{ depot, pkgs, lib, ... }: let bins = depot.nix.getBins pkgs.coreutils [ "head" "printf" "cat" ] // depot.nix.getBins pkgs.ncurses [ "tput" ] // depot.nix.getBins pkgs.bc [ "bc" ] // depot.nix.getBins pkgs.ocamlPackages.sexp [ "sexp" ]; print-ast = depot.nix.writers.rustSimple { name = "print-ast"; dependencies = with depot.third_party.rust-crates; [ libloading tree-sitter ]; } '' extern crate libloading; extern crate tree_sitter; use std::mem; use std::io::{Read}; use libloading::{Library, Symbol}; use tree_sitter::{Language, Parser}; /// Load the shared lib FILE and return the language under SYMBOL-NAME. /// Inspired by the rust source of emacs-tree-sitter. fn _load_language(file: String, symbol_name: String) -> Result<Language, libloading::Error> { let lib = Library::new(file)?; let tree_sitter_lang: Symbol<'_, unsafe extern "C" fn() -> _> = unsafe { lib.get(symbol_name.as_bytes())? }; let language: Language = unsafe { tree_sitter_lang() }; // Avoid segmentation fault by not unloading the lib, as language is a static piece of data. // TODO: Attach an Rc<Library> to Language instead. mem::forget(lib); Ok(language) } fn main() { let mut args = std::env::args(); let so = args.nth(1).unwrap(); let symbol_name = args.nth(0).unwrap(); let file = args.nth(0).unwrap(); let mut parser = Parser::new(); let lang = _load_language(so, symbol_name).unwrap(); parser.set_language(lang).unwrap(); let bytes = std::fs::read(&file).unwrap(); print!("{}", parser.parse(&bytes, None).unwrap().root_node().to_sexp()); } ''; tree-sitter-nix = buildTreeSitterGrammar { language = "tree-sitter-nix"; source = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub { owner = "cstrahan"; repo = "tree-sitter-nix"; rev = "791b5ff0e4f0da358cbb941788b78d436a2ca621"; sha256 = "1y5b3wh3fcmbgq8r2i97likzfp1zp02m58zacw5a1cjqs5raqz66"; }; }; watch-file-modified = depot.nix.writers.rustSimple { name = "watch-file-modified"; dependencies = [ depot.third_party.rust-crates.inotify depot.users.Profpatsch.netstring.rust-netstring ]; } '' extern crate inotify; extern crate netstring; use inotify::{EventMask, WatchMask, Inotify}; use std::io::Write; fn main() { let mut inotify = Inotify::init() .expect("Failed to initialize inotify"); let file = std::env::args().nth(1).unwrap(); let file_watch = inotify .add_watch( &file, WatchMask::MODIFY ) .expect("Failed to add inotify watch"); let mut buffer = [0u8; 4096]; loop { let events = inotify .read_events_blocking(&mut buffer) .expect("Failed to read inotify events"); for event in events { if event.wd == file_watch { std::io::stdout().write(&netstring::to_netstring(file.as_bytes())); std::io::stdout().flush(); } } } } ''; # clear screen and set LINES and COLUMNS to terminal height & width clear-screen = depot.nix.writeExecline "clear-screen" { } [ "if" [ bins.tput "clear" ] "backtick" "-in" "LINES" [ bins.tput "lines" ] "backtick" "-in" "COLUMNS" [ bins.tput "cols" ] "$@" ]; print-nix-file = depot.nix.writeExecline "print-nix-file" { readNArgs = 1; } [ "pipeline" [ print-ast "${tree-sitter-nix}/parser" "tree_sitter_nix" "$1" ] "pipeline" [ bins.sexp "print" ] clear-screen "importas" "-ui" "lines" "LINES" "backtick" "-in" "ls" [ "pipeline" # when you pull out bc to decrement an integer it’s time to switch to python lol [ bins.printf "x=%s; --x\n" "$lines" ] bins.bc ] "importas" "-ui" "l" "ls" bins.head "-n\${l}" ]; print-nix-file-on-update = depot.nix.writeExecline "print-nix-file-on-update" { readNArgs = 1; } [ "if" [ print-nix-file "$1" ] "pipeline" [ watch-file-modified "$1" ] "forstdin" "-d" "" "file" "importas" "file" "file" print-nix-file "$file" ]; # copied from nixpkgs buildTreeSitterGrammar = { # language name language # source for the language grammar , source }: pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation { pname = "${language}-grammar"; inherit (pkgs.tree-sitter) version; src = source; buildInputs = [ pkgs.tree-sitter ]; dontUnpack = true; configurePhase = ":"; buildPhase = '' runHook preBuild scanner_cc="$src/src/scanner.cc" if [ ! -f "$scanner_cc" ]; then scanner_cc="" fi $CXX -I$src/src/ -c $scanner_cc $CC -I$src/src/ -shared -o parser -Os scanner.o $src/src/parser.c -lstdc++ runHook postBuild ''; installPhase = '' runHook preInstall mkdir $out mv parser $out/ runHook postInstall ''; }; in depot.nix.readTree.drvTargets { inherit print-ast tree-sitter-nix print-nix-file-on-update watch-file-modified ; }