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path: root/src/libutil/util.hh
blob: 7f3d41e76ef3f3f2e2a1119872211e115864678c (plain) (tree)















































#ifndef __UTIL_H
#define __UTIL_H

#include "types.hh"

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>

namespace nix {

/* Return an environment variable. */
string getEnv(const string & key, const string & def = "");

/* Return an absolutized path, resolving paths relative to the
   specified directory, or the current directory otherwise.  The path
   is also canonicalised. */
Path absPath(Path path, Path dir = "");

/* Canonicalise a path by removing all `.' or `..' components and
   double or trailing slashes.  Optionally resolves all symlink
   components such that each component of the resulting path is *not*
   a symbolic link. */
Path canonPath(const Path & path, bool resolveSymlinks = false);

/* Return the directory part of the given canonical path, i.e.,
   everything before the final `/'.  If the path is the root or an
   immediate child thereof (e.g., `/foo'), this means an empty string
   is returned. */
Path dirOf(const Path & path);

/* Return the base name of the given canonical path, i.e., everything
   following the final `/'. */
string baseNameOf(const Path & path);

/* Return true iff the given path exists. */
bool pathExists(const Path & path);

/* Read the contents (target) of a symbolic link.  The result is not
   in any way canonicalised. */
Path readLink(const Path & path);

bool isLink(const Path & path);

/* Read the contents of a directory.  The entries `.' and `..' are
   removed. */
Strings readDirectory(const Path & path);

/* Read the contents of a file into a string. */
string readFile(int fd);
string readFile(const Path & path);

/* Write a string to a file. */
void writeFile(const Path & path, const string & s);

/* Compute the sum of the sizes of all files in `path'. */
unsigned long long computePathSize(const Path & path);

/* Delete a path; i.e., in the case of a directory, it is deleted
   recursively.  Don't use this at home, kids.  The second variant
   returns the number of bytes freed. */
void deletePath(const Path & path);

void deletePath(const Path & path, unsigned long long & bytesFreed);

/* Make a path read-only recursively. */
void makePathReadOnly(const Path & path);

/* Create a temporary directory. */
Path createTempDir();

/* Create a directory and all its parents, if necessary. */
void createDirs(const Path & path);

/* Create a file and write the given text to it.  The file is written
   in binary mode (i.e., no end-of-line conversions).  The path should
   not already exist. */
void writeStringToFile(const Path & path, const string & s);

template<class T, class A>
T singleton(const A & a)
    T t;
    return t;

/* Messages. */

typedef enum {
    ltPretty,   /* nice, nested output */
    ltEscapes,  /* nesting indicated using escape codes (for log2xml) */
    ltFlat      /* no nesting */
} LogType;

extern LogType logType;
extern Verbosity verbosity; /* suppress msgs > this */

class Nest
    bool nest;
    void open(Verbosity level, const format & f);
    void close();

void printMsg_(Verbosity level, const format & f);

#define startNest(varName, level, f) \
    Nest varName; \
    if (level <= verbosity) { \
      varName.open(level, (f)); \

#define printMsg(level, f) \
    do { \
        if (level <= verbosity) { \
            printMsg_(level, (f)); \
        } \
    } while (0)

#define debug(f) printMsg(lvlDebug, f)

void warnOnce(bool & haveWarned, const format & f);

/* Wrappers arount read()/write() that read/write exactly the
   requested number of bytes. */
void readFull(int fd, unsigned char * buf, size_t count);
void writeFull(int fd, const unsigned char * buf, size_t count);

/* Read a file descriptor until EOF occurs. */
string drainFD(int fd);

/* Automatic cleanup of resources. */

class AutoDelete
    string path;
    bool del;
    AutoDelete(const string & p);
    void cancel();

class AutoCloseFD
    int fd;
    AutoCloseFD(int fd);
    AutoCloseFD(const AutoCloseFD & fd);
    void operator =(int fd);
    operator int() const;
    void close();
    bool isOpen();
    int borrow();

class Pipe
    AutoCloseFD readSide, writeSide;
    void create();

class AutoCloseDir
    DIR * dir;
    AutoCloseDir(DIR * dir);
    void operator =(DIR * dir);
    operator DIR *();

class Pid
    pid_t pid;
    bool separatePG;
    void operator =(pid_t pid);
    operator pid_t();
    void kill();
    int wait(bool block);
    void setSeparatePG(bool separatePG);

/* Run a program and return its stdout in a string (i.e., like the
   shell backtick operator). */
string runProgram(Path program);

/* Wrapper around _exit() on Unix and ExitProcess() on Windows.  (On
   Cygwin, _exit() doesn't seem to do the right thing.) */
void quickExit(int status);

/* User interruption. */

extern volatile sig_atomic_t _isInterrupted;

void _interrupted();

void inline checkInterrupt()
    if (_isInterrupted) _interrupted();

/* String packing / unpacking. */
string packStrings(const Strings & strings);
Strings unpackStrings(const string & s);

/* String tokenizer. */
Strings tokenizeString(const string & s, const string & separators = " \t\n\r");

/* Convert the exit status of a child as returned by wait() into an
   error string. */
string statusToString(int status);

bool statusOk(int status);

/* Parse a string into an integer. */
string int2String(int n);
bool string2Int(const string & s, int & n);

/* Setuid support. */
struct SwitchToOriginalUser

void switchToNixUser();


#endif /* !__UTIL_H */