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path: root/corp/tvixbolt/src/main.rs
use std::fmt::Write;

use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use tvix_eval::observer::{DisassemblingObserver, TracingObserver};
use web_sys::HtmlDetailsElement;
use web_sys::HtmlTextAreaElement;
use yew::prelude::*;
use yew::TargetCast;
use yew_router::{prelude::*, AnyRoute};

enum Msg {

    // Required because browsers are stupid and it's easy to get into
    // infinite loops with `ontoggle` events.

#[derive(Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct Model {
    code: String,

    // #[serde(skip_serializing)]
    trace: bool,

    // #[serde(skip_serializing)]
    display_ast: bool,

fn tvixbolt_overview() -> Html {
    html! {
            {"This page lets you explore the bytecode generated by the "}
            <a href="https://cs.tvl.fyi/depot/-/tree/tvix">{"Tvix"}</a>
            {" compiler for the Nix language. See the "}
            <a href="https://tvl.fyi/blog/rewriting-nix">{"Tvix announcement"}</a>
            {" for some background information on Tvix itself."}
            {"Tvix is still "}<i>{"extremely work-in-progress"}</i>{" and you "}
            {"should expect to be able to cause bugs and errors in this tool."}
            {"Tvixbolt is a project from "}
            <a href="https://tvl.su">
              {"TVL LLC"}
            {". If you're looking for the TVL Community, click "}
            <a href="https://tvl.fyi">

/// This renders an ad in the Tvixbolt footer. Most people that end up
/// on Tvixbolt will probably block this anyways, but might as well.
fn ad() -> Html {
    let ad_code = r#"
    renderTo: 'yandex_rtb_R-A-1943274-1',
    blockId: 'R-A-1943274-1'

    html! {
        <div id="ad">
            <div id="yandex_rtb_R-A-1943274-1"></div>

fn footer_link(location: &'static str, name: &str) -> Html {
    html! {
            <a class="uncoloured-link" href={location}>{name}</a>{" | "}

fn footer() -> Html {
    html! {
          <p class="footer">
            {footer_link("https://tvl.su", "home")}
            {footer_link("https://cs.tvl.fyi", "code")}
            {footer_link("https://tvl.fyi/builds", "ci")}
            {footer_link("https://b.tvl.fyi", "bugs")}
            {"© ООО ТВЛ"}
          <p class="lod">{"ಠ_ಠ"}</p>

impl Component for Model {
    type Message = Msg;
    type Properties = ();

    fn create(_: &Context<Self>) -> Self {
            .unwrap_or_else(|_| Self {
                code: String::new(),
                trace: false,
                display_ast: false,

    fn update(&mut self, _: &Context<Self>, msg: Self::Message) -> bool {
        match msg {
            Msg::ToggleTrace(trace) => {
                self.trace = trace;

            Msg::ToggleDisplayAst(display_ast) => {
                self.display_ast = display_ast;

            Msg::CodeChange(new_code) => {
                self.code = new_code;

            Msg::NoOp => {}

        let _ = BrowserHistory::new().replace_with_query(AnyRoute::new("/"), self.clone());


    fn view(&self, ctx: &Context<Self>) -> Html {
        // This gives us a component's "`Scope`" which allows us to send messages, etc to the component.
        let link = ctx.link();
        html! {
            <div class="container">
                <h1>{"tvixbolt 0.1-alpha"}</h1>

                    <div class="form-group">
                        <label for="code">{"Nix code:"}</label>
                         oninput={link.callback(|e: InputEvent| {
                             let ta = e.target_unchecked_into::<HtmlTextAreaElement>().value();

                         id="code" cols="30" rows="10" value={self.code.clone()}>
                <hr />

impl Model {
    fn run(&self, ctx: &Context<Self>) -> Html {
        if self.code.is_empty() {
            return html! {
                  {"Enter some Nix code above to get started. Don't know Nix yet? "}
                  {"Check out "}
                  <a href="https://code.tvl.fyi/about/nix/nix-1p/README.md">{"nix-1p"}</a>

        html! {
            {eval(self).display(ctx, self)}

struct Output {
    errors: String,
    warnings: String,
    output: String,
    bytecode: Vec<u8>,
    trace: Vec<u8>,
    ast: String,

fn maybe_show(title: &str, s: &str) -> Html {
    if s.is_empty() {
        html! {}
    } else {
        html! {

fn maybe_details(
    ctx: &Context<Model>,
    title: &str,
    s: &str,
    display: bool,
    toggle: fn(bool) -> Msg,
) -> Html {
    let link = ctx.link();
    if display {
        let msg = toggle(false);
        html! {
            <details open=true
                     ontoggle={link.callback(move |e: Event| {
                         let details = e.target_unchecked_into::<HtmlDetailsElement>();
                         if !details.open() {
                         } else {

              <summary><h3 style="display: inline;">{title}</h3></summary>
    } else {
        let msg = toggle(true);
        html! {
            <details ontoggle={link.callback(move |e: Event| {
                         let details = e.target_unchecked_into::<HtmlDetailsElement>();
                         if details.open() {
                         } else {
              <summary><h3 style="display: inline;">{title}</h3></summary>

impl Output {
    fn display(self, ctx: &Context<Model>, model: &Model) -> Html {
        html! {
            {maybe_show("Errors:", &self.errors)}
            {maybe_show("Warnings:", &self.warnings)}
            {maybe_show("Output:", &self.output)}
            {maybe_show("Bytecode:", &String::from_utf8_lossy(&self.bytecode))}
            {maybe_details(ctx, "Runtime trace:", &String::from_utf8_lossy(&self.trace), model.trace, Msg::ToggleTrace)}
            {maybe_details(ctx, "Parsed AST:", &self.ast, model.display_ast, Msg::ToggleDisplayAst)}

fn eval(model: &Model) -> Output {
    let mut out = Output::default();

    if model.code.is_empty() {
        return out;

    let mut eval = tvix_eval::Evaluation::new_pure();
    let source = eval.source_map();

    let result = {
        let mut compiler_observer = DisassemblingObserver::new(source.clone(), &mut out.bytecode);
        eval.compiler_observer = Some(&mut compiler_observer);

        let mut runtime_observer = TracingObserver::new(&mut out.trace);
        if model.trace {
            eval.runtime_observer = Some(&mut runtime_observer);

        eval.evaluate(&model.code, Some("/nixbolt".into()))

    if model.display_ast {
        if let Some(ref expr) = result.expr {
            out.ast = tvix_eval::pretty_print_expr(expr);

    out.output = match result.value {
        Some(val) => val.to_string(),
        None => "".to_string(),

    for warning in result.warnings {
            &mut out.warnings,

    if !result.errors.is_empty() {
        for error in &result.errors {
            writeln!(&mut out.errors, "{}\n", error.fancy_format_str().trim(),).unwrap();

        return out;


fn main() {