;;; ghub.el --- minuscule client library for the Github API -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Jonas Bernoulli
;; Author: Jonas Bernoulli <jonas@bernoul.li>
;; Homepage: https://github.com/magit/ghub
;; Keywords: tools
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.4") (let-alist "1.0.5"))
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
;; any later version.
;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; For a copy of the GPL see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt.
;;; Commentary:
;; Ghub is a library that provides basic support for using the Github API
;; from Emacs packages. It abstracts access to API resources using only
;; a handful of functions that are not resource-specific.
;; Ghub handles the creation, storage and use of access tokens using a
;; setup wizard to make it easier for users to get started and to reduce
;; the support burden imposed on package maintainers. It also comes with
;; a comprehensive manual to address the cases when things don't just
;; work as expected or in case you don't want to use the wizard.
;; Ghub is intentionally limited to only provide these two essential
;; features — basic request functions and guided setup — to avoid being
;; too opinionated, which would hinder wide adoption. It is assumed that
;; wide adoption would make life easier for users and maintainers alike,
;; because then all packages that talk to the Github API could be
;; configured the same way.
;;; Code:
(require 'auth-source)
(require 'cl-lib)
(require 'json)
(require 'let-alist)
(require 'url)
(require 'url-auth)
(require 'url-http)
(eval-when-compile (require 'subr-x))
(defvar url-callback-arguments)
(defvar url-http-end-of-headers)
(defvar url-http-extra-headers)
(defvar url-http-response-status)
;;; Settings
(defconst ghub-default-host "api.github.com")
(defvar ghub-github-token-scopes '(repo)
"The Github API scopes that your private tools need.
The token that is created based on the value of this variable
is used when `ghub-request' (or one of its wrappers) is called
without providing a value for AUTH. Packages should always
identify themselves using that argument, but when you use Ghub
directly in private tools, then that is not necessary and the
request is made on behalf of the `ghub' package itself, aka on
behalf of some private tool.
By default the only requested scope is `repo' because that is
sufficient as well as required for most common uses. This and
other scopes are documented at URL `https://magit.vc/goto/2e586d36'.
If your private tools need other scopes, then you have to add
them here *before* creating the token. Alternatively you can
edit the scopes of an existing token using the web interface
at URL `https://github.com/settings/tokens'.")
(defvar ghub-override-system-name nil
"If non-nil, the string used to identify the local machine.
If this is nil, then the value returned by `system-name' is
used instead.")
;;; Request
;;;; Object
(cl-defstruct (ghub--req
(:constructor ghub--make-req)
(:copier nil))
(url nil :read-only nil)
(silent nil :read-only t)
(method nil :read-only t)
(headers nil :read-only t)
(unpaginate nil :read-only nil)
(noerror nil :read-only t)
(reader nil :read-only t)
(callback nil :read-only t)
(errorback nil :read-only t)
(value nil :read-only nil)
(extra nil :read-only nil))
(defalias 'ghub-req-extra 'ghub--req-extra)
;;;; API
(define-error 'ghub-error "Ghub/Url Error" 'error)
(define-error 'ghub-http-error "HTTP Error" 'ghub-error)
(defvar ghub-response-headers nil
"The headers returned in response to the last request.
`ghub-request' returns the response body and stores the
response headers in this variable.")
(cl-defun ghub-graphql (graphql &optional variables
&key username auth host
callback errorback extra)
"Make a GraphQL request using GRAPHQL and VARIABLES.
Return the response as a JSON-like alist. Even if the response
contains `errors', do not raise an error. GRAPHQL is a GraphQL
string. VARIABLES is a JSON-like alist. The other arguments
behave as for `ghub-request' (which see)."
(cl-assert (stringp graphql))
(cl-assert (not (stringp variables)))
(ghub-request "POST" "/graphql" nil :payload
(json-encode `(("query" . ,graphql)
,@(and variables `(("variables" ,@variables)))))
:silent silent
:username username :auth auth :host host
:callback callback :errorback errorback :extra extra))
(cl-defun ghub-head (resource &optional params
&key query payload headers
silent unpaginate noerror reader
username auth host
callback errorback extra)
"Make a `HEAD' request for RESOURCE, with optional query PARAMS.
Like calling `ghub-request' (which see) with \"HEAD\" as METHOD."
(ghub-request "HEAD" resource params
:query query :payload payload :headers headers
:silent silent :unpaginate unpaginate
:noerror noerror :reader reader
:username username :auth auth :host host
:callback callback :errorback errorback :extra extra))
(cl-defun ghub-get (resource &optional params
&key query payload headers
silent unpaginate noerror reader
username auth host
callback errorback extra)
"Make a `GET' request for RESOURCE, with optional query PARAMS.
Like calling `ghub-request' (which see) with \"GET\" as METHOD."
(ghub-request "GET" resource params
:query query :payload payload :headers headers
:silent silent :unpaginate unpaginate
:noerror noerror :reader reader
:username username :auth auth :host host
:callback callback :errorback errorback :extra extra))
(cl-defun ghub-put (resource &optional params
&key query payload headers
silent unpaginate noerror reader
username auth host
callback errorback extra)
"Make a `PUT' request for RESOURCE, with optional payload PARAMS.
Like calling `ghub-request' (which see) with \"PUT\" as METHOD."
(ghub-request "PUT" resource params
:query query :payload payload :headers headers
:silent silent :unpaginate unpaginate
:noerror noerror :reader reader
:username username :auth auth :host host
:callback callback :errorback errorback :extra extra))
(cl-defun ghub-post (resource &optional params
&key query payload headers
silent unpaginate noerror reader
username auth host
callback errorback extra)
"Make a `POST' request for RESOURCE, with optional payload PARAMS.
Like calling `ghub-request' (which see) with \"POST\" as METHOD."
(ghub-request "POST" resource params
:query query :payload payload :headers headers
:silent silent :unpaginate unpaginate
:noerror noerror :reader reader
:username username :auth auth :host host
:callback callback :errorback errorback :extra extra))
(cl-defun ghub-patch (resource &optional params
&key query payload headers
silent unpaginate noerror reader
username auth host
callback errorback extra)
"Make a `PATCH' request for RESOURCE, with optional payload PARAMS.
Like calling `ghub-request' (which see) with \"PATCH\" as METHOD."
(ghub-request "PATCH" resource params
:query query :payload payload :headers headers
:silent silent :unpaginate unpaginate
:noerror noerror :reader reader
:username username :auth auth :host host
:callback callback :errorback errorback :extra extra))
(cl-defun ghub-delete (resource &optional params
&key query payload headers
silent unpaginate noerror reader
username auth host
callback errorback extra)
"Make a `DELETE' request for RESOURCE, with optional payload PARAMS.
Like calling `ghub-request' (which see) with \"DELETE\" as METHOD."
(ghub-request "DELETE" resource params
:query query :payload payload :headers headers
:silent silent :unpaginate unpaginate
:noerror noerror :reader reader
:username username :auth auth :host host
:callback callback :errorback errorback :extra extra))
(cl-defun ghub-request (method resource &optional params
&key query payload headers
silent unpaginate noerror reader
username auth host forge
callback errorback extra)
"Make a request for RESOURCE and return the response body.
Also place the response header in `ghub-response-headers'.
METHOD is the HTTP method, given as a string.
RESOURCE is the resource to access, given as a string beginning
with a slash.
PARAMS, QUERY, PAYLOAD and HEADERS are alists used to specify
data. The Github API documentation is vague on how data has
to be transmitted and for a particular resource usually just
talks about \"parameters\". Generally speaking when the METHOD
is \"HEAD\" or \"GET\", then they have to be transmitted as a
query, otherwise as a payload.
Use PARAMS to automatically transmit like QUERY or PAYLOAD would
depending on METHOD.
Use QUERY to explicitly transmit data as a query.
Use PAYLOAD to explicitly transmit data as a payload.
Instead of an alist, PAYLOAD may also be a string, in which
case it gets encoded as UTF-8 but is otherwise transmitted as-is.
Use HEADERS for those rare resources that require that the data
is transmitted as headers instead of as a query or payload.
When that is the case, then the API documentation usually
mentions it explicitly.
If SILENT is non-nil, then don't message progress reports and
the like.
If UNPAGINATE is t, then make as many requests as necessary to
get all values. If UNPAGINATE is a natural number, then get
at most that many pages. For any other non-nil value raise
an error.
If NOERROR is non-nil, then do not raise an error if the request
fails and return nil instead. If NOERROR is `return', then
return the error payload instead of nil.
If READER is non-nil, then it is used to read and return from the
response buffer. The default is `ghub--read-json-payload'.
For the very few resources that do not return JSON, you might
want to use `ghub--decode-payload'.
If USERNAME is non-nil, then make a request on behalf of that
user. It is better to specify the user using the Git variable
`github.user' for \"api.github.com\", or `github.HOST.user' if
connecting to a Github Enterprise instance.
Each package that uses `ghub' should use its own token. If AUTH
is nil, then the generic `ghub' token is used instead. This
is only acceptable for personal utilities. A packages that
is distributed to other users should always use this argument
to identify itself, using a symbol matching its name.
Package authors who find this inconvenient should write a
wrapper around this function and possibly for the
method-specific functions as well.
Some symbols have a special meaning. `none' means to make an
unauthorized request. `basic' means to make a password based
request. If the value is a string, then it is assumed to be
a valid token. `basic' and an explicit token string are only
intended for internal and debugging uses.
If AUTH is a package symbol, then the scopes are specified
using the variable `AUTH-github-token-scopes'. It is an error
if that is not specified. See `ghub-github-token-scopes' for
an example.
If HOST is non-nil, then connect to that Github instance. This
defaults to \"api.github.com\". When a repository is connected
to a Github Enterprise instance, then it is better to specify
that using the Git variable `github.host' instead of using this
If FORGE is `gitlab', then connect to Gitlab.com or, depending
on HOST, to another Gitlab instance. This is only intended for
internal use. Instead of using this argument you should use
function `glab-request' and other `glab-*' functions.
If CALLBACK and/or ERRORBACK is non-nil, then make one or more
asynchronous requests and call CALLBACK or ERRORBACK when
finished. If an error occurred, then call ERRORBACK, or if
that is nil, then CALLBACK. When no error occurred then call
CALLBACK. When making asynchronous requests, then no errors
are signaled, regardless of the value of NOERROR.
Both callbacks are called with four arguments.
1. For CALLBACK, the combined value of the retrieved pages.
For ERRORBACK, the error that occured when retrieving the
last page.
2. The headers of the last page as an alist.
3. Status information provided by `url-retrieve'. Its `:error'
property holds the same information as ERRORBACK's first
4. A `ghub--req' struct, which can be passed to `ghub-continue'
(which see) to retrieve the next page, if any."
(cl-assert (or (booleanp unpaginate) (natnump unpaginate)))
(unless (string-prefix-p "/" resource)
(setq resource (concat "/" resource)))
(unless host
(setq host (ghub--host forge)))
(unless (or username (stringp auth) (eq auth 'none))
(setq username (ghub--username host forge)))
(cond ((not params))
((member method '("GET" "HEAD"))
(when query
(error "PARAMS and QUERY are mutually exclusive for METHOD %S"
(setq query params))
(when payload
(error "PARAMS and PAYLOAD are mutually exclusive for METHOD %S"
(setq payload params)))
(when payload
(unless (stringp payload)
(setq payload (json-encode-list payload)))
(setq payload (encode-coding-string payload 'utf-8)))
(when (or callback errorback)
(setq noerror t))
:url (url-generic-parse-url
(concat "https://" host resource
(and query (concat "?" (ghub--url-encode-params query)))))
:silent silent
;; Encode in case caller used (symbol-name 'GET). #35
:method (encode-coding-string method 'utf-8)
:headers (ghub--headers headers host auth username forge)
:unpaginate unpaginate
:noerror noerror
:reader reader
:callback callback
:errorback errorback
:extra extra)))
(defun ghub-continue (req)
"If there is a next page, then retrieve that.
This function is only intended to be called from callbacks. If
there is a next page, then retrieve that and return the buffer
that the result will be loaded into, or t if the process has
already completed. If there is no next page, then return nil.
Callbacks are called with four arguments (see `ghub-request').
The forth argument is a `ghub--req' struct, intended to be passed
to this function. A callbacks may use the struct's `extra' slot
to pass additional information to the callback that will be
called after the next request has finished. Use the function
`ghub-req-extra' to get and set the value of this slot."
(and (assq 'next (ghub-response-link-relations))
(or (ghub--retrieve nil req) t)))
(cl-defun ghub-wait (resource &optional duration &key username auth host)
"Busy-wait up to DURATION seconds for RESOURCE to become available.
DURATION specifies how many seconds to wait at most. It defaults
to 64 seconds. The first attempt is made immediately, the second
after two seconds, and each subsequent attempt is made after
waiting as long again as we already waited between all preceding
attempts combined.
See `ghub-request' for information about the other arguments."
(unless duration
(setq duration 64))
(let ((total 0))
(while (not (ghub-get resource nil
:noerror t
:username username
:auth auth
:host host))
(message "Waited (%3ss of %ss) for %s..." total duration resource)
(if (= total duration)
(error "Github is taking too long to create %s" resource)
(if (> total 0)
(let ((wait (min total (- duration total))))
(sit-for wait)
(cl-incf total wait))
(sit-for (setq total 2))))))))
(defun ghub-response-link-relations (&optional headers)
"Return an alist of link relations in HEADERS.
If optional HEADERS is nil, then return those
in `ghub-response-headers'."
(let ((rels (cdr (assoc "Link" (or headers ghub-response-headers)))))
(and rels (mapcar (lambda (elt)
(pcase-let ((`(,url ,rel) (split-string elt "; ")))
(cons (intern (substring rel 5 -1))
(substring url 1 -1))))
(split-string rels ", ")))))
;;;; Internal
(cl-defun ghub--retrieve (payload req)
(let ((url-request-extra-headers
(let ((headers (ghub--req-headers req)))
(if (functionp headers) (funcall headers) headers)))
(url-request-method (ghub--req-method req))
(url-request-data payload)
(url-show-status nil)
(url (ghub--req-url req))
(silent (ghub--req-silent req)))
(if (or (ghub--req-callback req)
(ghub--req-errorback req))
(url-retrieve url 'ghub--handle-response (list req) silent)
;; When this function has already been called, then it is a
;; no-op. Otherwise it sets `url-registered-auth-schemes' among
;; other things. If we didn't ensure that it has been run, then
;; `url-retrieve-synchronously' would do it, which would cause
;; the value that we let-bind below to be overwritten, and the
;; "default" value to be lost outside the let-binding.
(let ((url-registered-auth-schemes
'(("basic" ghub--basic-auth-errorback . 10))))
(url-retrieve-synchronously url silent))
(ghub--handle-response (car url-callback-arguments) req)))))
(defun ghub--handle-response (status req)
(let ((buffer (current-buffer)))
(set-buffer-multibyte t)
(let* ((unpaginate (ghub--req-unpaginate req))
(headers (ghub--handle-response-headers status req))
(payload (ghub--handle-response-payload req))
(payload (ghub--handle-response-error status payload req))
(value (nconc (ghub--req-value req) payload))
(next (cdr (assq 'next (ghub-response-link-relations
(when (numberp unpaginate)
(cl-decf unpaginate))
(setf (ghub--req-url req)
(url-generic-parse-url next))
(setf (ghub--req-value req) value)
(setf (ghub--req-unpaginate req) unpaginate)
(or (and next
(or (eq unpaginate t)
(> unpaginate 0))
(ghub-continue req))
(let ((callback (ghub--req-callback req))
(errorback (ghub--req-errorback req))
(err (plist-get status :error)))
(cond ((and err errorback)
(funcall errorback err headers status req))
(funcall callback value headers status req))
(t value))))))
(when (buffer-live-p buffer)
(kill-buffer buffer)))))
(defun ghub--handle-response-headers (status req)
(goto-char (point-min))
(forward-line 1)
(let (headers)
(while (re-search-forward "^\\([^:]*\\): \\(.+\\)"
url-http-end-of-headers t)
(push (cons (match-string 1)
(match-string 2))
(setq headers (nreverse headers))
(unless url-http-end-of-headers
(error "BUG: missing headers %s" (plist-get status :error)))
(goto-char (1+ url-http-end-of-headers))
(if (and req (or (ghub--req-callback req)
(ghub--req-errorback req)))
(setq-local ghub-response-headers headers)
(setq-default ghub-response-headers headers))
(defun ghub--handle-response-error (status payload req)
(let ((noerror (ghub--req-noerror req))
(err (plist-get status :error)))
(if err
(if noerror
(if (eq noerror 'return)
(setcdr (last err) (list payload))
(pcase-let ((`(,symb . ,data) err))
(if (eq symb 'error)
(if (eq (car-safe data) 'http)
(signal 'ghub-http-error
(let ((code (car (cdr-safe data))))
(list code
(nth 2 (assq code url-http-codes))
(signal 'ghub-error data))
(signal symb data))))
(defun ghub--handle-response-payload (req)
(funcall (or (ghub--req-reader req)
(defun ghub--read-json-payload (_status)
(let ((raw (ghub--decode-payload)))
(and raw
(condition-case nil
(let ((json-object-type 'alist)
(json-array-type 'list)
(json-key-type 'symbol)
(json-false nil)
(json-null nil))
(json-read-from-string raw))
. ,(if (looking-at "<!DOCTYPE html>")
(if (re-search-forward
"<p>\\(?:<strong>\\)?\\([^<]+\\)" nil t)
(match-string 1)
"error description missing")
(string-trim (buffer-substring (point) (point-max)))))
. "https://github.com/magit/ghub/wiki/Github-Errors")))))))
(defun ghub--decode-payload (&optional _status)
(and (not (eobp))
(buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (point-max))
(defun ghub--url-encode-params (params)
(mapconcat (lambda (param)
(pcase-let ((`(,key . ,val) param))
(concat (url-hexify-string (symbol-name key)) "="
(if (integerp val)
(number-to-string val)
(url-hexify-string val)))))
params "&"))
;;; Authentication
;;;; API
(defun ghub-create-token (host username package scopes)
"Create, store and return a new token.
HOST is the Github instance, usually \"api.github.com\".
USERNAME is the name of a user on that instance.
PACKAGE is the package that will use the token.
SCOPES are the scopes the token is given access to."
(pcase-let ((`(,host ,username ,package)
(list host username package
"Scopes (separated by commas): "
(mapconcat #'symbol-name
(intern (format "%s-github-token-scopes" package)))
"," t "[\s\t]+"))))
(let ((user (ghub--ident username package)))
(cl-destructuring-bind (save token)
(ghub--auth-source-get (list :save-function :secret)
:create t :host host :user user
(cdr (assq 'token
`((scopes . ,scopes)
(note . ,(ghub--ident-github package)))
:username username :auth 'basic :host host))))
;; Build-in back-ends return a function that does the actual
;; saving, while for some third-party back-ends ":create t"
;; is enough.
(when (functionp save)
(funcall save))
;; If the Auth-Source cache contains the information that there
;; is no value, then setting the value does not invalidate that
;; now incorrect information.
(auth-source-forget (list :host host :user user))
(defun ghub-token-scopes (host username package)
"Return and echo the scopes of the specified token.
This is intended for debugging purposes only. The user
has to provide several values including their password."
(interactive (ghub--read-triplet))
(let ((scopes
(cdr (assq 'scopes (ghub--get-token-plist host username package)))))
(when (called-interactively-p 'any)
;; Also show the input values to make it easy for package
;; authors to verify that the user has done it correctly.
(message "Scopes for %s@%s: %S"
(ghub--ident username package)
host scopes))
;;;; Internal
(defun ghub--headers (headers host auth username forge)
(push (cons "Content-Type" "application/json") headers)
(if (eq auth 'none)
(unless (or username (stringp auth))
(setq username (ghub--username host forge)))
(lambda ()
(if (eq auth 'basic)
(if (eq forge 'gitlab)
(error "Gitlab does not support basic authentication")
(cons (cons "Authorization" (ghub--basic-auth host username))
(cons (ghub--auth host auth username forge) headers)))))
(defun ghub--auth (host auth &optional username forge)
(unless username
(setq username (ghub--username host)))
(if (eq auth 'basic)
(if (eq forge 'gitlab)
(error "Gitlab does not support basic authentication")
(cons "Authorization" (ghub--basic-auth host username)))
(cons (if (eq forge 'gitlab)
(and (not (eq forge 'gitlab)) "token ")
(cl-typecase auth
(string auth)
(null (ghub--token host username 'ghub nil forge))
(symbol (ghub--token host username auth nil forge))
(t (signal 'wrong-type-argument
`((or stringp symbolp) ,auth))))
(defun ghub--basic-auth (host username)
(let ((url (url-generic-parse-url (concat "https://" host))))
(setf (url-user url) username)
(url-basic-auth url t)))
(defun ghub--basic-auth-errorback (url &optional prompt _overwrite _realm _args)
;; This gets called twice. Do nothing the first time,
;; when PROMPT is nil. See `url-get-authentication'.
(when prompt
(if (assoc "X-GitHub-OTP" (ghub--handle-response-headers nil nil))
(setq url-http-extra-headers
`(("Content-Type" . "application/json")
("X-GitHub-OTP" . ,(ghub--read-2fa-code))
;; Without "Content-Type" and "Authorization".
;; The latter gets re-added from the return value.
,@(cddr url-http-extra-headers)))
;; Return the cached values, they are correct.
(url-basic-auth url nil nil nil))
;; Remove the invalid cached values and fail, which
;; is better than the invalid values sticking around.
(setq url-http-real-basic-auth-storage
(cl-delete (format "%s:%d" (url-host url) (url-port url))
:test #'equal :key #'car))
(defun ghub--token (host username package &optional nocreate forge)
(let* ((user (ghub--ident username package))
(or (car (ghub--auth-source-get (list :secret)
:host host :user user))
;; Auth-Source caches the information that there is no
;; value, but in our case that is a situation that needs
;; fixing so we want to keep trying by invalidating that
;; information. The (:max 1) is needed for Emacs releases
;; before 26.1.
(auth-source-forget (list :max 1 :host host :user user))
(and (not nocreate)
(if (eq forge 'gitlab)
"Required Gitlab token does not exist. See "
"https://magit.vc/manual/ghub/Gitlab-Support.html "
"for instructions."))
(ghub--confirm-create-token host username package)))))))
(if (functionp token) (funcall token) token)))
(defun ghub--host (&optional forge)
(if (eq forge 'gitlab)
(or (ignore-errors (car (process-lines "git" "config" "gitlab.host")))
(bound-and-true-p glab-default-host))
(or (ignore-errors (car (process-lines "git" "config" "github.host")))
(defun ghub--username (host &optional forge)
(let ((var (cond ((string-prefix-p "api.github.com" host) "github.user")
((string-prefix-p "gitlab.com/api" host) "gitlab.user")
((eq forge 'gitlab) (format "gitlab.%s.user" host))
(t (format "github.%s.user" host)))))
(condition-case nil
(car (process-lines "git" "config" var))
(let ((user (read-string
(format "Git variable `%s' is unset. Set to: " var))))
(or (and user (progn (call-process "git" nil nil nil
"config" "--global" var user)
(user-error "Abort")))))))
(defun ghub--ident (username package)
(format "%s^%s" username package))
(defun ghub--ident-github (package)
(format "Emacs package %s @ %s"
(or ghub-override-system-name (system-name))))
(defun ghub--package-scopes (package)
(let ((var (intern (format "%s-github-token-scopes" package))))
(if (boundp var)
(symbol-value var)
(error "%s fails to define %s" package var))))
(defun ghub--confirm-create-token (host username package)
(let* ((ident (ghub--ident-github package))
(scopes (ghub--package-scopes package))
(max-mini-window-height 40))
(if (let ((message-log-max nil))
"Such a Github API token is not available:
Host: %s
User: %s
Package: %s
Scopes requested in `%s-github-token-scopes':\n%s
Store on Github as:\n %S
Store locally according to option `auth-sources':\n %S
If in doubt, then abort and first view the section of the Ghub
documentation called \"Manually Creating and Storing a Token\".
Otherwise confirm and then provide your Github username and
password at the next two prompts. Depending on the backend
you might have to provide a passphrase and confirm that you
really want to save the token.
Create and store such a token? "
host username package package
(mapconcat (lambda (scope) (format " %s" scope)) scopes "\n")
ident auth-sources
(if (and (stringp (car auth-sources))
(not (string-suffix-p ".gpg" (car auth-sources))))
(format "
WARNING: The token will be stored unencrypted in %S.
If you don't want that, you have to abort and customize
the `auth-sources' option.\n" (car auth-sources))
(when (ghub--get-token-id host username package)
(if (yes-or-no-p
"A token named %S\nalready exists on Github. Replace it?"
(ghub--delete-token host username package)
(user-error "Abort")))
(ghub-create-token host username package scopes))
(user-error "Abort"))))
(defun ghub--get-token-id (host username package)
(let ((ident (ghub--ident-github package)))
(cl-some (lambda (x)
(let-alist x
(and (equal .app.name ident) .id)))
(ghub-get "/authorizations"
'((per_page . 100))
:unpaginate t
:username username :auth 'basic :host host))))
(defun ghub--get-token-plist (host username package)
(ghub-get (format "/authorizations/%s"
(ghub--get-token-id host username package))
nil :username username :auth 'basic :host host))
(defun ghub--delete-token (host username package)
(ghub-delete (format "/authorizations/%s"
(ghub--get-token-id host username package))
nil :username username :auth 'basic :host host))
(defun ghub--read-triplet ()
(let ((host (read-string "Host: " (ghub--host))))
(list host
(read-string "Username: " (ghub--username host))
(intern (read-string "Package: " "ghub")))))
(defvar ghub--2fa-cache nil)
(defun ghub--read-2fa-code ()
(let ((code (read-number "Two-factor authentication code: "
(and ghub--2fa-cache
(< (float-time (time-subtract
(cdr ghub--2fa-cache)))
(car ghub--2fa-cache)))))
(setq ghub--2fa-cache (cons code (current-time)))
(number-to-string code)))
(defun ghub--auth-source-get (keys &rest spec)
(declare (indent 1))
(let ((plist (car (apply #'auth-source-search :max 1 spec))))
(mapcar (lambda (k)
(plist-get plist k))
(advice-add 'auth-source-netrc-parse-next-interesting :around
(defun auth-source-netrc-parse-next-interesting@save-match-data (fn)
"Save match-data for the benefit of caller `auth-source-netrc-parse-one'.
Without wrapping this function in `save-match-data' the caller
won't see the secret from a line that is followed by a commented
(save-match-data (funcall fn)))
;;; _
(provide 'ghub)
;; Local Variables:
;; indent-tabs-mode: nil
;; End:
;;; ghub.el ends here