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path: root/scratch/habit-screens/client/src/Habits.elm
blob: e6fd606f5dbe1b1ed4d9f682259fb6f01d746812 (plain) (tree)

module Habits exposing (render)

import Browser
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (..)
import Set
import State
import Time exposing (Weekday(..))

morning : List State.Habit
morning =
    [ "Make bed"
    , "Brush teeth"
    , "Shower"
    , "Do push-ups"
    , "Meditate"

evening : List State.Habit
evening =
    [ "Read (30 minutes)"
    , "Record in State.Habit Journal"

monday : List State.Habit
monday =
    [ "Bikram Yoga @ 17:00 (90 min)"

tuesday : List State.Habit
tuesday =
    [ "Bikram Yoga @ 18:00 (90 min)"

wednesday : List State.Habit
wednesday =
    [ "Shave"
    , "Bikram Yoga @ 17:00 (90 min)"

thursday : List State.Habit
thursday =

friday : List State.Habit
friday =
    [ "Bikram Yoga @ 17:00 (60 min)"
    , "Take-out trash"
    , "Shop for groceries"

saturday : List State.Habit
saturday =
    [ "Nap"

sunday : List State.Habit
sunday =
    [ "Shampoo"
    , "Shave"
    , "Trim nails"
    , "Combine trash cans"
    , "Mop tile and wood floors"
    , "Laundry"
    , "Vacuum bedroom"
    , "Dust surfaces"
    , "Clean mirrors"
    , "Clean desk"

weekdayName : Weekday -> String
weekdayName weekday =
    case weekday of
        Mon ->

        Tue ->

        Wed ->

        Thu ->

        Fri ->

        Sat ->

        Sun ->

habitsFor : Weekday -> List State.Habit
habitsFor weekday =
    case weekday of
        Mon ->

        Tue ->

        Wed ->

        Thu ->

        Fri ->

        Sat ->

        Sun ->

tailwind : List ( String, Bool ) -> Attribute msg
tailwind classes =
        |> List.filter (\( k, v ) -> v)
        |> List.map (\( k, v ) -> k)
        |> String.join " "
        |> class

render : State.Model -> Html State.Msg
render { dayOfWeek, completed } =
    case dayOfWeek of
        Nothing ->
            p [] [ text "Unable to display habits because we do not know what day of the week it is." ]

        Just weekday ->
            div [ class "font-mono py-6 px-6" ]
                [ h1 [ class "text-2xl text-center" ] [ text (weekdayName weekday) ]
                , ul []
                        |> habitsFor
                        |> List.indexedMap
                            (\i x ->
                                li [ class "text-xl" ]
                                    [ button
                                        [ class "py-5 px-6"
                                        , tailwind
                                            [ ( "line-through"
                                              , Set.member i completed
                                        , onClick (State.ToggleHabit i)
                                        [ text x ]