;;; lsp-ui-sideline.el --- Lsp-Ui-Sideline -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2017 Sebastien Chapuis
;; Author: Sebastien Chapuis <sebastien@chapu.is>
;; URL: https://github.com/emacs-lsp/lsp-ui
;; Keywords: lsp, ui
;;; License
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
;; any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
;; Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
;;; Commentary:
;; Utility to show informations of the current line
;;; Code:
(require 'lsp-mode)
(require 'flycheck)
(require 'dash)
(defgroup lsp-ui-sideline nil
"Display informations of the current line."
:group 'tools
:group 'convenience
:group 'lsp-ui
:link '(custom-manual "(lsp-ui-sideline) Top")
:link '(info-link "(lsp-ui-sideline) Customizing"))
(defcustom lsp-ui-sideline-enable t
"Whether or not to enable ‘lsp-ui-sideline’."
:type 'boolean
:group 'lsp-ui)
(defcustom lsp-ui-sideline-ignore-duplicate nil
"Control to ignore duplicates when there is a same symbol with the same contents."
:type 'boolean
:group 'lsp-ui-sideline)
(defcustom lsp-ui-sideline-show-symbol t
"When t, show the symbol name on the right of the information."
:type 'boolean
:group 'lsp-ui-sideline)
(defcustom lsp-ui-sideline-show-hover t
"Whether to show hover messages in sideline."
:type 'boolean
:group 'lsp-ui-sideline)
(defcustom lsp-ui-sideline-show-flycheck t
"Whether to show flycheck messages in sideline."
:type 'boolean
:group 'lsp-ui-sideline)
(defcustom lsp-ui-sideline-show-code-actions t
"Whether to show code actions in sideline."
:type 'boolean
:group 'lsp-ui-sideline)
(defcustom lsp-ui-sideline-update-mode 'line
"Define the mode for updating sideline information.
When set to `line' the information will be updated when user
changes current line otherwise the information will be updated
when user changes current point."
:type '(choice (const line)
(const point))
:group 'lsp-ui-sideline)
(defcustom lsp-ui-sideline-delay 0.2
"Number of seconds to wait before showing sideline."
:type 'number
:group 'lsp-ui-sideline)
(defvar lsp-ui-sideline-code-actions-prefix ""
"Prefix to insert before the code action title.
This can be used to insert, for example, an unicode character: 💡")
(defvar-local lsp-ui-sideline--ovs nil
"Overlays used by `lsp-ui-sideline'.")
(defvar-local lsp-ui-sideline--occupied-lines nil
"List of lines occupied by an overlay of `lsp-ui-sideline'.")
(defvar-local lsp-ui-sideline--tag nil
"Tag marking where the last operation was based.
It is used to know when the cursor has changed of line or point.")
(defvar-local lsp-ui-sideline--last-width nil
"Value of window's width on the last operation.
It is used to know when the window has changed of width.")
(defvar-local lsp-ui-sideline--timer nil)
(defface lsp-ui-sideline-symbol
'((t :foreground "grey"
:box (:line-width -1 :color "grey")
:height 0.99))
"Face used to highlight symbols."
:group 'lsp-ui-sideline)
(defface lsp-ui-sideline-current-symbol
'((t :foreground "white"
:weight ultra-bold
:box (:line-width -1 :color "white")
:height 0.99))
"Face used to highlight the symbol on point."
:group 'lsp-ui-sideline)
(defface lsp-ui-sideline-code-action
'((t :foreground "yellow"))
"Face used to highlight code action text."
:group 'lsp-ui-sideline)
(defface lsp-ui-sideline-symbol-info
'((t :slant italic :height 0.99))
"Face used to highlight the symbols informations (LSP hover)."
:group 'lsp-ui-sideline)
(defface lsp-ui-sideline-global
"Face which apply to all overlays.
This face have a low priority over the others."
:group 'lsp-ui-sideline)
(defun lsp-ui-sideline--calc-space (win-width str-len index)
"Calcul whether there is enough space on line.
If there is enough space, it returns the point of the last
character on the line.
WIN-WIDTH is the window width.
STR-LEN is the string size.
INDEX is the line number (relative to the current line)."
(let ((eol (line-end-position index)))
(unless (member eol lsp-ui-sideline--occupied-lines)
(goto-char eol)
(when (>= (- win-width (current-column)) str-len)
(defun lsp-ui-sideline--find-line (str-len &optional up)
"Find a line where the string can be inserted.
It loops on the nexts lines to find enough space.
Returns the point of the last character on the line.
WIN-WIDTH is the window width.
STR-LEN is the string size.
if UP is non-nil, it loops on the previous lines.."
(let ((win-width (lsp-ui-sideline--window-width))
(index 1) pos)
(while (and (null pos) (<= (abs index) 30))
(setq index (if up (1- index) (1+ index)))
(setq pos (lsp-ui-sideline--calc-space win-width str-len index)))
(when pos (push pos lsp-ui-sideline--occupied-lines))
(if (or (equal pos (point-min))
(and up (null pos)))
(lsp-ui-sideline--find-line str-len)
(defun lsp-ui-sideline--delete-ov ()
"Delete overlays."
(seq-do 'delete-overlay lsp-ui-sideline--ovs)
(setq lsp-ui-sideline--ovs nil))
(defun lsp-ui-sideline--get-renderer (language)
"Return a function to fontify a string in LANGUAGE."
(thread-last lsp--cur-workspace
(assoc-string language)
(defun lsp-ui-sideline--get-language ()
"Return the language of the buffer."
(thread-first lsp--cur-workspace
(funcall (current-buffer))))
(defun lsp-ui-sideline--extract-info (contents)
"Extract the line to print from CONTENTS.
CONTENTS can be differents type of values:
MarkedString | MarkedString[] | MarkupContent (as defined in the LSP).
We prioritize string with a language (which is probably a type or a
function signature)."
(when contents
((stringp contents) contents)
((sequencep contents) ;; MarkedString[]
(seq-find (lambda (it) (and (hash-table-p it)
(lsp-ui-sideline--get-renderer (gethash "language" it))))
((gethash "kind" contents) (gethash "value" contents)) ;; MarkupContent
((gethash "language" contents) ;; MarkedString
(and (lsp-ui-sideline--get-renderer (gethash "language" contents))
(gethash "value" contents))))))
(defun lsp-ui-sideline--format-info (marked-string)
If the string has a language, we fontify it with the function provided
by `lsp-mode'.
MARKED-STRING is the string returned by `lsp-ui-sideline--extract-info'."
(when marked-string
(when (hash-table-p marked-string)
(let* ((language (gethash "language" marked-string))
(value (gethash "value" marked-string))
(renderer (lsp-ui-sideline--get-renderer language)))
(setq marked-string (if (and (functionp renderer) value)
(funcall renderer value)
(add-face-text-property 0 (length marked-string) 'lsp-ui-sideline-symbol-info nil marked-string)
(add-face-text-property 0 (length marked-string) 'default t marked-string)
(replace-regexp-in-string "[\n\t ]+" " " marked-string)))
(defun lsp-ui-sideline--align (&rest lengths)
(+ (apply '+ lengths)
(if (display-graphic-p) 1 2)))
(defun lsp-ui-sideline--make-display-string (info symbol current)
"Make final string to display on buffer.
INFO is the information to display.
SYMBOL is the symbol associated to the info.
CURRENT is non-nil when the point is on the symbol."
(let* ((face (if current 'lsp-ui-sideline-current-symbol 'lsp-ui-sideline-symbol))
(str (if lsp-ui-sideline-show-symbol
(concat info " " (propertize (concat " " symbol " ") 'face face))
(len (length str))
(margin (lsp-ui-sideline--margin-width)))
(add-face-text-property 0 len 'lsp-ui-sideline-global nil str)
(propertize " " 'display `(space :align-to (- right-fringe ,(lsp-ui-sideline--align len margin))))
(defun lsp-ui-sideline--check-duplicate (symbol info)
(not (when lsp-ui-sideline-ignore-duplicate
(--any (and (string= (overlay-get it 'symbol) symbol)
(string= (overlay-get it 'info) info))
(defun lsp-ui-sideline--margin-width ()
(+ (if fringes-outside-margins right-margin-width 0)
(or (and (boundp 'fringe-mode)
(consp fringe-mode)
(or (equal (car fringe-mode) 0)
(equal (cdr fringe-mode) 0))
(if (bound-and-true-p display-line-numbers-mode)
(+ 2 (line-number-display-width))
(defun lsp-ui-sideline--window-width ()
(- (min (window-text-width) (window-body-width))
(defun lsp-ui-sideline--push-info (symbol tag bounds info)
(when (and (= tag (lsp-ui-sideline--calculate-tag))
(not (lsp-ui-sideline--stop-p)))
(let* ((info (concat (thread-first (gethash "contents" info)
(current (and (>= (point) (car bounds)) (<= (point) (cdr bounds)))))
(when (and (> (length info) 0)
(lsp-ui-sideline--check-duplicate symbol info))
(let* ((final-string (lsp-ui-sideline--make-display-string info symbol current))
(pos-ov (lsp-ui-sideline--find-line (length final-string)))
(ov (when pos-ov (make-overlay pos-ov pos-ov))))
(when pos-ov
(overlay-put ov 'info info)
(overlay-put ov 'symbol symbol)
(overlay-put ov 'bounds bounds)
(overlay-put ov 'current current)
(overlay-put ov 'after-string final-string)
(overlay-put ov 'window (get-buffer-window))
(push ov lsp-ui-sideline--ovs)))))))
(defun lsp-ui-sideline--toggle-current (ov current)
"Toggle the OV face according to CURRENT."
(let* ((info (overlay-get ov 'info))
(symbol (overlay-get ov 'symbol))
(string (lsp-ui-sideline--make-display-string info symbol current)))
(overlay-put ov 'current current)
(overlay-put ov 'after-string string)))
(defun lsp-ui-sideline--highlight-current (point)
"Update the symbol's face according to POINT."
(dolist (ov lsp-ui-sideline--ovs)
(let* ((bounds (overlay-get ov 'bounds))
(start (car bounds))
(end (cdr bounds)))
(if (and bounds (>= point start) (<= point end))
(unless (overlay-get ov 'current)
(lsp-ui-sideline--toggle-current ov t))
(when (overlay-get ov 'current)
(lsp-ui-sideline--toggle-current ov nil))))))
(defun lsp-ui-sideline--flycheck ()
"Show flycheck message(s)."
(let ((bol (line-beginning-position))
(eol (line-end-position)))
(dolist (e (flycheck-overlay-errors-in bol (1+ eol)))
(let* ((message (--> (flycheck-error-format-message-and-id e)
(car (split-string it "\n"))
(replace-regexp-in-string "[\n\t ]+" " " it)))
(len (length message))
(level (flycheck-error-level e))
(face (if (eq level 'info) 'success level))
(margin (lsp-ui-sideline--margin-width))
(message (progn (add-face-text-property 0 len 'lsp-ui-sideline-global nil message)
(add-face-text-property 0 len face nil message)
(string (concat (propertize " " 'display `(space :align-to (- right-fringe ,(lsp-ui-sideline--align len margin))))
(pos-ov (lsp-ui-sideline--find-line len t))
(ov (and pos-ov (make-overlay pos-ov pos-ov))))
(when pos-ov
(overlay-put ov 'after-string string)
(push ov lsp-ui-sideline--ovs))))))
(defvar-local lsp-ui-sideline--code-actions nil)
(defun lsp-ui-sideline-apply-code-actions nil
"Choose and apply code action(s) on the current line."
(unless lsp-ui-sideline--code-actions
(user-error "No code actions on the current line"))
(let* ((actions lsp-ui-sideline--code-actions)
(title (completing-read "Apply: " (--map (gethash "title" it) actions)
nil t))
(action (--first (equal (gethash "title" it) title) actions)))
(unless action
(error "Fail to apply action"))
(lsp-execute-code-action action)))
(defun lsp-ui-sideline--code-actions (actions)
"Show code ACTIONS."
(setq lsp-ui-sideline--code-actions actions)
(seq-doseq (action actions)
(-let* ((title (->> (gethash "title" action)
(replace-regexp-in-string "[\n\t ]+" " ")
(concat lsp-ui-sideline-code-actions-prefix)))
(margin (lsp-ui-sideline--margin-width))
(keymap (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map [down-mouse-1] (lambda () (interactive)
(lsp-execute-code-action action))))
(len (length title))
(title (progn (add-face-text-property 0 len 'lsp-ui-sideline-global nil title)
(add-face-text-property 0 len 'lsp-ui-sideline-code-action nil title)
(add-text-properties 0 len `(keymap ,keymap mouse-face highlight) title)
(string (concat (propertize " " 'display `(space :align-to (- right-fringe ,(lsp-ui-sideline--align len margin))))
(pos-ov (lsp-ui-sideline--find-line (1+ (length title)) t))
(ov (and pos-ov (make-overlay pos-ov pos-ov))))
(when pos-ov
(overlay-put ov 'after-string string)
(push ov lsp-ui-sideline--ovs)))))
(defun lsp-ui-sideline--calculate-tag()
"Calculate the tag used to determinie whether to update sideline information."
(if (equal lsp-ui-sideline-update-mode 'line)
(defun lsp-ui-sideline--run ()
"Show informations (flycheck + lsp).
It loops on the symbols of the current line and request information
to the language server."
(when (and lsp--cur-workspace
(let ((eol (line-end-position))
(bol (line-beginning-position))
(tag (lsp-ui-sideline--calculate-tag))
(line-widen (save-restriction (widen) (line-number-at-pos)))
(doc-id (lsp--text-document-identifier)))
(setq lsp-ui-sideline--occupied-lines nil
lsp-ui-sideline--tag tag
lsp-ui-sideline--last-width (window-text-width))
(when lsp-ui-sideline-show-flycheck
(when (and lsp-ui-sideline-show-code-actions (or (lsp--capability "codeActionProvider")
(lsp--registered-capability "textDocument/codeAction")))
(lsp--send-request-async (lsp--make-request
(if (equal lsp-ui-sideline-update-mode 'line)
(list :textDocument doc-id
:range (lsp--region-to-range bol eol)
:context (list :diagnostics (lsp--cur-line-diagnotics)))
;; Go through all symbols and request hover information. Note that the symbols are
;; traversed backwards as `forward-symbol' with a positive argument will jump just past the
;; current symbol. By going from the end of the line towards the front, point will be placed
;; at the beginning of each symbol. As the requests are first collected in a list before
;; being processed they are still sent in order from left to right.
(when (and lsp-ui-sideline-show-hover (lsp--capability "hoverProvider"))
(let ((symbols))
(goto-char eol)
(while (and (> (point) bol)
(progn (forward-symbol -1)
(>= (point) bol)))
(let* ((symbol (thing-at-point 'symbol t))
(bounds (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'symbol))
(parsing-state (syntax-ppss))
(in-string (nth 3 parsing-state))
(outside-comment (eq (nth 4 parsing-state) nil)))
;; Skip strings and comments
(when (and symbol (not in-string) outside-comment)
(push (list symbol tag bounds (lsp--position (1- line-widen) (- (point) bol))) symbols))))
(dolist (entry symbols)
(-let [(symbol tag bounds position) entry]
(list :textDocument doc-id :position position))
(lambda (info) (if info (lsp-ui-sideline--push-info symbol tag bounds info))))))))))))
(defun lsp-ui-sideline--stop-p ()
"Return non-nil if the sideline should not be display."
(or (region-active-p)
(bound-and-true-p company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay)
(bound-and-true-p lsp-ui-peek--overlay)))
(defun lsp-ui-sideline--hide-before-company (command)
"Disable the sideline before company's overlay appears.
COMMAND is `company-pseudo-tooltip-frontend' parameter."
(when (memq command '(post-command update))
(setq lsp-ui-sideline--tag nil)))
(defun lsp-ui-sideline ()
"Show informations of the current line."
(if (lsp-ui-sideline--stop-p)
(progn (setq lsp-ui-sideline--tag nil)
(if (and (equal (lsp-ui-sideline--calculate-tag) lsp-ui-sideline--tag)
(equal (window-text-width) lsp-ui-sideline--last-width))
(lsp-ui-sideline--highlight-current (point))
(when lsp-ui-sideline--timer
(cancel-timer lsp-ui-sideline--timer))
(let ((buf (current-buffer)))
(setq lsp-ui-sideline--timer
(run-with-idle-timer lsp-ui-sideline-delay
(lambda ()
;; run lsp-ui only if current-buffer is the same.
(when (equal buf (current-buffer))
(defun lsp-ui-sideline-toggle-symbols-info ()
"Toggle display of symbols informations.
This does not toggle display of flycheck diagnostics or code actions."
(when (bound-and-true-p lsp-ui-sideline-mode)
(setq lsp-ui-sideline-show-hover
(not lsp-ui-sideline-show-hover))
(defun lsp-ui-sideline--diagnostics-changed ()
"Handler for flycheck notifications."
(setq lsp-ui-sideline--tag nil)
(define-minor-mode lsp-ui-sideline-mode
"Minor mode for showing information of current line."
:init-value nil
:group lsp-ui-sideline
(add-hook 'post-command-hook 'lsp-ui-sideline nil t)
(advice-add 'company-pseudo-tooltip-frontend :before 'lsp-ui-sideline--hide-before-company)
(add-hook 'lsp-after-diagnostics-hook 'lsp-ui-sideline--diagnostics-changed nil t)
(setq-local flycheck-display-errors-function nil))
(setq lsp-ui-sideline--tag nil)
(advice-remove 'company-pseudo-tooltip-frontend 'lsp-ui-sideline--hide-before-company)
(remove-hook 'lsp-after-diagnostics-hook 'lsp-ui-sideline--diagnostics-changed)
(remove-hook 'post-command-hook 'lsp-ui-sideline t))))
(defun lsp-ui-sideline-enable (enable)
"Enable/disable `lsp-ui-sideline-mode'."
(lsp-ui-sideline-mode (if enable 1 -1)))
(provide 'lsp-ui-sideline)
;;; lsp-ui-sideline.el ends here