode = match hash_mode.as_deref() {
None | Some("flat") => Some(nixhash::NixHashWithMode::Flat(
nixhash::NixHash::new(output_hash.algo, output_hash.digest),
Some("recursive") => Some(nixhash::NixHashWithMode::Recursive(
nixhash::NixHash::new(output_hash.algo, output_hash.digest),
Some(other) => {
return Err(Error::InvalidOutputHashMode(other.to_string()).into())
/// Handles derivation parameters which are not just forwarded to
/// the environment. The return value indicates whether the
/// parameter should be included in the environment.
async fn handle_derivation_parameters(
drv: &mut Derivation,
co: &GenCo,
name: &str,
value: &Value,
val_str: &str,
) -> Result<bool, ErrorKind> {
match name {
IGNORE_NULLS => return Ok(false),
// Command line arguments to the builder.
"args" => {
let args = value.to_list()?;
for arg in args {
drv.arguments.push(strong_coerce_to_string(co, arg).await?);
// The arguments do not appear in the environment.
return Ok(false);
// Explicitly specified drv outputs (instead of default [ "out" ])
"outputs" => {
let outputs = value
.context("looking at the `outputs` parameter of the derivation")?;
populate_outputs(co, drv, outputs).await?;
"builder" => {
drv.builder = val_str.to_string();
"system" => {
drv.system = val_str.to_string();
_ => {}
async fn strong_coerce_to_string(co: &GenCo, val: Value) -> Result<String, ErrorKind> {
let val = generators::request_force(co, val).await;
let val_str = generators::request_string_coerce(co, val, CoercionKind::Strong).await;
#[builtins(state = "Rc<RefCell<KnownPaths>>")]
mod derivation_builtins {
use super::*;
use nix_compat::store_path::hash_placeholder;
use tvix_eval::generators::Gen;
async fn builtin_placeholder(co: GenCo, input: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
let placeholder = hash_placeholder(
.context("looking at output name in builtins.placeholder")?
/// Strictly construct a Nix derivation from the supplied arguments.
/// This is considered an internal function, users usually want to
/// use the higher-level `builtins.derivation` instead.
async fn builtin_derivation_strict(
state: Rc<RefCell<KnownPaths>>,
co: GenCo,
input: Value,
) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
let input = input.to_attrs()?;
let name = generators::request_force(&co, input.select_required("name")?.clone())
.context("determining derivation name")?;
// Check whether attributes should be passed as a JSON file.
// TODO: the JSON serialisation has to happen here.
if let Some(sa) = input.select(STRUCTURED_ATTRS) {
if generators::request_force(&co, sa.clone()).await.as_bool()? {
return Err(ErrorKind::NotImplemented(STRUCTURED_ATTRS));
// Check whether null attributes should be ignored or passed through.
let ignore_nulls = match input.select(IGNORE_NULLS) {
Some(b) => generators::request_force(&co, b.clone()).await.as_bool()?,
None => false,
let mut drv = Derivation::default();
drv.outputs.insert("out".to_string(), Default::default());
// Configure fixed-output derivations if required.
async fn select_string(
co: &GenCo,
attrs: &NixAttrs,
key: &str,
) -> Result<Option<String>, ErrorKind> {
if let Some(attr) = attrs.select(key) {
return Ok(Some(strong_coerce_to_string(co, attr.clone()).await?));
for (name, value) in input.clone().into_iter_sorted() {
let value = generators::request_force(&co, value).await;
if ignore_nulls && matches!(value, Value::Null) {
let val_str = strong_coerce_to_string(&co, value.clone()).await?;
// handle_derivation_parameters tells us whether the
// argument should be added to the environment; continue
// to the next one otherwise
if !handle_derivation_parameters(&mut drv, &co, name.as_str(), &value, &val_str).await?
// Most of these are also added to the builder's environment in "raw" form.
if drv
.insert(name.as_str().to_string(), val_str)
return Err(Error::DuplicateEnvVar(name.as_str().to_string()).into());
&mut drv,
select_string(&co, &input, "outputHash")
.context("evaluating the `outputHash` parameter")?,
select_string(&co, &input, "outputHashAlgo")
.context("evaluating the `outputHashAlgo` parameter")?,
select_string(&co, &input, "outputHashMode")
.context("evaluating the `outputHashMode` parameter")?,
// Scan references in relevant attributes to detect any build-references.
let references = {
let state = state.borrow();
if state.is_empty() {
// skip reference scanning, create an empty result
} else {
let mut refscan = state.reference_scanner();
drv.arguments.iter().for_each(|s| refscan.scan_str(s));
drv.environment.values().for_each(|s| refscan.scan_str(s));
// Each output name needs to exist in the environment, at this
// point initialised as an empty string because that is the
// way of Golang ;)
for output in drv.outputs.keys() {
if drv
.insert(output.to_string(), String::new())
return Err(Error::ShadowedOutput(output.to_string()).into());
let mut known_paths = state.borrow_mut();
populate_inputs(&mut drv, &known_paths, references);
// At this point, derivation fields are fully populated from
// eval data structures.
// Calculate the derivation_or_fod_hash for the current derivation.
// This one is still intermediate (so not added to known_paths)
let derivation_or_fod_hash_tmp =
drv.derivation_or_fod_hash(|drv| known_paths.get_hash_derivation_modulo(drv));
// Mutate the Derivation struct and set output paths
drv.calculate_output_paths(&name, &derivation_or_fod_hash_tmp)
let derivation_path = drv
// recompute the hash derivation modulo and add to known_paths
let derivation_or_fod_hash_final =
drv.derivation_or_fod_hash(|drv| known_paths.get_hash_derivation_modulo(drv));
// mark all the new paths as known
let output_names: Vec<String> = drv.outputs.keys().map(Clone::clone).collect();
known_paths.drv(derivation_path.to_absolute_path(), &output_names);
for (output_name, output) in &drv.outputs {
let mut new_attrs: Vec<(String, String)> = drv
.map(|(name, output)| (name, output.path))
new_attrs.push(("drvPath".to_string(), derivation_path.to_absolute_path()));
async fn builtin_to_file(
state: Rc<RefCell<KnownPaths>>,
co: GenCo,
name: Value,
content: Value,
) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
let name = name
.context("evaluating the `name` parameter of builtins.toFile")?;
let content = content
.context("evaluating the `content` parameter of builtins.toFile")?;
let mut refscan = state.borrow().reference_scanner();
let refs = {
let paths = state.borrow();
.map(|path| paths[&path].path.to_string())
// TODO: fail on derivation references (only "plain" is allowed here)
let path = nix_compat::store_path::build_store_path_from_references(
.map_err(|_e| {
// TODO: actually persist the file in the store at that path ...
pub use derivation_builtins::builtins as derivation_builtins;
mod tests {
use nix_compat::store_path::hash_placeholder;
use tvix_eval::observer::NoOpObserver;
// TODO: These tests are commented out because we do not have
// scaffolding to drive generators during testing at the moment.
// static mut OBSERVER: NoOpObserver = NoOpObserver {};
// // Creates a fake VM for tests, which can *not* actually be
// // used to force (most) values but can satisfy the type
// // parameter.
// fn fake_vm() -> VM<'static> {
// // safe because accessing the observer doesn't actually do anything
// unsafe {
// VM::new(
// Default::default(),
// Box::new(tvix_eval::DummyIO),
// &mut OBSERVER,
// Default::default(),
// todo!(),
// )
// }
// }
// #[test]
// fn populate_outputs_ok() {
// let mut vm = fake_vm();
// let mut drv = Derivation::default();
// drv.outputs.insert("out".to_string(), Default::default());
// let outputs = NixList::construct(
// 2,
// vec![Value::String("foo".into()), Value::String("bar".into())],
// );
// populate_outputs(&mut vm, &mut drv, outputs).expect("populate_outputs should succeed");
// assert_eq!(drv.outputs.len(), 2);
// assert!(drv.outputs.contains_key("bar"));
// assert!(drv.outputs.contains_key("foo"));
// }
// #[test]
// fn populate_outputs_duplicate() {
// let mut vm = fake_vm();
// let mut drv = Derivation::default();
// drv.outputs.insert("out".to_string(), Default::default());
// let outputs = NixList::construct(
// 2,
// vec![Value::String("foo".into()), Value::String("foo".into())],
// );
// populate_outputs(&mut vm, &mut drv, outputs)
// .expect_err("supplying duplicate outputs should fail");
// }
// #[test]
// fn populate_inputs_empty() {
// let mut drv = Derivation::default();
// let paths = KnownPaths::default();
// let inputs = vec![];
// populate_inputs(&mut drv, &paths, inputs);
// assert!(drv.input_sources.is_empty());
// assert!(drv.input_derivations.is_empty());
// }
// #[test]
// fn populate_inputs_all() {
// let mut drv = Derivation::default();
// let mut paths = KnownPaths::default();
// paths.plain("/nix/store/fn7zvafq26f0c8b17brs7s95s10ibfzs-foo");
// paths.drv(
// "/nix/store/aqffiyqx602lbam7n1zsaz3yrh6v08pc-bar.drv",
// &["out"],
// );
// paths.output(
// "/nix/store/zvpskvjwi72fjxg0vzq822sfvq20mq4l-bar",
// "out",
// "/nix/store/aqffiyqx602lbam7n1zsaz3yrh6v08pc-bar.drv",
// );
// let inputs = vec![
// "/nix/store/fn7zvafq26f0c8b17brs7s95s10ibfzs-foo".into(),
// "/nix/store/aqffiyqx602lbam7n1zsaz3yrh6v08pc-bar.drv".into(),
// "/nix/store/zvpskvjwi72fjxg0vzq822sfvq20mq4l-bar".into(),
// ];
// populate_inputs(&mut drv, &paths, inputs);
// assert_eq!(drv.input_sources.len(), 1);
// assert!(drv
// .input_sources
// .contains("/nix/store/fn7zvafq26f0c8b17brs7s95s10ibfzs-foo"));
// assert_eq!(drv.input_derivations.len(), 1);
// assert!(drv
// .input_derivations
// .contains_key("/nix/store/aqffiyqx602lbam7n1zsaz3yrh6v08pc-bar.drv"));
// }
// #[test]
// fn populate_output_config_std() {
// let mut drv = Derivation::default();
// populate_output_configuration(&mut drv, None, None, None)
// .expect("populate_output_configuration() should succeed");
// assert_eq!(drv, Derivation::default(), "derivation should be unchanged");
// }
// #[test]
// fn populate_output_config_fod() {
// let mut drv = Derivation::default();
// drv.outputs.insert("out".to_string(), Default::default());
// populate_output_configuration(
// &mut drv,
// Some("0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000".into()),
// Some("sha256".into()),
// None,
// )
// .expect("populate_output_configuration() should succeed");
// let expected = Hash {
// algo: "sha256".into(),
// digest: "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000".into(),
// };
// assert_eq!(drv.outputs["out"].hash, Some(expected));
// }
// #[test]
// fn populate_output_config_fod_recursive() {
// let mut drv = Derivation::default();
// drv.outputs.insert("out".to_string(), Default::default());
// populate_output_configuration(
// &mut drv,
// Some("0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000".into()),
// Some("sha256".into()),
// Some("recursive".into()),
// )
// .expect("populate_output_configuration() should succeed");
// let expected = Hash {
// algo: "r:sha256".into(),
// digest: "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000".into(),
// };
// assert_eq!(drv.outputs["out"].hash, Some(expected));
// }
// #[test]
// /// hash_algo set to sha256, but SRI hash passed
// fn populate_output_config_flat_sri_sha256() {
// let mut drv = Derivation::default();
// drv.outputs.insert("out".to_string(), Default::default());
// populate_output_configuration(
// &mut drv,
// Some("sha256-swapHA/ZO8QoDPwumMt6s5gf91oYe+oyk4EfRSyJqMg=".into()),
// Some("sha256".into()),
// Some("flat".into()),
// )
// .expect("populate_output_configuration() should succeed");
// let expected = Hash {
// algo: "sha256".into(),
// digest: "b306a91c0fd93bc4280cfc2e98cb7ab3981ff75a187bea3293811f452c89a8c8".into(), // lower hex
// };
// assert_eq!(drv.outputs["out"].hash, Some(expected));
// }
// #[test]
// /// hash_algo set to empty string, SRI hash passed
// fn populate_output_config_flat_sri() {
// let mut drv = Derivation::default();
// drv.outputs.insert("out".to_string(), Default::default());
// populate_output_configuration(
// &mut drv,
// Some("sha256-s6JN6XqP28g1uYMxaVAQMLiXcDG8tUs7OsE3QPhGqzA=".into()),
// Some("".into()),
// Some("flat".into()),
// )
// .expect("populate_output_configuration() should succeed");
// let expected = Hash {
// algo: "sha256".into(),
// digest: "b3a24de97a8fdbc835b9833169501030b8977031bcb54b3b3ac13740f846ab30".into(), // lower hex
// };
// assert_eq!(drv.outputs["out"].hash, Some(expected));
// }
// #[test]
// fn handle_outputs_parameter() {
// let mut vm = fake_vm();
// let mut drv = Derivation::default();
// drv.outputs.insert("out".to_string(), Default::default());
// let outputs = Value::List(NixList::construct(
// 2,
// vec![Value::String("foo".into()), Value::String("bar".into())],
// ));
// let outputs_str = outputs
// .coerce_to_string(CoercionKind::Strong, &mut vm)
// .unwrap();
// handle_derivation_parameters(&mut drv, &mut vm, "outputs", &outputs, outputs_str.as_str())
// .expect("handling 'outputs' parameter should succeed");
// assert_eq!(drv.outputs.len(), 2);
// assert!(drv.outputs.contains_key("bar"));
// assert!(drv.outputs.contains_key("foo"));
// }
// #[test]
// fn handle_args_parameter() {
// let mut vm = fake_vm();
// let mut drv = Derivation::default();
// let args = Value::List(NixList::construct(
// 3,
// vec![
// Value::String("--foo".into()),
// Value::String("42".into()),
// Value::String("--bar".into()),
// ],
// ));
// let args_str = args
// .coerce_to_string(CoercionKind::Strong, &mut vm)
// .unwrap();
// handle_derivation_parameters(&mut drv, &mut vm, "args", &args, args_str.as_str())
// .expect("handling 'args' parameter should succeed");
// assert_eq!(
// drv.arguments,
// vec!["--foo".to_string(), "42".to_string(), "--bar".to_string()]
// );
// }
fn builtins_placeholder_hashes() {