//! Module to create an OCI runtime bundle for a given [BuildRequest].
use std::{
path::{Path, PathBuf},
use super::scratch_name;
use crate::buildservice::BuildRequest;
use anyhow::{bail, Context};
use tracing::{debug, instrument};
/// Produce an OCI bundle in a given path.
/// Check [make_spec] for a description about the paths produced.
pub(crate) fn make_bundle<'a>(
request: &BuildRequest,
runtime_spec: &oci_spec::runtime::Spec,
path: &Path,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
fs::create_dir_all(path).context("failed to create bundle path")?;
let spec_json = serde_json::to_string(runtime_spec).context("failed to render spec to json")?;
fs::write(path.join("config.json"), spec_json).context("failed to write config.json")?;
fs::create_dir_all(path.join("inputs")).context("failed to create inputs dir")?;
let root_path = path.join("root");
fs::create_dir_all(&root_path).context("failed to create root path dir")?;
fs::create_dir_all(root_path.join("etc")).context("failed to create root/etc dir")?;
// TODO: populate /etc/{group,passwd}. It's a mess?
let scratch_root = path.join("scratch");
fs::create_dir_all(&scratch_root).context("failed to create scratch/ dir")?;
// for each scratch path, calculate its name inside scratch, and ensure the
// directory exists.
for p in request.scratch_paths.iter() {
let scratch_path = scratch_root.join(scratch_name(p));
debug!(scratch_path=?scratch_path, path=?p, "about to create scratch dir");
fs::create_dir_all(scratch_path).context("Unable to create scratch dir")?;
/// Determine the path of all outputs specified in a [BuildRequest]
/// as seen from the host, for post-build ingestion.
/// This lookup needs to take scratch paths into consideration, as the build
/// root is not writable on its own.
/// If a path can't be determined, an error is returned.
pub(crate) fn get_host_output_paths(
request: &BuildRequest,
bundle_path: &Path,
) -> anyhow::Result<Vec<PathBuf>> {
let scratch_root = bundle_path.join("scratch");
let mut host_output_paths: Vec<PathBuf> = Vec::with_capacity(request.outputs.len());
for output_path in request.outputs.iter() {
// calculate the location of the path.
if let Some((mp, relpath)) = find_path_in_scratchs(output_path, &request.scratch_paths) {
} else {
bail!("unable to find path {output_path:?}");
/// For a given list of mountpoints (sorted) and a search_path, find the
/// specific mountpoint parenting that search_path and return it, as well as the
/// relative path from there to the search_path.
/// mountpoints must be sorted, so we can iterate over the list from the back
/// and match on the prefix.
fn find_path_in_scratchs<'a, 'b, I>(
search_path: &'a Path,
mountpoints: I,
) -> Option<(&'b Path, &'a Path)>
I: IntoIterator<Item = &'b PathBuf>,
I::IntoIter: DoubleEndedIterator,
.find_map(|mp| Some((mp.as_path(), search_path.strip_prefix(mp).ok()?)))
mod tests {
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use rstest::rstest;
use crate::{buildservice::BuildRequest, oci::scratch_name};
use super::{find_path_in_scratchs, get_host_output_paths};
#[case::simple("nix/store/aaaa", &["nix/store".into()], Some(("nix/store", "aaaa")))]
#[case::prefix_no_sep("nix/store/aaaa", &["nix/sto".into()], None)]
#[case::not_found("nix/store/aaaa", &["build".into()], None)]
fn test_test_find_path_in_scratchs(
#[case] search_path: &str,
#[case] mountpoints: &[String],
#[case] expected: Option<(&str, &str)>,
) {
let expected = expected.map(|e| (Path::new(e.0), Path::new(e.1)));
fn test_get_host_output_paths_simple() {
let request = BuildRequest {
outputs: vec!["nix/store/fhaj6gmwns62s6ypkcldbaj2ybvkhx3p-foo".into()],
scratch_paths: vec!["build".into(), "nix/store".into()],
let paths =
get_host_output_paths(&request, Path::new("bundle-root")).expect("must succeed");
let mut expected_path = PathBuf::new();
assert_eq!(vec![expected_path], paths)