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path: root/tvix/castore/src/blobservice/object_store.rs
use std::{
    collections::{hash_map, HashMap},
    io::{self, Cursor},

use data_encoding::HEXLOWER;
use fastcdc::v2020::AsyncStreamCDC;
use futures::Future;
use object_store::{path::Path, ObjectStore};
use pin_project_lite::pin_project;
use prost::Message;
use tokio::io::{AsyncRead, AsyncWrite, AsyncWriteExt};
use tokio_stream::StreamExt;
use tonic::async_trait;
use tracing::{debug, instrument, trace, Level};
use url::Url;

use crate::{
    composition::{CompositionContext, ServiceBuilder},
    proto::{stat_blob_response::ChunkMeta, StatBlobResponse},
    B3Digest, B3HashingReader, Error,

use super::{BlobReader, BlobService, BlobWriter, ChunkedReader};

/// Uses any object storage supported by the [object_store] crate to provide a
/// tvix-castore [BlobService].
/// # Data format
/// Data is organized in "blobs" and "chunks".
/// Blobs don't hold the actual data, but instead contain a list of more
/// granular chunks that assemble to the contents requested.
/// This allows clients to seek, and not download chunks they already have
/// locally, as it's referred to from other files.
/// Check `rpc_blobstore` and more general BlobStore docs on that.
/// ## Blobs
/// Stored at `${base_path}/blobs/b3/$digest_key`. They contains the serialized
/// StatBlobResponse for the blob with the digest.
/// ## Chunks
/// Chunks are stored at `${base_path}/chunks/b3/$digest_key`. They contain
/// the literal contents of the chunk, but are zstd-compressed.
/// ## Digest key sharding
/// The blake3 digest encoded in lower hex, and sharded after the second
/// character.
/// The blob for "Hello World" is stored at
/// `${base_path}/blobs/b3/41/41f8394111eb713a22165c46c90ab8f0fd9399c92028fd6d288944b23ff5bf76`.
/// This reduces the number of files in the same directory, which would be a
/// problem at least when using [object_store::local::LocalFileSystem].
/// # Future changes
/// There's no guarantees about this being a final format yet.
/// Once object_store gets support for additional metadata / content-types,
/// we can eliminate some requests (small blobs only consisting of a single
/// chunk can be stored as-is, without the blob index file).
/// It also allows signalling any compression of chunks in the content-type.
/// Migration *should* be possible by simply adding the right content-types to
/// all keys stored so far, but no promises ;-)
pub struct ObjectStoreBlobService {
    instance_name: String,
    object_store: Arc<dyn ObjectStore>,
    base_path: Path,

    /// Average chunk size for FastCDC, in bytes.
    /// min value is half, max value double of that number.
    avg_chunk_size: u32,

#[instrument(level=Level::TRACE, skip_all,fields(base_path=%base_path,blob.digest=%digest),ret(Display))]
fn derive_blob_path(base_path: &Path, digest: &B3Digest) -> Path {

#[instrument(level=Level::TRACE, skip_all,fields(base_path=%base_path,chunk.digest=%digest),ret(Display))]
fn derive_chunk_path(base_path: &Path, digest: &B3Digest) -> Path {

impl BlobService for ObjectStoreBlobService {
    #[instrument(skip_all, ret(level = Level::TRACE), err, fields(blob.digest=%digest, instance_name=%self.instance_name))]
    async fn has(&self, digest: &B3Digest) -> io::Result<bool> {
        // TODO: clarify if this should work for chunks or not, and explicitly
        // document in the proto docs.
        let p = derive_blob_path(&self.base_path, digest);

        match self.object_store.head(&p).await {
            Ok(_) => Ok(true),
            Err(object_store::Error::NotFound { .. }) => {
                let p = derive_chunk_path(&self.base_path, digest);
                match self.object_store.head(&p).await {
                    Ok(_) => Ok(true),
                    Err(object_store::Error::NotFound { .. }) => Ok(false),
                    Err(e) => Err(e)?,
            Err(e) => Err(e)?,

    #[instrument(skip_all, err, fields(blob.digest=%digest, instance_name=%self.instance_name))]
    async fn open_read(&self, digest: &B3Digest) -> io::Result<Option<Box<dyn BlobReader>>> {
        // handle reading the empty blob.
        if digest.as_slice() == blake3::hash(b"").as_bytes() {
            return Ok(Some(Box::new(Cursor::new(b"")) as Box<dyn BlobReader>));
        match self
            .get(&derive_chunk_path(&self.base_path, digest))
            Ok(res) => {
                // handle reading blobs that are small enough to fit inside a single chunk:
                // fetch the entire chunk into memory, decompress, ensure the b3 digest matches,
                // and return a io::Cursor over that data.
                // FUTUREWORK: use zstd::bulk to prevent decompression bombs

                let chunk_raw_bytes = res.bytes().await?;
                let chunk_contents = zstd::stream::decode_all(Cursor::new(chunk_raw_bytes))?;

                if *digest != blake3::hash(&chunk_contents).as_bytes().into() {
                    Err(io::Error::other("chunk contents invalid"))?;

            Err(object_store::Error::NotFound { .. }) => {
                // NOTE: For public-facing things, we would want to stop here.
                // Clients should fetch granularly, so they can make use of
                // chunks they have locally.
                // However, if this is used directly, without any caches, do the
                // assembly here.
                // This is subject to change, once we have store composition.
                // TODO: make this configurable, and/or clarify behaviour for
                // the gRPC server surface (explicitly document behaviour in the
                // proto docs)
                if let Some(chunks) = self.chunks(digest).await? {
                    let chunked_reader = ChunkedReader::from_chunks(
                        chunks.into_iter().map(|chunk| {
                                chunk.digest.try_into().expect("invalid b3 digest"),
                        Arc::new(self.clone()) as Arc<dyn BlobService>,

                } else {
                    // This is neither a chunk nor a blob, return None.
            Err(e) => Err(e.into()),

    #[instrument(skip_all, fields(instance_name=%self.instance_name))]
    async fn open_write(&self) -> Box<dyn BlobWriter> {
        // ObjectStoreBlobWriter implements AsyncWrite, but all the chunking
        // needs an AsyncRead, so we create a pipe here.
        // In its `AsyncWrite` implementation, `ObjectStoreBlobWriter` delegates
        // writes to w. It periodically polls the future that's reading from the
        // other side.
        let (w, r) = tokio::io::duplex(self.avg_chunk_size as usize * 10);

        Box::new(ObjectStoreBlobWriter {
            writer: Some(w),
            fut: Some(Box::pin(chunk_and_upload(
                self.avg_chunk_size / 2,
                self.avg_chunk_size * 2,
            fut_output: None,

    #[instrument(skip_all, err, fields(blob.digest=%digest, instance_name=%self.instance_name))]
    async fn chunks(&self, digest: &B3Digest) -> io::Result<Option<Vec<ChunkMeta>>> {
        match self
            .get(&derive_blob_path(&self.base_path, digest))
            Ok(get_result) => {
                // fetch the data at the blob path
                let blob_data = get_result.bytes().await?;
                // parse into StatBlobResponse
                let stat_blob_response: StatBlobResponse = StatBlobResponse::decode(blob_data)?;

                    chunk.count = stat_blob_response.chunks.len(),
                    blob.size = stat_blob_response
                        .map(|x| x.size)
                    "found more granular chunks"

            Err(object_store::Error::NotFound { .. }) => {
                // If there's only a chunk, we must return the empty vec here, rather than None.
                match self
                    .head(&derive_chunk_path(&self.base_path, digest))
                    Ok(_) => {
                        // present, but no more chunks available
                        debug!("found a single chunk");
                    Err(object_store::Error::NotFound { .. }) => {
                        // Neither blob nor single chunk found
                        debug!("not found");
                    // error checking for chunk
                    Err(e) => Err(e.into()),
            // error checking for blob
            Err(err) => Err(err.into()),

fn default_avg_chunk_size() -> u32 {
    256 * 1024

pub struct ObjectStoreBlobServiceConfig {
    object_store_url: String,
    #[serde(default = "default_avg_chunk_size")]
    avg_chunk_size: u32,
    object_store_options: HashMap<String, String>,

impl TryFrom<url::Url> for ObjectStoreBlobServiceConfig {
    type Error = Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>;
    /// Constructs a new [ObjectStoreBlobService] from a [Url] supported by
    /// [object_store].
    /// Any path suffix becomes the base path of the object store.
    /// additional options, the same as in [object_store::parse_url_opts] can
    /// be passed.
    fn try_from(url: url::Url) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
        // We need to convert the URL to string, strip the prefix there, and then
        // parse it back as url, as Url::set_scheme() rejects some of the transitions we want to do.
        let trimmed_url = {
            let s = url.to_string();
            let mut url = Url::parse(
                    .ok_or(Error::StorageError("Missing objectstore uri".into()))?,
            // trim the query pairs, they might contain credentials or local settings we don't want to send as-is.
        Ok(ObjectStoreBlobServiceConfig {
            object_store_url: trimmed_url.into(),
            object_store_options: url
                .map(|(k, v)| (k.to_string(), v.to_string()))
            avg_chunk_size: 256 * 1024,

impl ServiceBuilder for ObjectStoreBlobServiceConfig {
    type Output = dyn BlobService;
    async fn build<'a>(
        &'a self,
        instance_name: &str,
        _context: &CompositionContext,
    ) -> Result<Arc<dyn BlobService>, Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>> {
        let opts = {
            let mut opts: HashMap<&str, _> = self
                .map(|(k, v)| (k.as_str(), v.as_str()))

            if let hash_map::Entry::Vacant(e) =


        let (object_store, path) =
            object_store::parse_url_opts(&self.object_store_url.parse()?, opts)?;
        Ok(Arc::new(ObjectStoreBlobService {
            instance_name: instance_name.to_string(),
            object_store: Arc::new(object_store),
            base_path: path,
            avg_chunk_size: self.avg_chunk_size,

/// Reads blob contents from a AsyncRead, chunks and uploads them.
/// On success, returns a [StatBlobResponse] pointing to the individual chunks.
#[instrument(skip_all, fields(base_path=%base_path, min_chunk_size, avg_chunk_size, max_chunk_size), err)]
async fn chunk_and_upload<R: AsyncRead + Unpin>(
    r: R,
    object_store: Arc<dyn ObjectStore>,
    base_path: Path,
    min_chunk_size: u32,
    avg_chunk_size: u32,
    max_chunk_size: u32,
) -> io::Result<B3Digest> {
    // wrap reader with something calculating the blake3 hash of all data read.
    let mut b3_r = B3HashingReader::from(r);
    // set up a fastcdc chunker
    let mut chunker =
        AsyncStreamCDC::new(&mut b3_r, min_chunk_size, avg_chunk_size, max_chunk_size);

    /// This really should just belong into the closure at
    /// `chunker.as_stream().then(|_| { … })``, but if we try to, rustc spits
    /// higher-ranked lifetime errors at us.
    async fn fastcdc_chunk_uploader(
        resp: Result<fastcdc::v2020::ChunkData, fastcdc::v2020::Error>,
        base_path: Path,
        object_store: Arc<dyn ObjectStore>,
    ) -> std::io::Result<ChunkMeta> {
        let chunk_data = resp?;
        let chunk_digest: B3Digest = blake3::hash(&chunk_data.data).as_bytes().into();
        let chunk_path = derive_chunk_path(&base_path, &chunk_digest);

        upload_chunk(object_store, chunk_digest, chunk_path, chunk_data.data).await

    // Use the fastcdc chunker to produce a stream of chunks, and upload these
    // that don't exist to the backend.
    let chunks = chunker
        .then(|resp| fastcdc_chunk_uploader(resp, base_path.clone(), object_store.clone()))

    let chunks = if chunks.len() < 2 {
        // The chunker returned only one chunk, which is the entire blob.
        // According to the protocol, we must return an empty list of chunks
        // when the blob is not split up further.
    } else {

    let stat_blob_response = StatBlobResponse {
        bao: "".into(), // still todo

    // check for Blob, if it doesn't exist, persist.
    let blob_digest: B3Digest = b3_r.digest().into();
    let blob_path = derive_blob_path(&base_path, &blob_digest);

    match object_store.head(&blob_path).await {
        // blob already exists, nothing to do
        Ok(_) => {
                blob.digest = %blob_digest,
                blob.path = %blob_path,
                "blob already exists on backend"
        // chunk does not yet exist, upload first
        Err(object_store::Error::NotFound { .. }) => {
                blob.digest = %blob_digest,
                blob.path = %blob_path,
                "uploading blob"
                .put(&blob_path, stat_blob_response.encode_to_vec().into())
        Err(err) => {
            // other error


/// upload chunk if it doesn't exist yet.
#[instrument(skip_all, fields(chunk.digest = %chunk_digest, chunk.size = chunk_data.len(), chunk.path = %chunk_path), err)]
async fn upload_chunk(
    object_store: Arc<dyn ObjectStore>,
    chunk_digest: B3Digest,
    chunk_path: Path,
    chunk_data: Vec<u8>,
) -> std::io::Result<ChunkMeta> {
    let chunk_size = chunk_data.len();
    match object_store.head(&chunk_path).await {
        // chunk already exists, nothing to do
        Ok(_) => {
            debug!("chunk already exists");

        // chunk does not yet exist, compress and upload.
        Err(object_store::Error::NotFound { .. }) => {
            let chunk_data_compressed =
                zstd::encode_all(Cursor::new(chunk_data), zstd::DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_LEVEL)?;

            debug!(chunk.compressed_size=%chunk_data_compressed.len(), "uploading chunk");

                .put(&chunk_path, chunk_data_compressed.into())
        // other error
        Err(err) => Err(err)?,

    Ok(ChunkMeta {
        digest: chunk_digest.into(),
        size: chunk_size as u64,

pin_project! {
    /// Takes care of blob uploads.
    /// All writes are relayed to self.writer, and we continuously poll the
    /// future (which will internally read from the other side of the pipe and
    /// upload chunks).
    /// Our BlobWriter::close() needs to drop self.writer, so the other side
    /// will read EOF and can finalize the blob.
    /// The future should then resolve and return the blob digest.
    pub struct ObjectStoreBlobWriter<W, Fut>
        W: AsyncWrite,
        Fut: Future,
        writer: Option<W>,

        fut: Option<Fut>,

        fut_output: Option<io::Result<B3Digest>>

impl<W, Fut> tokio::io::AsyncWrite for ObjectStoreBlobWriter<W, Fut>
    W: AsyncWrite + Send + Unpin,
    Fut: Future,
    fn poll_write(
        self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>,
        cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>,
        buf: &[u8],
    ) -> std::task::Poll<Result<usize, io::Error>> {
        let this = self.project();
        // poll the future.
        let fut = this.fut.as_pin_mut().expect("not future");
        let fut_p = fut.poll(cx);
        // if it's ready, the only way this could have happened is that the
        // upload failed, because we're only closing `self.writer` after all
        // writes happened.
        if fut_p.is_ready() {
            return Poll::Ready(Err(io::Error::other("upload failed")));

        // write to the underlying writer
            .expect("writer must be some")
            .poll_write(cx, buf)

    fn poll_flush(
        self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>,
        cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>,
    ) -> std::task::Poll<Result<(), io::Error>> {
        let this = self.project();
        // poll the future.
        let fut = this.fut.as_pin_mut().expect("not future");
        let fut_p = fut.poll(cx);
        // if it's ready, the only way this could have happened is that the
        // upload failed, because we're only closing `self.writer` after all
        // writes happened.
        if fut_p.is_ready() {
            return Poll::Ready(Err(io::Error::other("upload failed")));

        // Call poll_flush on the writer
            .expect("writer must be some")

    fn poll_shutdown(
        self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>,
        _cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>,
    ) -> std::task::Poll<Result<(), io::Error>> {
        // There's nothing to do on shutdown. We might have written some chunks
        // that are nowhere else referenced, but cleaning them up here would be racy.

impl<W, Fut> BlobWriter for ObjectStoreBlobWriter<W, Fut>
    W: AsyncWrite + Send + Unpin,
    Fut: Future<Output = io::Result<B3Digest>> + Send + Unpin,
    async fn close(&mut self) -> io::Result<B3Digest> {
        match self.writer.take() {
            Some(mut writer) => {
                // shut down the writer, so the other side will read EOF.

                // take out the future.
                let fut = self.fut.take().expect("fut must be some");
                // await it.
                let resp = pin!(fut).await;

                match resp.as_ref() {
                    // In the case of an Ok value, we store it in self.fut_output,
                    // so future calls to close can return that.
                    Ok(b3_digest) => {
                        self.fut_output = Some(Ok(b3_digest.clone()));
                    Err(e) => {
                        // for the error type, we need to cheat a bit, as
                        // they're not clone-able.
                        // Simply store a sloppy clone, with the same ErrorKind and message there.
                        self.fut_output = Some(Err(std::io::Error::new(e.kind(), e.to_string())))
            None => {
                // called a second time, return self.fut_output.
                match self.fut_output.as_ref().unwrap() {
                    Ok(ref b3_digest) => Ok(b3_digest.clone()),
                    Err(e) => Err(std::io::Error::new(e.kind(), e.to_string())),

mod test {
    use super::{chunk_and_upload, default_avg_chunk_size};
    use crate::{
        blobservice::{BlobService, ObjectStoreBlobService},
        fixtures::{BLOB_A, BLOB_A_DIGEST, BLOB_B, BLOB_B_DIGEST},
    use std::{io::Cursor, sync::Arc};
    use url::Url;

    /// Tests chunk_and_upload directly, bypassing the BlobWriter at open_write().
    #[case::a(&BLOB_A, &BLOB_A_DIGEST)]
    #[case::b(&BLOB_B, &BLOB_B_DIGEST)]
    async fn test_chunk_and_upload(
        #[case] blob: &bytes::Bytes,
        #[case] blob_digest: &crate::B3Digest,
    ) {
        let (object_store, base_path) =
        let object_store: Arc<dyn object_store::ObjectStore> = Arc::from(object_store);
        let blobsvc = Arc::new(ObjectStoreBlobService {
            instance_name: "test".into(),
            object_store: object_store.clone(),
            avg_chunk_size: default_avg_chunk_size(),

        let inserted_blob_digest = chunk_and_upload(
            &mut Cursor::new(blob.to_vec()),
            1024 / 2,
            1024 * 2,
        .expect("chunk_and_upload succeeds");

        assert_eq!(blob_digest.clone(), inserted_blob_digest);

        // Now we should have the blob

        // Check if it was chunked correctly
        let chunks = blobsvc.chunks(blob_digest).await.unwrap().unwrap();
        if blob.len() < 1024 / 2 {
            // The blob is smaller than the min chunk size, it should have been inserted as a whole
        } else if blob.len() > 1024 * 2 {
            // The blob is larger than the max chunk size, make sure it was split up into at least
            // two chunks
            assert!(chunks.len() >= 2);