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path: root/users/tazjin/nixos/koptevo/default.nix
# NUC in my closet.
_: # ignore readTree options

{ config, depot, lib, pkgs, ... }:

  mod = name: depot.path.origSrc + ("/ops/modules/" + name);
  usermod = name: depot.path.origSrc + ("/users/tazjin/nixos/modules/" + name);
  imports = [
    (mod "quassel.nix")
    (mod "www/base.nix")
    (mod "www/tazj.in.nix")
    (usermod "airsonic.nix")
    (usermod "geesefs.nix")
    (usermod "predlozhnik.nix")
    (usermod "tgsa.nix")
    (usermod "miniflux.nix")
    (depot.third_party.agenix.src + "/modules/age.nix")

  boot = {
    loader.systemd-boot.enable = true;
    loader.efi.canTouchEfiVariables = true;
    initrd.availableKernelModules = [ "ahci" "xhci_pci" "usb_storage" "sd_mod" "sdhci_pci" ];
    kernelModules = [ "kvm-intel" ];
    kernelParams = [ "nomodeset" ];

  nix.settings.trusted-users = [ "tazjin" ];

  fileSystems = {
    "/" = {
      device = "rpool/root";
      fsType = "zfs";

    "/boot" = {
      device = "/dev/disk/by-uuid/E214-E6B3";
      fsType = "vfat";

    "/var" = {
      device = "rpool/var";
      fsType = "zfs";

    "/home" = {
      device = "rpool/home";
      fsType = "zfs";

  hardware.cpu.intel.updateMicrocode = true;
  hardware.enableRedistributableFirmware = true;
  services.fwupd.enable = true;

  networking = {
    hostName = "koptevo";
    hostId = "07bbbf4f";
    domain = "tazj.in";
    useDHCP = true;
    firewall.enable = true;
    firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 22 80 443 8776 9443 ];

    wireless.enable = true;
    wireless.networks."How do I computer fast?" = {
      psk = "washyourface";

  time.timeZone = "UTC";

  security.acme = {
    acceptTerms = true;
    defaults.email = lib.mkForce "acme@tazj.in";

    # wildcard cert for usage with Yggdrasil services
    certs."y.tazj.in" = {
      dnsProvider = "yandexcloud";
      credentialFiles.YANDEX_CLOUD_IAM_TOKEN_FILE = "/run/agenix/lego-yandex";
      extraDomainNames = [ "*.y.tazj.in" ];

      # folder tvl/tazjin-private/default
      environmentFile = builtins.toFile "lego-yandex-env" ''

  programs.fish.enable = true;

  users.users.tazjin = {
    isNormalUser = true;
    extraGroups = [ "wheel" "docker" "systemd-journal" ];
    shell = pkgs.fish;
    openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = depot.users.tazjin.keys.all;

  age.secrets =
      secretFile = name: depot.users.tazjin.secrets."${name}.age";
      lego-yandex.file = secretFile "lego-yandex";
      tgsa-yandex.file = secretFile "tgsa-yandex";

  security.sudo.wheelNeedsPassword = false;

  services.openssh.enable = true;

  services.depot.quassel = {
    enable = true;
    acmeHost = "koptevo.tazj.in";
    bindAddresses = [

  services.tailscale = {
    enable = true;
    useRoutingFeatures = "server"; # for exit-node usage

  # Automatically collect garbage from the Nix store.
  services.depot.automatic-gc = {
    enable = true;
    interval = "daily";
    diskThreshold = 15; # GiB
    maxFreed = 10; # GiB
    preserveGenerations = "14d";

  services.nginx.virtualHosts."koptevo.tazj.in" = {
    addSSL = true;
    enableACME = true;

    extraConfig = ''
      location = / {
        return 302 https://at.tvl.fyi/?q=%2F%2Fusers%2Ftazjin%2Fnixos%2Fkoptevo%2Fdefault.nix;

  # I don't use the podcast nor playlist feature,
  # but I *have to* supply podcasts to gonic ...
  systemd.tmpfiles.rules = [
    "d /tmp/fake-podcasts 0555 nobody nobody -"
    "d /tmp/fake-playlists 0555 nobody nobody -"

  services.gonic = {
    enable = true;
    settings = {
      listen-addr = "";
      scan-interval = 5;
      scan-at-start-enabled = true;
      podcast-path = [ "/tmp/fake-podcasts" ];
      playlists-path = [ "/tmp/fake-playlists" ];
      music-path = [ "/var/lib/geesefs/tazjins-files/music" ];

  # hack to work around the strict sandboxing of the gonic module
  # breaking DNS resolution
  systemd.services.gonic.serviceConfig.BindReadOnlyPaths = [

  # add a hard dependency on the FUSE mount
  systemd.services.gonic.requires = [ "geesefs.service" ];

  services.nginx.virtualHosts."music.tazj.in" = {
    addSSL = true;
    enableACME = true;

    locations."/" = {
      proxyPass = "";

  # List packages installed in system profile. To search, run:
  # $ nix search wget
  environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [

  # configure Yggdrasil network
  services.yggdrasil = {
    enable = true;
    persistentKeys = true;
    openMulticastPort = true;

    settings = {
      Listen = [ "tls://[::]:0" ];
      IfName = "ygg0";
      Peers = [

      MulticastInterfaces = [{
        Regex = "enp.*";
        Beacon = true;
        Listen = true;
        Port = 9443; # yggd

  programs.mtr.enable = true;
  programs.mosh.enable = true;
  zramSwap.enable = true;

  system.stateVersion = "23.05";