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path: root/tvix/nix-compat/src/wire/bytes/reader/trailer.rs
use std::{
    task::{self, ready, Poll},

use tokio::io::{self, AsyncRead, ReadBuf};

/// Trailer represents up to 7 bytes of data read as part of the trailer block(s)
pub(crate) struct Trailer {
    data_len: u8,
    buf: [u8; 7],

impl Deref for Trailer {
    type Target = [u8];

    fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
        &self.buf[..self.data_len as usize]

/// Tag defines a "trailer tag": specific, fixed bytes that must follow wire data.
pub(crate) trait Tag {
    /// The expected suffix
    /// The first 7 bytes may be ignored, and it must be an 8-byte aligned size.
    const PATTERN: &'static [u8];

    /// Suitably sized buffer for reading [Self::PATTERN]
    /// HACK: This is a workaround for const generics limitations.
    type Buf: AsRef<[u8]> + AsMut<[u8]> + Unpin;

    /// Make an instance of [Self::Buf]
    fn make_buf() -> Self::Buf;

pub(crate) enum Pad {}

impl Tag for Pad {
    const PATTERN: &'static [u8] = &[0; 8];

    type Buf = [u8; 8];

    fn make_buf() -> Self::Buf {
        [0; 8]

pub(crate) struct ReadTrailer<R, T: Tag = Pad> {
    reader: R,
    data_len: u8,
    filled: u8,
    buf: T::Buf,
    _phantom: PhantomData<fn(T) -> T>,

/// read_trailer returns a [Future] that reads a trailer with a given [Tag] from `reader`
pub(crate) fn read_trailer<R: AsyncRead + Unpin, T: Tag>(
    reader: R,
    data_len: u8,
) -> ReadTrailer<R, T> {
    assert!(data_len < 8, "payload in trailer must be less than 8 bytes");

    let buf = T::make_buf();
    assert_eq!(buf.as_ref().len(), T::PATTERN.len());
    assert_eq!(T::PATTERN.len() % 8, 0);

    ReadTrailer {
        filled: if data_len != 0 { 0 } else { 8 },
        _phantom: PhantomData,

impl<R, T: Tag> ReadTrailer<R, T> {
    pub fn len(&self) -> u8 {

impl<R: AsyncRead + Unpin, T: Tag> Future for ReadTrailer<R, T> {
    type Output = io::Result<Trailer>;

    fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut task::Context) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
        let this = &mut *self;

        loop {
            if this.filled >= this.data_len {
                let check_range = || this.data_len as usize..this.filled as usize;

                if this.buf.as_ref()[check_range()] != T::PATTERN[check_range()] {
                    return Err(io::Error::new(
                        "invalid trailer",

            if this.filled as usize == T::PATTERN.len() {
                let mut buf = [0; 7];

                return Ok(Trailer {
                    data_len: this.data_len,

            let mut buf = ReadBuf::new(this.buf.as_mut());
            buf.advance(this.filled as usize);

            ready!(Pin::new(&mut this.reader).poll_read(cx, &mut buf))?;

            this.filled = {
                let prev_filled = this.filled;
                let filled = buf.filled().len() as u8;

                if filled == prev_filled {
                    return Err(io::ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof.into()).into();


mod tests {
    use std::time::Duration;

    use super::*;

    async fn unexpected_eof() {
        let reader = tokio_test::io::Builder::new()
            .read(&[0xef, 0x00])

            read_trailer::<_, Pad>(reader, 2).await.unwrap_err().kind(),

    async fn invalid_padding() {
        let reader = tokio_test::io::Builder::new()
            .read(&[0xef, 0x01, 0x00])

            read_trailer::<_, Pad>(reader, 2).await.unwrap_err().kind(),

    async fn success() {
        let reader = tokio_test::io::Builder::new()
            .read(&[0xef, 0x00])
            .read(&[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00])

            &*read_trailer::<_, Pad>(reader, 2).await.unwrap(),
            &[0xed, 0xef]

    async fn no_padding() {
        assert!(read_trailer::<_, Pad>(io::empty(), 0)