//! This module implements the backing representation of runtime //! values in the Nix language. use std::rc::Rc; use std::{fmt::Display, path::PathBuf}; mod attrs; mod builtin; mod function; mod list; mod string; mod thunk; use crate::errors::ErrorKind; use crate::opcode::StackIdx; pub use attrs::NixAttrs; pub use builtin::Builtin; pub use function::{Closure, Lambda}; pub use list::NixList; pub use string::NixString; pub use thunk::Thunk; #[warn(variant_size_differences)] #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub enum Value { Null, Bool(bool), Integer(i64), Float(f64), String(NixString), Path(PathBuf), Attrs(Rc<NixAttrs>), List(NixList), Closure(Closure), Builtin(Builtin), // Internal values that, while they technically exist at runtime, // are never returned to or created directly by users. Thunk(Thunk), AttrPath(Vec<NixString>), AttrNotFound, DynamicUpvalueMissing(NixString), Blueprint(Rc<Lambda>), DeferredUpvalue(StackIdx), } // Helper macros to generate the to_*/as_* macros while accounting for // thunks. /// Generate an `as_*` method returning a reference to the expected /// type, or a type error. This only works for types that implement /// `Copy`, as returning a reference to an inner thunk value is not /// possible. /// Generate an `as_*/to_*` accessor method that returns either the /// expected type, or a type error. macro_rules! gen_cast { ( $name:ident, $type:ty, $expected:expr, $variant:pat, $result:expr ) => { pub fn $name(&self) -> Result<$type, ErrorKind> { match self { $variant => Ok($result), Value::Thunk(thunk) => Self::$name(&thunk.value()), other => Err(type_error($expected, &other)), } } }; } /// Generate an `is_*` type-checking method. macro_rules! gen_is { ( $name:ident, $variant:pat ) => { pub fn $name(&self) -> bool { match self { $variant => true, Value::Thunk(thunk) => Self::$name(&thunk.value()), _ => false, } } }; } impl Value { pub fn type_of(&self) -> &'static str { match self { Value::Null => "null", Value::Bool(_) => "bool", Value::Integer(_) => "int", Value::Float(_) => "float", Value::String(_) => "string", Value::Path(_) => "path", Value::Attrs(_) => "set", Value::List(_) => "list", Value::Closure(_) | Value::Builtin(_) => "lambda", // Internal types Value::Thunk(_) | Value::AttrPath(_) | Value::AttrNotFound | Value::DynamicUpvalueMissing(_) | Value::Blueprint(_) | Value::DeferredUpvalue(_) => "internal", } } gen_cast!(as_bool, bool, "bool", Value::Bool(b), *b); gen_cast!(to_str, NixString, "string", Value::String(s), s.clone()); gen_cast!(to_attrs, Rc<NixAttrs>, "set", Value::Attrs(a), a.clone()); gen_cast!(to_list, NixList, "list", Value::List(l), l.clone()); gen_cast!(to_closure, Closure, "lambda", Value::Closure(c), c.clone()); gen_is!(is_number, Value::Integer(_) | Value::Float(_)); gen_is!(is_bool, Value::Bool(_)); } impl Display for Value { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { match self { Value::Null => f.write_str("null"), Value::Bool(true) => f.write_str("true"), Value::Bool(false) => f.write_str("false"), Value::Integer(num) => write!(f, "{}", num), Value::String(s) => s.fmt(f), Value::Path(p) => p.display().fmt(f), Value::Attrs(attrs) => attrs.fmt(f), Value::List(list) => list.fmt(f), Value::Closure(_) => f.write_str("lambda"), // TODO: print position Value::Builtin(builtin) => builtin.fmt(f), // Nix prints floats with a maximum precision of 5 digits // only. Value::Float(num) => { write!(f, "{}", format!("{:.5}", num).trim_end_matches(['.', '0'])) } // Delegate thunk display to the type, as it must handle // the case of already evaluated thunks. Value::Thunk(t) => t.fmt(f), // internal types Value::AttrPath(path) => write!(f, "internal[attrpath({})]", path.len()), Value::AttrNotFound => f.write_str("internal[not found]"), Value::Blueprint(_) => f.write_str("internal[blueprint]"), Value::DeferredUpvalue(_) => f.write_str("internal[deferred_upvalue]"), Value::DynamicUpvalueMissing(name) => { write!(f, "internal[no_dyn_upvalue({name})]") } } } } impl PartialEq for Value { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { match (self, other) { // Trivial comparisons (Value::Null, Value::Null) => true, (Value::Bool(b1), Value::Bool(b2)) => b1 == b2, (Value::List(l1), Value::List(l2)) => l1 == l2, (Value::String(s1), Value::String(s2)) => s1 == s2, // Numerical comparisons (they work between float & int) (Value::Integer(i1), Value::Integer(i2)) => i1 == i2, (Value::Integer(i), Value::Float(f)) => *i as f64 == *f, (Value::Float(f1), Value::Float(f2)) => f1 == f2, (Value::Float(f), Value::Integer(i)) => *i as f64 == *f, // Optimised attribute set comparison (Value::Attrs(a1), Value::Attrs(a2)) => Rc::ptr_eq(a1, a2) || { a1 == a2 }, // If either value is a thunk, the inner value must be // compared instead. The compiler should ensure that // thunks under comparison have been forced, otherwise it // is a bug. (Value::Thunk(lhs), Value::Thunk(rhs)) => &*lhs.value() == &*rhs.value(), (Value::Thunk(lhs), rhs) => &*lhs.value() == rhs, (lhs, Value::Thunk(rhs)) => lhs == &*rhs.value(), // Everything else is either incomparable (e.g. internal // types) or false. // TODO(tazjin): mirror Lambda equality behaviour _ => false, } } } fn type_error(expected: &'static str, actual: &Value) -> ErrorKind { ErrorKind::TypeError { expected, actual: actual.type_of(), } }