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path: root/src/Xanthous/Random.hs
blob: 41c80ab73c4c1486270b8e190aa951253b8aa060 (plain) (tree)










{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Xanthous.Random
  ( Choose(..)
  , ChooseElement(..)
  , Weighted(..)
  , evenlyWeighted
  , weightedBy
  , subRand
  , chance
  ) where
import Xanthous.Prelude
import           Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import           Control.Monad.Random.Class (MonadRandom(getRandomR, getRandom))
import           Control.Monad.Random (Rand, evalRand, mkStdGen, StdGen)
import           Data.Random.Shuffle.Weighted
import           Data.Random.Distribution
import           Data.Random.Distribution.Uniform
import           Data.Random.Distribution.Uniform.Exclusive
import           Data.Random.Sample
import qualified Data.Random.Source as DRS

instance {-# INCOHERENT #-} (Monad m, MonadRandom m) => DRS.MonadRandom m where
  getRandomWord8 = getRandom
  getRandomWord16 = getRandom
  getRandomWord32 = getRandom
  getRandomWord64 = getRandom
  getRandomDouble = getRandom
  getRandomNByteInteger n = getRandomR (0, 256 ^ n)

class Choose a where
  type RandomResult a
  choose :: MonadRandom m => a -> m (RandomResult a)

newtype ChooseElement a = ChooseElement a

instance MonoFoldable a => Choose (ChooseElement a) where
  type RandomResult (ChooseElement a) = Maybe (Element a)
  choose (ChooseElement xs) = do
    chosenIdx <- getRandomR (0, olength xs - 1)
    let pick _ (Just x) = Just x
        pick (x, i) Nothing
          | i == chosenIdx = Just x
          | otherwise = Nothing
    pure $ ofoldr pick Nothing $ zip (toList xs) [0..]

instance MonoFoldable a => Choose (NonNull a) where
  type RandomResult (NonNull a) = Element a
    = fmap (fromMaybe (error "unreachable")) -- why not lol
    . choose
    . ChooseElement
    . toNullable

instance Choose (NonEmpty a) where
  type RandomResult (NonEmpty a) = a
  choose = choose . fromNonEmpty @[_]

instance Choose (a, a) where
  type RandomResult (a, a) = a
  choose (x, y) = choose (x :| [y])

newtype Weighted w t a = Weighted (t (w, a))

evenlyWeighted :: [a] -> Weighted Int [] a
evenlyWeighted = Weighted . itoList

weightedBy :: Functor t => (a -> w) -> t a -> Weighted w t a
weightedBy weighting xs = Weighted $ (weighting &&& id) <$> xs

instance (Num w, Ord w, Distribution Uniform w, Excludable w) => Choose (Weighted w [] a) where
  type RandomResult (Weighted w [] a) = Maybe a
  choose (Weighted ws) = sample $ headMay <$> weightedSample 1 ws

instance (Num w, Ord w, Distribution Uniform w, Excludable w) => Choose (Weighted w NonEmpty a) where
  type RandomResult (Weighted w NonEmpty a) = a
  choose (Weighted ws) =
    $ fromMaybe (error "unreachable") . headMay
    <$> weightedSample 1 (toList ws)

subRand :: MonadRandom m => Rand StdGen a -> m a
subRand sub = evalRand sub . mkStdGen <$> getRandom

-- | Has a @n@ chance of returning 'True'
-- eg, chance 0.5 will return 'True' half the time
  :: (Num w, Ord w, Distribution Uniform w, Excludable w, MonadRandom m)
  => w
  -> m Bool
chance n = choose $ weightedBy (bool 1 (n * 2)) bools


bools :: NonEmpty Bool
bools = True :| [False]