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path: root/scripts/download-using-manifests.pl.in
blob: b681ccf347bdd73ee1ba3cb61d74f9f3c9aed779 (plain) (tree)





























































#! @perl@ -w -I@libexecdir@/nix

use strict;
use readmanifest;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use File::Temp qw(tempdir);

my $binDir = $ENV{"NIX_BIN_DIR"} || "@bindir@";


my $manifestDir = "@localstatedir@/nix/manifests";
my $logFile = "@localstatedir@/log/nix/downloads";

# Load all manifests.
my %narFiles;
my %localPaths;
my %patches;

for my $manifest (glob "$manifestDir/*.nixmanifest") {
    if (readManifest($manifest, \%narFiles, \%localPaths, \%patches) < 3) {
        print STDERR "you have an old-style manifest `$manifest'; please delete it\n";
        exit 1;

# Parse the arguments.

if ($ARGV[0] eq "--query") {

    while (<STDIN>) {
        my $cmd = $_; chomp $cmd;

        if ($cmd eq "have") {
            my $storePath = <STDIN>; chomp $storePath;
            print STDOUT ((defined $narFiles{$storePath} or defined $localPaths{$storePath})
                ? "1\n" : "0\n");

        elsif ($cmd eq "info") {
            my $storePath = <STDIN>; chomp $storePath;
            my $info;
            if (defined $narFiles{$storePath}) {
                $info = @{$narFiles{$storePath}}[0];
            elsif (defined $localPaths{$storePath}) {
                $info = @{$localPaths{$storePath}}[0];
            else {
                print "0\n";
                next; # not an error
            print "1\n";
            print "$info->{deriver}\n";
            my @references = split " ", $info->{references};
            print scalar @references, "\n";
            print "$_\n" foreach @references;
            my $size = $info->{size} || 0;
            print "$size\n";
        else { die "unknown command `$cmd'"; }

    exit 0;

elsif ($ARGV[0] ne "--substitute") {
    die "syntax: $0 [--query-paths | --query-info PATHS... | --substitute PATH]\n";

die unless scalar @ARGV == 2;
my $targetPath = $ARGV[1];

# Create a temporary directory.
my $tmpDir = tempdir("nix-download.XXXXXX", CLEANUP => 1, TMPDIR => 1)
    or die "cannot create a temporary directory";

chdir $tmpDir or die "cannot change to `$tmpDir': $!";

my $tmpNar = "$tmpDir/nar";
my $tmpNar2 = "$tmpDir/nar2";

open LOGFILE, ">>$logFile" or die "cannot open log file $logFile";

my $date = strftime ("%F %H:%M:%S UTC", gmtime (time));
print LOGFILE "$$ get $targetPath $date\n";

print "\n*** Trying to download/patch `$targetPath'\n";

# If we can copy from a local path, do that.
my $localPathList = $localPaths{$targetPath};
foreach my $localPath (@{$localPathList}) {
    my $sourcePath = $localPath->{copyFrom};
    if (-e $sourcePath) {
        print "\n*** Step 1/1: copying from $sourcePath\n";
        system("$binDir/nix-store --dump $sourcePath | $binDir/nix-store --restore $targetPath") == 0
            or die "cannot copy `$sourcePath' to `$targetPath'";
        exit 0;

# Build a graph of all store paths that might contribute to the
# construction of $targetPath, and the special node "start".  The
# edges are either patch operations, or downloads of full NAR files.
# The latter edges only occur between "start" and a store path.

my %graph;

$graph{"start"} = {d => 0, pred => undef, edges => []};

my @queue = ();
my $queueFront = 0;
my %done;

sub addToQueue {
    my $v = shift;
    return if defined $done{$v};
    $done{$v} = 1;
    push @queue, $v;

sub addNode {
    my $u = shift;
    $graph{$u} = {d => 999999999999, pred => undef, edges => []}
        unless defined $graph{$u};

sub addEdge {
    my $u = shift;
    my $v = shift;
    my $w = shift;
    my $type = shift;
    my $info = shift;
    addNode $u;
    push @{$graph{$u}->{edges}},
        {weight => $w, start => $u, end => $v, type => $type, info => $info};
    my $n = scalar @{$graph{$u}->{edges}};

addToQueue $targetPath;

sub isValidPath {
    my $p = shift;
    return system("$binDir/nix-store --check-validity '$p' 2> /dev/null") == 0;

sub parseHash {
    my $hash = shift;
    if ($hash =~ /^(.+):(.+)$/) {
        return ($1, $2);
    } else {
        return ("md5", $hash);

while ($queueFront < scalar @queue) {
    my $u = $queue[$queueFront++];
#    print "$u\n";

    addNode $u;

    # If the path already exists, it has distance 0 from the "start"
    # node.
    if (isValidPath($u)) {
        addEdge "start", $u, 0, "present", undef;

    else {

        # Add patch edges.
        my $patchList = $patches{$u};
        foreach my $patch (@{$patchList}) {
            if (isValidPath($patch->{basePath})) {
                # !!! this should be cached
                my ($baseHashAlgo, $baseHash) = parseHash $patch->{baseHash};
                my $format = "--base32";
                $format = "" if $baseHashAlgo eq "md5";
                my $hash = `$binDir/nix-hash --type '$baseHashAlgo' $format "$patch->{basePath}"`;
                chomp $hash;
                if ($hash ne $baseHash) {
                    print LOGFILE "$$ rejecting $patch->{basePath}\n";
            addToQueue $patch->{basePath};
            addEdge $patch->{basePath}, $u, $patch->{size}, "patch", $patch;

        # Add NAR file edges to the start node.
        my $narFileList = $narFiles{$u};
        foreach my $narFile (@{$narFileList}) {
            # !!! how to handle files whose size is not known in advance?
            # For now, assume some arbitrary size (1 MB).
            addEdge "start", $u, ($narFile->{size} || 1000000), "narfile", $narFile;
            if ($u eq $targetPath) {
                my $size = $narFile->{size} || -1;
                print LOGFILE "$$ full-download-would-be $size\n";


# Run Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm to determine the shortest
# sequence of download and/or patch actions that will produce
# $targetPath.

sub byDistance { # sort by distance, reversed
    return -($graph{$a}->{d} <=> $graph{$b}->{d});

my @todo = keys %graph;

while (scalar @todo > 0) {

    # Remove the closest element from the todo list.
    @todo = sort byDistance @todo;
    my $u = pop @todo;

    my $u_ = $graph{$u};

    foreach my $edge (@{$u_->{edges}}) {
        my $v_ = $graph{$edge->{end}};
        if ($v_->{d} > $u_->{d} + $edge->{weight}) {
            $v_->{d} = $u_->{d} + $edge->{weight};
            # Store the edge; to edge->start is actually the
            # predecessor.
            $v_->{pred} = $edge; 

# Retrieve the shortest path from "start" to $targetPath.
my @path = ();
my $cur = $targetPath;
die "don't know how to produce $targetPath\n"
    unless defined $graph{$targetPath}->{pred};
while ($cur ne "start") {
    push @path, $graph{$cur}->{pred};
    $cur = $graph{$cur}->{pred}->{start};

# Traverse the shortest path, perform the actions described by the
# edges.
my $curStep = 1;
my $maxStep = scalar @path;

sub downloadFile { 
    my $url = shift; 
    $ENV{"PRINT_PATH"} = 1;
    $ENV{"QUIET"} = 1;
    my ($hash, $path) = `$binDir/nix-prefetch-url '$url'`;
    die "download of `$url' failed" unless $? == 0;
    chomp $path;
    return $path;

my $finalNarHash;

while (scalar @path > 0) {
    my $edge = pop @path;
    my $u = $edge->{start};
    my $v = $edge->{end};

    print "\n*** Step $curStep/$maxStep: ";

    if ($edge->{type} eq "present") {
        print "using already present path `$v'\n";
        print LOGFILE "$$ present $v\n";

        if ($curStep < $maxStep) {
            # Since this is not the last step, the path will be used
            # as a base to one or more patches.  So turn the base path
            # into a NAR archive, to which we can apply the patch.
            print "  packing base path...\n";
            system("$binDir/nix-store --dump $v > $tmpNar") == 0
                or die "cannot dump `$v'";

    elsif ($edge->{type} eq "patch") {
        my $patch = $edge->{info};
        print "applying patch `$patch->{url}' to `$u' to create `$v'\n";

        print LOGFILE "$$ patch $patch->{url} $patch->{size} $patch->{baseHash} $u $v\n";

        # Download the patch.
        print "  downloading patch...\n";
        my $patchPath = downloadFile "$patch->{url}";

        # Apply the patch to the NAR archive produced in step 1 (for
        # the already present path) or a later step (for patch sequences).
        print "  applying patch...\n";
        system("@libexecdir@/bspatch $tmpNar $tmpNar2 $patchPath") == 0
            or die "cannot apply patch `$patchPath' to $tmpNar";

        if ($curStep < $maxStep) {
            # The archive will be used as the base of the next patch.
            rename "$tmpNar2", "$tmpNar" or die "cannot rename NAR archive: $!";
        } else {
            # This was the last patch.  Unpack the final NAR archive
            # into the target path.
            print "  unpacking patched archive...\n";
            system("$binDir/nix-store --restore $v < $tmpNar2") == 0
                or die "cannot unpack $tmpNar2 into `$v'";

        $finalNarHash = $patch->{narHash};

    elsif ($edge->{type} eq "narfile") {
        my $narFile = $edge->{info};
        print "downloading `$narFile->{url}' into `$v'\n";

        my $size = $narFile->{size} || -1;
        print LOGFILE "$$ narfile $narFile->{url} $size $v\n";
        # Download the archive.
        print "  downloading archive...\n";
        my $narFilePath = downloadFile "$narFile->{url}";

        if ($curStep < $maxStep) {
            # The archive will be used a base to a patch.
            system("@bunzip2@ < '$narFilePath' > $tmpNar") == 0
                or die "cannot unpack `$narFilePath' into `$v'";
        } else {
            # Unpack the archive into the target path.
            print "  unpacking archive...\n";
            system("@bunzip2@ < '$narFilePath' | $binDir/nix-store --restore '$v'") == 0
                or die "cannot unpack `$narFilePath' into `$v'";

        $finalNarHash = $narFile->{narHash};


if (defined $finalNarHash) {
    my ($hashAlgo, $hash) = parseHash $finalNarHash;
    my $hash2 = `@bindir@/nix-hash --type $hashAlgo --base32 $targetPath`
        or die "cannot compute hash of path `$targetPath'";
    chomp $hash2;
    die "hash mismatch in downloaded path $targetPath; expected $hash, got $hash2"
        if $hash ne $hash2;
} else {
    die "cannot check integrity of the downloaded path since its hash is not known";

print LOGFILE "$$ success\n";
close LOGFILE;