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path: root/third_party/bazel/rules_haskell/haskell/import.bzl
blob: a79a9cff7b3da7de28e250efa8eac5782316590a (plain) (tree)

"""Importing prebuilt packages into bazel"""

load("@bazel_skylib//lib:paths.bzl", "paths")
load(":private/context.bzl", "haskell_context")
load(":private/path_utils.bzl", "copy_all", "link_forest", "ln")
load(":private/set.bzl", "set")
load(":private/version_macros.bzl", "generate_version_macros")

def _haskell_import_impl(ctx):
    hs = haskell_context(ctx)

    package_cache = ctx.actions.declare_file(
        paths.join("package.conf.d", "package.cache"),

    local_package_confs = link_forest(
        ctx = ctx,
        srcs = ctx.attr.package_confs.files,
        sibling = package_cache,

    local_haddock_html = ctx.actions.declare_directory("haddock-html")
        ctx = ctx,
        srcs = ctx.attr.haddock_html.files,
        dest = local_haddock_html,
        outputs = [package_cache],
        inputs = local_package_confs,
        mnemonic = "HaskellCreatePackageCache",
        executable =,
        arguments = [
    ln(ctx, package_cache, ctx.outputs.cache)

    dependencies_caches = set.singleton(package_cache)
    for dep in ctx.attr.deps:
        if HaskellInfo in dep:
            set.mutable_union(dependencies_caches, dep[HaskellInfo].package_databases)

    deps_ids = [
        for dep in ctx.attr.deps
        if HaskellLibraryInfo in dep

    version_macros = set.empty()
    if ctx.attr.version != None:
        version_macros = set.singleton(
            generate_version_macros(ctx,, ctx.attr.version),

    libInfo = HaskellLibraryInfo(
        package_id = ctx.attr.package_id,
        version = ctx.attr.version,
    buildInfo = HaskellInfo(
        package_ids = set.from_list([ctx.attr.package_id] + deps_ids),
        package_databases = dependencies_caches,
        version_macros = version_macros,
        import_dirs = [],
        source_files = set.empty(),
        extra_source_files = set.empty(),
        static_libraries = [],
        static_libraries_prof = [],
        dynamic_libraries = set.empty(),
        interface_dirs = set.empty(),
        compile_flags = [],
        prebuilt_dependencies = set.empty(),
        direct_prebuilt_deps = set.empty(),
        cc_dependencies = empty_HaskellCcInfo(),
        transitive_cc_dependencies = empty_HaskellCcInfo(),
    html_files = ctx.attr.haddock_html.files.to_list()
    transitive_html = {ctx.attr.package_id: local_haddock_html} if html_files != [] else {}
    interface_files = ctx.attr.haddock_interfaces.files.to_list()
    transitive_haddocks = {ctx.attr.package_id: interface_files[0]} if interface_files != [] else {}

    haddockInfo = HaddockInfo(
        package_id = ctx.attr.package_id,
        transitive_html = transitive_html,
        transitive_haddocks = transitive_haddocks,
    return [buildInfo, libInfo, haddockInfo]

haskell_import = rule(
    attrs = dict(
        package_id = attr.string(doc = "Workspace unique package identifier"),
        deps = attr.label_list(doc = "Haskell dependencies for the package"),
        version = attr.string(doc = "Package version."),
        haddock_interfaces = attr.label(doc = "List of haddock interfaces"),
        haddock_html = attr.label(doc = "List of haddock html dirs"),
        package_confs = attr.label(doc = "List of ghc-pkg package.conf files"),
        _version_macros = attr.label(
            executable = True,
            cfg = "host",
            default = Label("@io_tweag_rules_haskell//haskell:version_macros"),
    outputs = {
        "cache": "%{name}-cache",
    toolchains = ["@io_tweag_rules_haskell//haskell:toolchain"],