{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
module Types where
import Data.Aeson
import Utils
import Data.Text
import Data.Typeable
import Database.SQLite.Simple
import Database.SQLite.Simple.Ok
import Database.SQLite.Simple.FromField
import Database.SQLite.Simple.ToField
import GHC.Generics
import Crypto.Random.Types (MonadRandom)
import qualified Crypto.KDF.BCrypt as BC
import qualified Data.Time.Clock as Clock
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
import qualified Data.UUID as UUID
-- TODO(wpcarro): Properly handle NULL for columns like profilePicture.
forNewtype :: (Typeable b) => (Text -> b) -> FieldParser b
forNewtype wrapper field =
case fieldData field of
(SQLText x) -> Ok (wrapper x)
_ -> returnError ConversionFailed field ""
newtype Username = Username Text
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance ToJSON Username
instance FromJSON Username
instance ToField Username where
toField (Username x) = SQLText x
instance FromField Username where
fromField = forNewtype Username
newtype HashedPassword = HashedPassword BS.ByteString
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance ToField HashedPassword where
toField (HashedPassword x) = SQLText (TE.decodeUtf8 x)
instance FromField HashedPassword where
fromField field =
case fieldData field of
(SQLText x) -> x |> TE.encodeUtf8 |> HashedPassword |> Ok
_ -> returnError ConversionFailed field ""
newtype ClearTextPassword = ClearTextPassword Text
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance ToJSON ClearTextPassword
instance FromJSON ClearTextPassword
instance ToField ClearTextPassword where
toField (ClearTextPassword x) = SQLText x
instance FromField ClearTextPassword where
fromField = forNewtype ClearTextPassword
newtype Email = Email Text
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance ToJSON Email
instance FromJSON Email
instance ToField Email where
toField (Email x) = SQLText x
instance FromField Email where
fromField = forNewtype Email
data Role = RegularUser | Manager | Admin
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance ToJSON Role where
toJSON RegularUser = "user"
toJSON Manager = "manager"
toJSON Admin = "admin"
instance FromJSON Role where
parseJSON = withText "Role" $ \x ->
case x of
"user" -> pure RegularUser
"manager" -> pure Manager
"admin" -> pure Admin
instance ToField Role where
toField RegularUser = SQLText "user"
toField Manager = SQLText "manager"
toField Admin = SQLText "admin"
instance FromField Role where
fromField field =
case fieldData field of
(SQLText "user") -> Ok RegularUser
(SQLText "manager") -> Ok Manager
(SQLText "admin") -> Ok Admin
_ -> returnError ConversionFailed field ""
-- TODO(wpcarro): Prefer Data.ByteString instead of Text
newtype ProfilePicture = ProfilePicture Text
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance ToJSON ProfilePicture
instance FromJSON ProfilePicture
instance ToField ProfilePicture where
toField (ProfilePicture x) = SQLText x
instance FromField ProfilePicture where
fromField = forNewtype ProfilePicture
data Account = Account
{ accountUsername :: Username
, accountPassword :: HashedPassword
, accountEmail :: Email
, accountRole :: Role
, accountProfilePicture :: Maybe ProfilePicture
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
-- | Return a tuple with all of the fields for an Account record to use for SQL.
accountFields :: Account -> (Username, HashedPassword, Email, Role, Maybe ProfilePicture)
accountFields (Account { accountUsername
, accountPassword
, accountEmail
, accountRole
, accountProfilePicture
= ( accountUsername
, accountPassword
, accountEmail
, accountRole
, accountProfilePicture
instance FromRow Account where
fromRow = Account <$> field
<*> field
<*> field
<*> field
<*> field
data Session = Session
{ username :: Username
, role :: Role
} deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ToJSON Session where
toJSON (Session username role) =
object [ "username" .= username
, "role" .= role
newtype Comment = Comment Text
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance ToJSON Comment
instance FromJSON Comment
instance ToField Comment where
toField (Comment x) = SQLText x
instance FromField Comment where
fromField = forNewtype Comment
-- TODO(wpcarro): Replace this with a different type.
newtype Date = Date Text
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance ToJSON Date
instance FromJSON Date
instance ToField Date where
toField (Date x) = SQLText x
instance FromField Date where
fromField = forNewtype Date
newtype Destination = Destination Text
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance ToJSON Destination
instance FromJSON Destination
instance ToField Destination where
toField (Destination x) = SQLText x
instance FromField Destination where
fromField = forNewtype Destination
data Trip = Trip
{ tripUsername :: Username
, tripDestination :: Destination
, tripStartDate :: Date
, tripEndDate :: Date
, tripComment :: Comment
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance FromRow Trip where
fromRow = Trip <$> field
<*> field
<*> field
<*> field
<*> field
-- | The fields used as the Primary Key for a Trip entry.
data TripPK = TripPK
{ tripPKUsername :: Username
, tripPKDestination :: Destination
, tripPKStartDate :: Date
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
tripPKFields :: TripPK -> (Username, Destination, Date)
tripPKFields (TripPK{ tripPKUsername
, tripPKDestination
, tripPKStartDate
= (tripPKUsername, tripPKDestination, tripPKStartDate)
instance FromJSON TripPK where
parseJSON = withObject "TripPK" $ \x -> do
username <- x .: "username"
destination <- x .: "destination"
startDate <- x .: "startDate"
pure TripPK{ tripPKUsername = username
, tripPKDestination = destination
, tripPKStartDate = startDate
-- | Return the tuple representation of a Trip record for SQL.
tripFields :: Trip -> (Username, Destination, Date, Date, Comment)
tripFields (Trip{ tripUsername
, tripDestination
, tripStartDate
, tripEndDate
, tripComment
= ( tripUsername
, tripDestination
, tripStartDate
, tripEndDate
, tripComment
instance ToJSON Trip where
toJSON (Trip username destination startDate endDate comment) =
object [ "username" .= username
, "destination" .= destination
, "startDate" .= startDate
, "endDate" .= endDate
, "comment" .= comment
instance FromJSON Trip where
parseJSON = withObject "Trip" $ \x -> do
username <- x .: "username"
destination <- x .: "destination"
startDate <- x .: "startDate"
endDate <- x .: "endDate"
comment <- x .: "comment"
pure Trip{ tripUsername = username
, tripDestination = destination
, tripStartDate = startDate
, tripEndDate = endDate
, tripComment = comment
-- | Users and Accounts both refer to the same underlying entities; however,
-- Users model the user-facing Account details, hiding sensitive details like
-- passwords and emails.
data User = User
{ userUsername :: Username
, userProfilePicture :: Maybe ProfilePicture
, userRole :: Role
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance ToJSON User where
toJSON (User username profilePicture role) =
object [ "username" .= username
, "profilePicture" .= profilePicture
, "role" .= role
userFromAccount :: Account -> User
userFromAccount account =
User { userUsername = accountUsername account
, userProfilePicture = accountProfilePicture account
, userRole = accountRole account
-- | This is the data that a user needs to supply to authenticate with the
-- application.
data AccountCredentials = AccountCredentials
{ accountCredentialsUsername :: Username
, accountCredentialsPassword :: ClearTextPassword
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance FromJSON AccountCredentials where
parseJSON = withObject "AccountCredentials" $ \x -> do
username <- x.: "username"
password <- x.: "password"
pure AccountCredentials{ accountCredentialsUsername = username
, accountCredentialsPassword = password
-- | Hash password `x`.
hashPassword :: (MonadRandom m) => ClearTextPassword -> m HashedPassword
hashPassword (ClearTextPassword x) = do
hashed <- BC.hashPassword 12 (x |> unpack |> B.pack)
pure $ HashedPassword hashed
-- | Return True if the cleartext password matches the hashed password.
passwordsMatch :: ClearTextPassword -> HashedPassword -> Bool
passwordsMatch (ClearTextPassword clear) (HashedPassword hashed) =
BC.validatePassword (clear |> unpack |> B.pack) hashed
data CreateAccountRequest = CreateAccountRequest
{ createAccountRequestUsername :: Username
, createAccountRequestPassword :: ClearTextPassword
, createAccountRequestEmail :: Email
, createAccountRequestRole :: Role
} deriving (Eq, Show)
instance FromJSON CreateAccountRequest where
parseJSON = withObject "CreateAccountRequest" $ \x -> do
username <- x .: "username"
password <- x .: "password"
email <- x .: "email"
role <- x .: "role"
pure $ CreateAccountRequest username password email role
createAccountRequestFields :: CreateAccountRequest -> (Username, ClearTextPassword, Email, Role)
createAccountRequestFields request =
( createAccountRequestUsername request
, createAccountRequestPassword request
, createAccountRequestEmail request
, createAccountRequestRole request
newtype SessionUUID = SessionUUID UUID.UUID
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance FromField SessionUUID where
fromField field =
case fieldData field of
(SQLText x) ->
case UUID.fromText x of
Nothing -> returnError ConversionFailed field ""
Just x -> Ok $ SessionUUID x
_ -> returnError ConversionFailed field ""
instance ToField SessionUUID where
toField (SessionUUID uuid) =
uuid |> UUID.toText |> SQLText
data StoredSession = StoredSession
{ storedSessionUUID :: SessionUUID
, storedSessionUsername :: Username
, storedSessionTsCreated :: Clock.UTCTime
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance FromRow StoredSession where
fromRow = StoredSession <$> field
<*> field
<*> field