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path: root/tvix/castore/protos/rpc_blobstore.proto
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// Copyright © 2022 The Tvix Authors
syntax = "proto3";

package tvix.castore.v1;

option go_package = "code.tvl.fyi/tvix/castore-go;castorev1";

// BlobService allows reading (or uploading) content-addressed blobs of data.
// BLAKE3 is used as a hashing function for the data. Uploading a blob will
// return the BLAKE3 digest of it, and that's the identifier used to Read/Stat
// them too.
service BlobService {
  // Stat can be used to check for the existence of a blob, as well as
  // gathering more data about it, like more granular chunking information
  // or baos.
  // Server implementations are not required to provide more granular chunking
  // information, especially if the digest specified in [StatBlobRequest] is
  // already a chunk of a blob.
  rpc Stat(StatBlobRequest) returns (StatBlobResponse);

  // Read allows reading (all) data of a blob/chunk by the BLAKE3 digest of
  // its contents.
  // If the backend communicated more granular chunks in the `Stat` request,
  // this can also be used to read chunks.
  // This request returns a stream of BlobChunk, which is just a container for
  // a stream of bytes.
  // The server may decide on whatever chunking it may seem fit as a size for
  // the individual BlobChunk sent in the response stream, this is mostly to
  // keep individual messages at a manageable size.
  rpc Read(ReadBlobRequest) returns (stream BlobChunk);

  // Put uploads a Blob, by reading a stream of bytes.
  // The way the data is chunked up in individual BlobChunk messages sent in
  // the stream has no effect on how the server ends up chunking blobs up, if
  // it does at all.
  rpc Put(stream BlobChunk) returns (PutBlobResponse);

message StatBlobRequest {
  // The blake3 digest of the blob requested
  bytes digest = 1;

  // Whether the server should reply with a list of more granular chunks.
  bool send_chunks = 2;

  // Whether the server should reply with a bao.
  bool send_bao = 3;

message StatBlobResponse {
  // If `send_chunks` was set to true, this MAY contain a list of more
  // granular chunks, which then may be read individually via the `Read`
  // method.
  repeated ChunkMeta chunks = 2;

  message ChunkMeta {
    // Digest of that specific chunk
    bytes digest = 1;

    // Length of that chunk, in bytes.
    uint64 size = 2;

  // If `send_bao` was set to true, this MAY contain a outboard bao.
  // The exact format and message types here will still be fleshed out.
  bytes bao = 3;

message ReadBlobRequest {
  // The blake3 digest of the blob or chunk requested
  bytes digest = 1;

// This represents some bytes of a blob.
// Blobs are sent in smaller chunks to keep message sizes manageable.
message BlobChunk {
  bytes data = 1;

message PutBlobResponse {
  // The blake3 digest of the data that was sent.
  bytes digest = 1;