//! integration with yandex cloud translate api, for automatically //! translating telegram posts. //! //! most of this module is concerned with handling the authentication //! tokens for yandex cloud, as jwt signing needs to be handled //! manually (none of the rust jwt libraries that i tried actually //! work). use anyhow::{anyhow, Context, Result}; use base64::prelude::BASE64_URL_SAFE_NO_PAD as B64; use base64::Engine; use lazy_static::lazy_static; use ring::signature as sig; use serde::Deserialize; use serde_json::{json, Value}; use std::sync::Mutex; use std::time::{Duration, SystemTime}; /// token exchange url (exchanging a signed jwt for an iam token /// understood by the translation service) const TOKEN_URL: &str = "https://iam.api.cloud.yandex.net/iam/v1/tokens"; /// translation endpoint const TRANSLATE_URL: &str = "https://translate.api.cloud.yandex.net/translate/v2/translate"; /// describes the private key as downloaded from yandex, pem-encoded. #[derive(Deserialize)] struct AuthorizedKey { id: String, service_account_id: String, private_key: String, } /// cached iam token for yandex cloud struct Token { token: String, expiry: SystemTime, } impl Token { fn is_expired(&self) -> bool { self.expiry < SystemTime::now() } } lazy_static! { static ref KEY_FILE: String = std::env::var("YANDEX_KEY_FILE").expect("`YANDEX_KEY_FILE` variable should be set"); static ref CACHED_TOKEN: Mutex<Token> = { let token = refresh_token().expect("fetching initial translation token must not fail"); Mutex::new(token) }; } /// wrap all the authentication logic below into a single function. fn refresh_token() -> Result<Token> { let file = std::fs::File::open(KEY_FILE.as_str())?; let key: AuthorizedKey = serde_json::from_reader(file)?; let jwt = sign_yandex_jwt(&key)?; let token = fetch_iam_token(&jwt)?; Ok(Token { token, expiry: SystemTime::now() + Duration::from_secs(3600), }) } /// wrapper around the cached token that refreshes if required. fn current_token() -> Result<String> { let mut token = CACHED_TOKEN .lock() .expect("thread operating on token should never fail"); if token.is_expired() { println!("refreshing translation token"); *token = refresh_token().context("refreshing translation token")?; } Ok(token.token.clone()) } /// use openssl to read the pem-encoded key, as ring itself is not /// capable of this. fn read_pem_key(key: &AuthorizedKey) -> Result<sig::RsaKeyPair> { let rsa = openssl::rsa::Rsa::private_key_from_pem(key.private_key.as_bytes()) .context("parsing RSA key")?; let der = rsa .private_key_to_der() .context("encoding key as DER for ring")?; sig::RsaKeyPair::from_der(&der).map_err(|err| anyhow!("decoding DER key in ring: {}", err)) } /// manually construct and sign the jwt required to perform the /// iam-token key exchange with yandex. fn sign_yandex_jwt(key: &AuthorizedKey) -> Result<String> { let iat = SystemTime::now() .duration_since(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH)? .as_secs(); let header = json!({ "typ": "JWT", "alg": "PS256", "kid": key.id, }) .to_string(); let payload = json!({ "iss": key.service_account_id, "aud": TOKEN_URL, "iat": iat, "exp": iat + 60, }) .to_string(); let unsigned = format!("{}.{}", B64.encode(header), B64.encode(payload)); let key_pair = read_pem_key(key)?; let rng = ring::rand::SystemRandom::new(); let mut signature = vec![0; key_pair.public_modulus_len()]; key_pair .sign( &sig::RSA_PSS_SHA256, &rng, unsigned.as_bytes(), &mut signature, ) .map_err(|err| anyhow!("while signing JWT: {}", err))?; Ok(format!("{}.{}", unsigned, B64.encode(&signature))) } /// exchange the jwt for an iam token fn fetch_iam_token(token: &str) -> Result<String> { #[derive(Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] struct TokenResponse { iam_token: String, } let response = crimp::Request::post(TOKEN_URL) .json(&json!({ "jwt": token, }))? .send()? .error_for_status(|resp| { anyhow::anyhow!("{} ({})", String::from_utf8_lossy(&resp.body), resp.status) })? .as_json::<TokenResponse>() .context("deserialising IAM token")?; Ok(response.body.iam_token) } pub fn fetch_translation(message: &str) -> Result<String> { let request_body = json!({ "folderId": "b1gq41rsbggeum4qafnh", "texts": [ message ], "targetLanguageCode": "en", }); let response = crimp::Request::post(TRANSLATE_URL) .bearer_auth(¤t_token()?) .context("adding 'Bearer' token")? .json(&request_body) .context("preparing JSON body")? .send() .context("failed to fetch translation from yandex")? .error_for_status(|resp| { anyhow!( "translation request failed: {} ({})", String::from_utf8_lossy(&resp.body), resp.status ) })? .as_json::<Value>()? .body; let translation = response .get("translations") .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("missing 'translations' key"))? .get(0) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("translations list is empty"))? .get("text") .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("translation missing 'text' key"))? .as_str() .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("'text' was not a string"))?; Ok(translation.to_string()) }