{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Xanthous.App (makeApp) where
import Xanthous.Prelude
import Brick hiding (App, halt, continue, raw)
import qualified Brick
import Brick.Widgets.Edit (handleEditorEvent)
import Graphics.Vty.Attributes (defAttr)
import Graphics.Vty.Input.Events (Event(EvKey), Key(..))
import Control.Monad.State (get, MonadState)
import Control.Monad.Random (MonadRandom)
import Control.Monad.State.Class (modify)
import Data.Aeson (object, ToJSON)
import qualified Data.Aeson as A
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import System.Exit
import Xanthous.Command
import Xanthous.Data
( move
, Dimensions'(Dimensions)
, positioned
, Position
import Xanthous.Data.EntityMap (EntityMap)
import qualified Xanthous.Data.EntityMap as EntityMap
import Xanthous.Game
import Xanthous.Game.Draw (drawGame)
import Xanthous.Game.Prompt
import Xanthous.Monad
import Xanthous.Resource (Name)
import qualified Xanthous.Messages as Messages
import Xanthous.Util.Inflection (toSentence)
import qualified Xanthous.Entities.Character as Character
import Xanthous.Entities.Character
import Xanthous.Entities
import Xanthous.Entities.Item (Item)
import qualified Xanthous.Entities.Item as Item
import Xanthous.Entities.Creature (Creature)
import qualified Xanthous.Entities.Creature as Creature
import Xanthous.Entities.Environment (Door, open, locked)
import Xanthous.Entities.RawTypes (edible, eatMessage, hitpointsHealed)
import Xanthous.Generators
import qualified Xanthous.Generators.CaveAutomata as CaveAutomata
type App = Brick.App GameState () Name
makeApp :: IO App
makeApp = pure $ Brick.App
{ appDraw = drawGame
, appChooseCursor = const headMay
, appHandleEvent = \game event -> runAppM (handleEvent event) game
, appStartEvent = runAppM $ startEvent >> get
, appAttrMap = const $ attrMap defAttr []
runAppM :: AppM a -> GameState -> EventM Name a
runAppM appm = fmap fst . runAppT appm
startEvent :: AppM ()
startEvent = do
modify updateCharacterVision
use (character . characterName) >>= \case
Nothing -> prompt_ @'StringPrompt ["character", "namePrompt"] Uncancellable
$ \(StringResult s) -> do
character . characterName ?= s
say ["welcome"] =<< use character
Just n -> say ["welcome"] $ object [ "characterName" A..= n ]
initLevel :: AppM ()
initLevel = do
level <-
generateLevel SCaveAutomata CaveAutomata.defaultParams
$ Dimensions 80 80
entities <>= (SomeEntity <$> level ^. levelWalls)
entities <>= (SomeEntity <$> level ^. levelItems)
entities <>= (SomeEntity <$> level ^. levelCreatures)
characterPosition .= level ^. levelCharacterPosition
stepGame :: AppM ()
stepGame = do
ents <- uses entities EntityMap.toEIDsAndPositioned
for_ ents $ \(eid, pEntity) -> do
pEntity' <- step pEntity
entities . ix eid .= pEntity'
whenM (uses (character . characterHitpoints) (== 0))
. prompt_ @'Continue ["dead"] Uncancellable
. const . lift . liftIO
$ exitSuccess
handleEvent :: BrickEvent Name () -> AppM (Next GameState)
handleEvent ev = use promptState >>= \case
NoPrompt -> handleNoPromptEvent ev
WaitingPrompt msg pr -> handlePromptEvent msg pr ev
handleNoPromptEvent :: BrickEvent Name () -> AppM (Next GameState)
handleNoPromptEvent (VtyEvent (EvKey k mods))
| Just command <- commandFromKey k mods
= do messageHistory %= nextTurn
handleCommand command
handleNoPromptEvent _ = continue
handleCommand :: Command -> AppM (Next GameState)
handleCommand Quit = halt
handleCommand (Move dir) = do
newPos <- uses characterPosition $ move dir
collisionAt newPos >>= \case
Nothing -> do
characterPosition .= newPos
describeEntitiesAt newPos
modify updateCharacterVision
Just Combat -> attackAt newPos
Just Stop -> pure ()
handleCommand PickUp = do
pos <- use characterPosition
items <- uses entities $ entitiesAtPositionWithType @Item pos
case items of
[] -> say_ ["items", "nothingToPickUp"]
[(itemID, item)] -> do
character %= Character.pickUpItem item
entities . at itemID .= Nothing
say ["items", "pickUp"] $ object [ "item" A..= item ]
_ -> undefined
handleCommand PreviousMessage = do
messageHistory %= previousMessage
handleCommand Open = do
prompt_ @'DirectionPrompt ["open", "prompt"] Cancellable
$ \(DirectionResult dir) -> do
pos <- move dir <$> use characterPosition
doors <- uses entities $ entitiesAtPositionWithType @Door pos
if | null doors -> say_ ["open", "nothingToOpen"]
| any (view $ _2 . locked) doors -> say_ ["open", "locked"]
| otherwise -> do
for_ doors $ \(eid, _) ->
entities . ix eid . positioned . _SomeEntity . open .= True
say_ ["open", "success"]
pure ()
handleCommand Wait = stepGame >> continue
handleCommand Eat = do
uses (character . inventory)
(V.mapMaybe (\item -> (item,) <$> item ^. Item.itemType . edible))
>>= \case
Empty -> say_ ["eat", "noFood"]
food ->
let foodMenuItem idx (item, edibleItem)
= ( item ^. Item.itemType . char . char
, MenuOption (description item) (idx, item, edibleItem))
menuItems = mkMenuItems $ imap foodMenuItem food
in menu_ ["eat", "menuPrompt"] Cancellable menuItems
$ \(MenuResult (idx, item, edibleItem)) -> do
character . inventory %= \inv ->
let (before, after) = V.splitAt idx inv
in before <> fromMaybe Empty (tailMay after)
let msg = fromMaybe (Messages.lookup ["eat", "eat"])
$ edibleItem ^. eatMessage
character . characterHitpoints +=
edibleItem ^. hitpointsHealed . to fromIntegral
message msg $ object ["item" A..= item]
handleCommand ToggleRevealAll = do
val <- debugState . allRevealed <%= not
say ["debug", "toggleRevealAll"] $ object [ "revealAll" A..= val ]
:: Text -- ^ Prompt message
-> Prompt AppM
-> BrickEvent Name ()
-> AppM (Next GameState)
handlePromptEvent _ (Prompt Cancellable _ _ _ _) (VtyEvent (EvKey KEsc [])) = do
promptState .= NoPrompt
handlePromptEvent _ pr (VtyEvent (EvKey KEnter [])) =
submitPrompt pr >> clearPrompt
(Prompt c SStringPrompt (StringPromptState edit) pri cb)
(VtyEvent ev)
= do
edit' <- lift $ handleEditorEvent ev edit
let prompt' = Prompt c SStringPrompt (StringPromptState edit') pri cb
promptState .= WaitingPrompt msg prompt'
handlePromptEvent _ (Prompt _ SDirectionPrompt _ _ cb)
(VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar (directionFromChar -> Just dir)) []))
= cb (DirectionResult dir) >> clearPrompt
handlePromptEvent _ (Prompt _ SDirectionPrompt _ _ _) _ = continue
handlePromptEvent _ (Prompt _ SContinue _ _ _) _ = continue
handlePromptEvent _ (Prompt _ SMenu _ items cb) (VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar chr) []))
| Just (MenuOption _ res) <- items ^. at chr
= cb (MenuResult res) >> clearPrompt
| otherwise
= continue
handlePromptEvent _ _ _ = undefined
clearPrompt :: AppM (Next GameState)
clearPrompt = promptState .= NoPrompt >> continue
:: forall (pt :: PromptType) (params :: Type).
(ToJSON params, SingPromptType pt, PromptInput pt ~ ())
=> [Text] -- ^ Message key
-> params -- ^ Message params
-> PromptCancellable
-> (PromptResult pt -> AppM ()) -- ^ Prompt promise handler
-> AppM ()
prompt msgPath params cancellable cb = do
let pt = singPromptType @pt
msg <- Messages.message msgPath params
let p = mkPrompt cancellable pt cb
promptState .= WaitingPrompt msg p
:: forall (pt :: PromptType) .
(SingPromptType pt, PromptInput pt ~ ())
=> [Text] -- ^ Message key
-> PromptCancellable
-> (PromptResult pt -> AppM ()) -- ^ Prompt promise handler
-> AppM ()
prompt_ msg = prompt msg $ object []
menu :: forall (a :: Type) (params :: Type).
(ToJSON params)
=> [Text] -- ^ Message key
-> params -- ^ Message params
-> PromptCancellable
-> Map Char (MenuOption a) -- ^ Menu items
-> (PromptResult ('Menu a) -> AppM ()) -- ^ Menu promise handler
-> AppM ()
menu msgPath params cancellable items cb = do
msg <- Messages.message msgPath params
let p = mkMenu cancellable items cb
promptState .= WaitingPrompt msg p
menu_ :: forall (a :: Type).
[Text] -- ^ Message key
-> PromptCancellable
-> Map Char (MenuOption a) -- ^ Menu items
-> (PromptResult ('Menu a) -> AppM ()) -- ^ Menu promise handler
-> AppM ()
menu_ msgPath = menu msgPath $ object []
:: forall a. (Entity a, Typeable a)
=> Position
-> EntityMap SomeEntity
-> [(EntityMap.EntityID, a)]
entitiesAtPositionWithType pos em =
let someEnts = EntityMap.atPositionWithIDs pos em
in flip foldMap someEnts $ \(eid, view positioned -> se) ->
case downcastEntity @a se of
Just e -> [(eid, e)]
Nothing -> []
describeEntitiesAt :: (MonadState GameState m, MonadRandom m) => Position -> m ()
describeEntitiesAt pos =
use ( entities
. EntityMap.atPosition pos
. to (filter (not . entityIs @Character))
) >>= \case
Empty -> pure ()
ents ->
let descriptions = description <$> ents
in say ["entities", "description"] $ object
["entityDescriptions" A..= toSentence descriptions]
attackAt :: Position -> AppM ()
attackAt pos =
uses entities (entitiesAtPositionWithType @Creature pos) >>= \case
Empty -> say_ ["combat", "nothingToAttack"]
(creature :< Empty) -> attackCreature creature
creatures -> undefined
attackCreature (creatureID, creature) = do
charDamage <- use $ character . characterDamage
let creature' = Creature.damage charDamage creature
msgParams = object ["creature" A..= creature']
if Creature.isDead creature'
then do
say ["combat", "killed"] msgParams
entities . at creatureID .= Nothing
else do
say ["combat", "hit"] msgParams
entities . ix creatureID . positioned .= SomeEntity creature'