blob: 6ecac1e2016cfbc8e9223cce5daa3f4e38e77e50 (
plain) (
;; -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Advent of Code 2019 - Day 2
(require 'dash)
(require 'ht)
(defvar day2/input
[1 0 0 3 1 1 2 3 1 3 4 3 1 5 0 3 2 1 9 19 1 19 5 23 1 13 23 27 1 27 6 31
2 31 6 35 2 6 35 39 1 39 5 43 1 13 43 47 1 6 47 51 2 13 51 55 1 10 55
59 1 59 5 63 1 10 63 67 1 67 5 71 1 71 10 75 1 9 75 79 2 13 79 83 1 9
83 87 2 87 13 91 1 10 91 95 1 95 9 99 1 13 99 103 2 103 13 107 1 107 10
111 2 10 111 115 1 115 9 119 2 119 6 123 1 5 123 127 1 5 127 131 1 10
131 135 1 135 6 139 1 10 139 143 1 143 6 147 2 147 13 151 1 5 151 155 1
155 5 159 1 159 2 163 1 163 9 0 99 2 14 0 0])
;; Puzzle 1
(defun day2/single-op (f state idx)
(let* ((a (aref state (aref state (+ 1 idx))))
(b (aref state (aref state (+ 2 idx))))
(p (aref state (+ 3 idx)))
(result (funcall f a b)))
(aset state p (funcall f a b))))
(defun day2/operate (state idx)
(pcase (aref state idx)
(99 (aref state 0))
(1 (day2/single-op #'+ state idx)
(day2/operate state (+ 4 idx)))
(2 (day2/single-op #'* state idx)
(day2/operate state (+ 4 idx)))
(other (error "Unknown opcode: %s" other))))
(defun day2/program-with-inputs (noun verb)
(let* ((input (copy-tree day2/input t)))
(aset input 1 noun)
(aset input 2 verb)
(day2/operate input 0)))
(message "Solution to day2/1: %s" (day2/program-with-inputs 12 2))
;; Puzzle 2
(let* ((used (ht))
(noun 0)
(verb 0)
(result (day2/program-with-inputs noun verb)))
(while (/= 19690720 result)
(setq noun (random 100))
(setq verb (random 100))
(unless (ht-get used (format "%d%d" noun verb))
(ht-set used (format "%d%d" noun verb) t)
(setq result (day2/program-with-inputs noun verb))))
(message "Solution to day2/2: %s%s" noun verb))