blob: f3c11c5cd195b3271caa9aabe1ab1cff3881f099 (
plain) (
;;; fonts.el --- Font preferences -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Author: William Carroll <>
;; Version: 0.0.1
;; URL:
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.3"))
;;; Commentary:
;; Control my font preferences with ELisp.
;;; Code:
;; TODO: `defcustom' font-size.
;; TODO: `defcustom' fonts.
;; Dependencies
(require 'prelude)
(require 'cycle)
(require 'device)
(require 'maybe)
;; Constants
;; TODO: Troubleshoot why "8" appears so large on my desktop.
;; TODO: Consider having a different font size when I'm using my 4K monitor.
(defconst fonts-size
(pcase (device-classify)
('work-laptop "10")
('work-desktop "8"))
"My preferred default font-size, which is device specific.")
(defconst fonts-size-step 10
"The amount (%) by which to increase or decrease a font.")
(defconst fonts-hacker-news-recommendations
'("APL385 Unicode"
"Go Mono"
"Input Mono Medium" ;; NOTE: Also "Input Mono Thin" is nice.
"List of fonts optimized for programming I found in a HN article.")
(defconst fonts-whitelist
"Mononoki Medium"
"Operator Mono Light"
"Andale Mono"
"Source Code Pro"
"This is a list of my preferred fonts.")
;; Functions
;; TODO: fonts and fonts-whitelist make it difficult to name functions like
;; fonts-set as a generic Emacs function vs choosing a font from the whitelist.
(cl-defun fonts-cycle (&key forward?)
"Cycle forwards when `FORWARD?' non-nil."
(let ((font (if forward?
(cycle-next fonts-whitelist)
(cycle-prev fonts-whitelist))))
(message (s-concat "Active font: " font))
(fonts-set font)))
(defun fonts-next ()
"Quickly cycle through preferred fonts."
(fonts-cycle :forward? t))
(defun fonts-prev ()
"Quickly cycle through preferred fonts."
(fonts-cycle :forward? nil))
(defun fonts-set (font &optional size)
"Change the font to `FONT' with option integer, SIZE, in pixels."
(if (maybe-some? size)
(set-frame-font (string-format "%s %s" font size) nil t)
(set-frame-font font nil t)))
(defun fonts-whitelist-set (font)
"Focuses the FONT in the `fonts-whitelist' cycle.
The size of the font is determined by `fonts-size'."
(prelude-assert (cycle-contains? font fonts-whitelist))
(cycle-focus (lambda (x) (equal x font)) fonts-whitelist)
(fonts-set (fonts-current) fonts-size))
(defun fonts-ivy-select ()
"Select a font from an ivy prompt."
(ivy-read "Font: " (cycle-to-list fonts-whitelist))))
(defun fonts-print-current ()
"Message the currently enabled font."
(string-format "[fonts] Current font: \"%s\""
(defun fonts-current ()
"Return the currently enabled font."
(cycle-current fonts-whitelist))
(defun fonts-increase-size ()
"Increase font size."
(->> (face-attribute 'default :height)
(+ fonts-size-step)
(set-face-attribute 'default (selected-frame) :height)))
(defun fonts-decrease-size ()
"Decrease font size."
(->> (face-attribute 'default :height)
(+ (- fonts-size-step))
(set-face-attribute 'default (selected-frame) :height)))
(defun fonts-reset-size ()
"Restore font size to its default value."
(fonts-whitelist-set (fonts-current)))
(provide 'fonts)
;;; fonts.el ends here