use std::{future::Future, ops::DerefMut, sync::Arc}; use bytes::Bytes; use tokio::{ io::{split, AsyncReadExt, AsyncWriteExt, ReadHalf, WriteHalf}, sync::Mutex, }; use tracing::{debug, warn}; use super::{ framing::{NixFramedReader, StderrReadFramedReader}, types::{AddToStoreNarRequest, QueryValidPaths}, worker_protocol::{server_handshake_client, ClientSettings, Operation, Trust, STDERR_LAST}, NixDaemonIO, }; use crate::{ store_path::StorePath, wire::{ de::{NixRead, NixReader}, ser::{NixSerialize, NixWrite, NixWriter, NixWriterBuilder}, ProtocolVersion, }, }; use crate::{nix_daemon::types::NixError, worker_protocol::STDERR_ERROR}; /// Handles a single connection with a nix client. /// /// As part of its [`initialization`] it performs the handshake with the client /// and determines the [ProtocolVersion] and [ClientSettings] to use for the remainder of the session. /// /// Once initialized, [`handle_client`] needs to be called to handle the rest of the session, /// it delegates all operation handling to an instance of [NixDaemonIO]. /// /// [`initialization`]: NixDaemon::initialize #[allow(dead_code)] pub struct NixDaemon<IO, R, W> { io: Arc<IO>, protocol_version: ProtocolVersion, client_settings: ClientSettings, reader: NixReader<R>, writer: Arc<Mutex<NixWriter<W>>>, } impl<IO, R, W> NixDaemon<IO, R, W> where IO: NixDaemonIO + Sync + Send, { pub fn new( io: Arc<IO>, protocol_version: ProtocolVersion, client_settings: ClientSettings, reader: NixReader<R>, writer: NixWriter<W>, ) -> Self { Self { io, protocol_version, client_settings, reader, writer: Arc::new(Mutex::new(writer)), } } } impl<IO, RW> NixDaemon<IO, ReadHalf<RW>, WriteHalf<RW>> where RW: AsyncReadExt + AsyncWriteExt + Send + Unpin + 'static, IO: NixDaemonIO + Sync + Send, { /// Async constructor for NixDaemon. /// /// Performs the initial handshake with the client and retrieves the client's preferred /// settings. /// /// The resulting daemon can handle the client session by calling [NixDaemon::handle_client]. pub async fn initialize(io: Arc<IO>, mut connection: RW) -> Result<Self, std::io::Error> where RW: AsyncReadExt + AsyncWriteExt + Send + Unpin, { let protocol_version = server_handshake_client(&mut connection, "2.18.2", Trust::Trusted).await?; connection.write_u64_le(STDERR_LAST).await?; let (reader, writer) = split(connection); let mut reader = NixReader::builder() .set_version(protocol_version) .build(reader); let mut writer = NixWriterBuilder::default() .set_version(protocol_version) .build(writer); // The first op is always SetOptions let operation: Operation = reader.read_value().await?; if operation != Operation::SetOptions { return Err(std::io::Error::other( "Expected SetOptions operation, but got {operation}", )); } let client_settings: ClientSettings = reader.read_value().await?; writer.write_number(STDERR_LAST).await?; writer.flush().await?; Ok(Self::new( io, protocol_version, client_settings, reader, writer, )) } /// Main client connection loop, reads client's requests and responds to them accordingly. pub async fn handle_client(&mut self) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> { let io =; loop { let op_code = self.reader.read_number().await?; match TryInto::<Operation>::try_into(op_code) { // Note: please keep operations sorted in ascending order of their numerical op number. Ok(operation) => match operation { Operation::IsValidPath => { let path: StorePath<String> = self.reader.read_value().await?; Self::handle(&self.writer, io.is_valid_path(&path)).await? } // Note this operation does not currently delegate to NixDaemonIO, // The general idea is that we will pass relevant ClientSettings // into individual NixDaemonIO method calls if the need arises. // For now we just store the settings in the NixDaemon for future use. Operation::SetOptions => { self.client_settings = self.reader.read_value().await?; Self::handle(&self.writer, async { Ok(()) }).await? } Operation::QueryPathInfo => { let path: StorePath<String> = self.reader.read_value().await?; Self::handle(&self.writer, io.query_path_info(&path)).await? } Operation::QueryPathFromHashPart => { let hash: Bytes = self.reader.read_value().await?; Self::handle(&self.writer, io.query_path_from_hash_part(&hash)).await? } Operation::QueryValidPaths => { let query: QueryValidPaths = self.reader.read_value().await?; Self::handle(&self.writer, io.query_valid_paths(&query)).await? } Operation::QueryValidDerivers => { let path: StorePath<String> = self.reader.read_value().await?; Self::handle(&self.writer, io.query_valid_derivers(&path)).await? } // FUTUREWORK: These are just stubs that return an empty list. // It's important not to return an error for the local-overlay:// store // to work properly. While it will not see certain referrers and realizations // it will not fail on various operations like gc and optimize store. At the // same time, returning an empty list here shouldn't break any of local-overlay store's // invariants. Operation::QueryReferrers | Operation::QueryRealisation => { let _: String = self.reader.read_value().await?; Self::handle(&self.writer, async move { warn!( ?operation, "This operation is not implemented. Returning empty result..." ); Ok(Vec::<StorePath<String>>::new()) }) .await? } Operation::AddToStoreNar => { let request: AddToStoreNarRequest = self.reader.read_value().await?; let minor_version = self.protocol_version.minor(); match minor_version { ..21 => { // Before protocol version 1.21, the nar is sent unframed, so we just // pass the reader directly to the operation. Self::handle( &self.writer,, &mut self.reader), ) .await? } 21..23 => { // Protocol versions 1.21 .. 1.23 use STDERR_READ protocol, see Self::handle(&self.writer, async { let mut writer = self.writer.lock().await; let mut reader = StderrReadFramedReader::new( &mut self.reader, writer.deref_mut(), );, &mut reader).await }) .await? } 23.. => { // Starting at protocol version 1.23, the framed protocol is used, see let mut framed = NixFramedReader::new(&mut self.reader); Self::handle(&self.writer, async {, &mut framed).await }) .await? } } } _ => { return Err(std::io::Error::other(format!( "Operation {operation:?} is not implemented" ))); } }, _ => { return Err(std::io::Error::other(format!( "Unknown operation code received: {op_code}" ))); } } } } /// Handles the operation and sends the response or error to the client. /// /// As per nix daemon protocol, after sending the request, the client expects zero or more /// log lines/activities followed by either /// * STDERR_LAST and the response bytes /// * STDERR_ERROR and the error /// /// This is a helper method, awaiting on the passed in future and then /// handling log lines/activities as described above. async fn handle<T>( writer: &Arc<Mutex<NixWriter<WriteHalf<RW>>>>, future: impl Future<Output = std::io::Result<T>>, ) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> where T: NixSerialize + Send, { let result = future.await; let mut writer = writer.lock().await; match result { Ok(r) => { // the protocol requires that we first indicate that we are done sending logs // by sending STDERR_LAST and then the response. writer.write_number(STDERR_LAST).await?; writer.write_value(&r).await?; writer.flush().await } Err(e) => { debug!(err = ?e, "IO error"); writer.write_number(STDERR_ERROR).await?; writer.write_value(&NixError::new(format!("{e:?}"))).await?; writer.flush().await } } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use std::{io::ErrorKind, sync::Arc}; use mockall::predicate; use tokio::io::AsyncWriteExt; use crate::{ nix_daemon::MockNixDaemonIO, wire::ProtocolVersion, worker_protocol::{ClientSettings, WORKER_MAGIC_1, WORKER_MAGIC_2}, }; #[tokio::test] async fn test_daemon_initialization() { let mut builder = tokio_test::io::Builder::new(); let test_conn = builder .read(&WORKER_MAGIC_1.to_le_bytes()) .write(&WORKER_MAGIC_2.to_le_bytes()) // Our version is 1.37 .write(&[37, 1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) // The client's versin is 1.35 .read(&[35, 1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) // cpu affinity .read(&[0; 8]) // reservespace .read(&[0; 8]) // version (size) .write(&[0x06, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) // version (data == 2.18.2 + padding) .write(&[50, 46, 49, 56, 46, 50, 0, 0]) // Trusted (1 == client trusted) .write(&[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) // STDERR_LAST .write(&[115, 116, 108, 97, 0, 0, 0, 0]); let mut bytes = Vec::new(); let mut writer = NixWriter::new(&mut bytes); writer .write_value(&ClientSettings::default()) .await .unwrap(); writer.flush().await.unwrap(); let test_conn = test_conn // SetOptions op .read(&[19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) .read(&bytes) // STDERR_LAST .write(&[115, 116, 108, 97, 0, 0, 0, 0]) .build(); let mock = MockNixDaemonIO::new(); let daemon = NixDaemon::initialize(Arc::new(mock), test_conn) .await .unwrap(); assert_eq!(daemon.client_settings, ClientSettings::default()); assert_eq!(daemon.protocol_version, ProtocolVersion::from_parts(1, 35)); } async fn serialize<T>(req: &T, protocol_version: ProtocolVersion) -> Vec<u8> where T: NixSerialize + Send, { let mut result: Vec<u8> = Vec::new(); let mut w = NixWriter::builder() .set_version(protocol_version) .build(&mut result); w.write_value(req).await.unwrap(); w.flush().await.unwrap(); result } async fn respond<T>( resp: &Result<T, std::io::Error>, protocol_version: ProtocolVersion, ) -> Vec<u8> where T: NixSerialize + Send, { let mut result: Vec<u8> = Vec::new(); let mut w = NixWriter::builder() .set_version(protocol_version) .build(&mut result); match resp { Ok(value) => { w.write_value(&STDERR_LAST).await.unwrap(); w.write_value(value).await.unwrap(); } Err(e) => { w.write_value(&STDERR_ERROR).await.unwrap(); w.write_value(&NixError::new(format!("{:?}", e))) .await .unwrap(); } } w.flush().await.unwrap(); result } #[tokio::test] async fn test_handle_is_valid_path_ok() { let version = ProtocolVersion::from_parts(1, 37); let (io, mut handle) = tokio_test::io::Builder::new().build_with_handle(); let mut mock = MockNixDaemonIO::new(); let (reader, writer) = split(io); let path: StorePath<String> = StorePath::<String>::from_absolute_path( "/nix/store/33l4p0pn0mybmqzaxfkpppyh7vx1c74p-hello-2.12.1".as_bytes(), ) .unwrap(); mock.expect_is_valid_path() .with(predicate::eq(path.clone())) .times(1) .returning(|_| Box::pin(async { Ok(true) }));<u64>::into(Operation::IsValidPath).to_le_bytes());, version).await); handle.write(&respond(&Ok(true), version).await); drop(handle); let mut daemon = NixDaemon::new( Arc::new(mock), version, ClientSettings::default(), NixReader::new(reader), NixWriter::new(writer), ); assert_eq!( ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof, daemon .handle_client() .await .expect_err("Expecting eof") .kind() ); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_handle_is_valid_path_err() { let version = ProtocolVersion::from_parts(1, 37); let (io, mut handle) = tokio_test::io::Builder::new().build_with_handle(); let mut mock = MockNixDaemonIO::new(); let (reader, writer) = split(io); let path: StorePath<String> = StorePath::<String>::from_absolute_path( "/nix/store/33l4p0pn0mybmqzaxfkpppyh7vx1c74p-hello-2.12.1".as_bytes(), ) .unwrap(); mock.expect_is_valid_path() .with(predicate::eq(path.clone())) .times(1) .returning(|_| Box::pin(async { Err(std::io::Error::other("hello")) }));<u64>::into(Operation::IsValidPath).to_le_bytes());, version).await); handle.write(&respond::<bool>(&Err(std::io::Error::other("hello")), version).await); drop(handle); let mut daemon = NixDaemon::new( Arc::new(mock), version, ClientSettings::default(), NixReader::new(reader), NixWriter::new(writer), ); assert_eq!( ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof, daemon .handle_client() .await .expect_err("Expecting eof") .kind() ); } }