use std::{path::PathBuf, rc::Rc}; use crate::{ builtins::global_builtins, errors::{Error, ErrorKind, EvalResult}, observer::{DisassemblingObserver, NoOpObserver, TracingObserver}, value::Value, }; /// Runtime options for the Tvix interpreter #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Default)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "repl", derive(clap::Parser))] pub struct Options { /// Dump the raw AST to stdout before interpreting #[cfg_attr(feature = "repl", clap(long, env = "TVIX_DISPLAY_AST"))] display_ast: bool, /// Dump the bytecode to stdout before evaluating #[cfg_attr(feature = "repl", clap(long, env = "TVIX_DUMP_BYTECODE"))] dump_bytecode: bool, /// Trace the runtime of the VM #[cfg_attr(feature = "repl", clap(long, env = "TVIX_TRACE_RUNTIME"))] trace_runtime: bool, } pub fn interpret(code: &str, location: Option<PathBuf>, options: Options) -> EvalResult<Value> { let mut codemap = codemap::CodeMap::new(); let file = codemap.add_file( location .as_ref() .map(|p| p.to_string_lossy().to_string()) .unwrap_or_else(|| "[tvix-repl]".into()), code.into(), ); let codemap = Rc::new(codemap); let parsed = rnix::ast::Root::parse(code); let errors = parsed.errors(); if !errors.is_empty() { for err in errors { eprintln!("parse error: {}", err); } return Err(Error { kind: ErrorKind::ParseErrors(errors.to_vec()), span: file.span, }); } // If we've reached this point, there are no errors. let root_expr = parsed .tree() .expr() .expect("expression should exist if no errors occured"); if options.display_ast { println!("{:?}", root_expr); } let result = if options.dump_bytecode { crate::compiler::compile( root_expr, location, file.clone(), global_builtins(), &mut DisassemblingObserver::new(codemap.clone(), std::io::stderr()), ) } else { crate::compiler::compile( root_expr, location, file.clone(), global_builtins(), &mut NoOpObserver::default(), ) }?; for warning in result.warnings { warning.fancy_format_stderr(&codemap); } for error in &result.errors { eprintln!( "compiler error: {:?} at `{}`[line {}]", error.kind, file.source_slice(error.span), file.find_line(error.span.low()) + 1 ); } if let Some(err) = result.errors.last() { return Err(err.clone()); } if options.trace_runtime { crate::vm::run_lambda(&mut TracingObserver::new(std::io::stderr()), result.lambda) } else { crate::vm::run_lambda(&mut NoOpObserver::default(), result.lambda) } }