use fuzzy_matcher::skim::SkimMatcherV2; use fuzzy_matcher::FuzzyMatcher; use gloo::console; use gloo::history::BrowserHistory; use gloo::history::History; use gloo::storage::{LocalStorage, Storage}; use rand::seq::IteratorRandom; use rand::thread_rng; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use static_markdown::markdown; use std::collections::BTreeSet; use wasm_bindgen::closure::Closure; use wasm_bindgen::JsCast; use web_sys::{HtmlInputElement, HtmlTextAreaElement, KeyboardEvent}; use yew::html::Scope; use yew::prelude::*; use yew_router::prelude::*; /// This code ends up being compiled for the native and for the /// webassembly architectures during the build & test process. /// However, the `rust_iso3166` crate exposes a different API (!) /// based on the platform. /// /// This trait acts as a platform-independent wrapper for the crate. /// /// Upstream issue: trait CountryCodeAccess { fn country_alpha2(&self) -> String; fn country_alpha3(&self) -> String; fn country_name(&self) -> String; } #[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")] impl CountryCodeAccess for rust_iso3166::CountryCode { fn country_alpha2(&self) -> String { self.alpha2() } fn country_alpha3(&self) -> String { self.alpha3() } fn country_name(&self) -> String { } } #[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))] impl CountryCodeAccess for rust_iso3166::CountryCode { fn country_alpha2(&self) -> String { self.alpha2.to_string() } fn country_alpha3(&self) -> String { self.alpha3.to_string() } fn country_name(&self) -> String { } } const VISTA_URL: &'static str = ""; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Routable)] enum Route { #[at("/")] Home, #[at("/privacy-policy")] PrivacyPolicy, #[not_found] #[at("/404")] NotFound, } /// Represents a single record as filled in by a user. This is the /// primary data structure we want to populate and persist somewhere. #[derive(Default, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] struct Record { // Personal information name: String, email: String, citizenship: String, // TODO personal_details: String, // Job information position: String, technologies: BTreeSet<String>, job_details: String, work_background: String, } #[derive(Default)] struct App { // The record being populated. record: Record, // Is the citizenship input focused? citizenship_focus: bool, // Current query in the citizenship field. citizenship_query: String, // History handler. history: BrowserHistory, } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] enum Msg { NoOp, AddTechnology(String), RemoveTechnology(String), FocusCitizenship, BlurCitizenship, QueryCitizenship(String), SetCitizenship(String), SetName(String), SetEmail(String), SetPersonalDetails(String), SetPosition(String), SetJobDetails(String), SetWorkBackground(String), } /// Callback handler for adding a technology. fn add_tech(e: KeyboardEvent) -> Msg { if e.key_code() != 13 { return Msg::NoOp; } let input = e.target_unchecked_into::<HtmlInputElement>(); let tech = input.value(); input.set_value(""); Msg::AddTechnology(tech) } fn select_country_enter(event: KeyboardEvent) -> Msg { if event.key_code() != 13 { return Msg::NoOp; } let input = event.target_unchecked_into::<HtmlInputElement>(); if let Some(country) = fuzzy_country_matches(&input.value()).next() { input.set_value(&country.country_name()); return Msg::SetCitizenship(country.country_name()); } Msg::NoOp } fn fuzzy_country_matches(query: &str) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = rust_iso3166::CountryCode> + '_> { if query.is_empty() { let rng = &mut thread_rng(); return Box::new( rust_iso3166::ALL .iter() .choose_multiple(rng, 5) .into_iter() .map(Clone::clone), ); } let matcher = SkimMatcherV2::default(); let query = query.to_lowercase(); let query_len = query.len(); let mut results: Vec<_> = rust_iso3166::ALL .iter() .filter_map(|code| { let mut score = None; // Prioritize exact matches for country codes if query length <= 3 if query_len <= 3 { if code.country_alpha2().eq_ignore_ascii_case(&query) || code.country_alpha3().eq_ignore_ascii_case(&query) { score = Some(100); } } // If no exact match, do a fuzzy match if score.is_none() { score = matcher.fuzzy_match(&code.country_name().to_lowercase(), &query); }|score| (score, code)) }) .collect(); // Sort by score in descending order results.sort_by(|a, b| b.0.cmp(&a.0)); // Get iterator over the best matches Box::new(results.into_iter().map(|(_score, code)| *code)) } // Callback for an input element's value being mapped straight into a // message. fn input_message(e: InputEvent, msg: fn(String) -> Msg) -> Msg { let input = e.target_unchecked_into::<HtmlInputElement>(); msg(input.value()) } // Callback for a text area's value being mapped straight into a // message. fn textarea_message(e: InputEvent, msg: fn(String) -> Msg) -> Msg { let textarea = e.target_unchecked_into::<HtmlTextAreaElement>(); msg(textarea.value()) } fn schedule_blur(event: FocusEvent, link: Scope<App>) -> Msg { let input = event.target_unchecked_into::<HtmlInputElement>(); let closure = Closure::once_into_js(Box::new(move || { if let Some(app) = link.get_component() { input.set_value(&app.record.citizenship); } link.send_message(Msg::BlurCitizenship); }) as Box<dyn FnOnce()>); let window = web_sys::window().expect("no global `window` exists"); let _ = window.set_timeout_with_callback_and_timeout_and_arguments_0(closure.unchecked_ref(), 100); Msg::NoOp } /// Creates an input field for citizenship selection with suggestions. fn citizenship_input(app: &App, link: &Scope<App>) -> Html { let dropdown_classes = if app.citizenship_focus { "dropdown-menu show" } else { "dropdown-menu" }; let choices = fuzzy_country_matches(&app.citizenship_query).map(|country| { let msg = Msg::SetCitizenship(country.country_name()); html! { <li><a class="dropdown-item" onclick={link.callback(move |_| msg.clone())}>{country.country_name()}</a></li> } }); let blur_link = link.clone(); html! { <div class="dropdown"> <input type="text" class="form-control" id="citizenship" aria-describedby="citizenshipHelp" autocomplete="off" oninput={link.callback(|event| input_message(event, Msg::QueryCitizenship))} onkeypress={link.callback(select_country_enter)} onfocus={link.callback(|_| Msg::FocusCitizenship)} onblur={link.callback(move |event| schedule_blur(event, blur_link.clone()))} /> <ul class={dropdown_classes} style="position: absolute; inset: 0px auto auto 0px; margin: 0px; transform: translate(0px, 40px);" data-popper-placement="bottom-start"> { choices.collect::<Html>() } </ul> </div> } } /// Creates a list of technologies which can be deleted again by clicking them. fn render_technologies(link: &Scope<App>, technologies: &BTreeSet<String>) -> Html { if technologies.is_empty() { return html! {}; } let items = technologies.iter().map(|tech| { let msg: Msg = Msg::RemoveTechnology(tech.to_string()); html! { <> <span class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm" onclick={link.callback(move |_| msg.clone())}> {tech} <span class="mx-auto text-center text-black">{" x"}</span> </span>{" "} </> } }); html! { <div class="p-1"> { items.collect::<Html>() } </div> } } impl Component for App { type Message = Msg; type Properties = (); fn create(_ctx: &Context<Self>) -> Self { let mut new = Self::default(); if let Ok(record) = LocalStorage::get("record") { new.record = record; } new } fn update(&mut self, _ctx: &Context<Self>, msg: Self::Message) -> bool { console::log!("handling ", format!("{:?}", msg)); let (state_change, view_change) = match msg { Msg::NoOp => (false, false), Msg::AddTechnology(tech) => { console::log!("adding technology", &tech); self.record.technologies.insert(tech); (true, true) } Msg::RemoveTechnology(tech) => { console::log!("removing technology ", &tech); self.record.technologies.remove(&tech); (true, true) } Msg::QueryCitizenship(query) => { self.citizenship_query = query; (false, true) } Msg::FocusCitizenship => { self.citizenship_focus = true; (false, true) } Msg::BlurCitizenship => { self.citizenship_focus = false; (false, true) } Msg::SetCitizenship(country) => { self.record.citizenship = country; (true, false) } Msg::SetName(name) => { = name; (true, false) } Msg::SetEmail(email) => { = email; (true, false) } Msg::SetPersonalDetails(details) => { self.record.personal_details = details; (true, false) } Msg::SetPosition(position) => { self.record.position = position; (true, false) } Msg::SetJobDetails(details) => { self.record.job_details = details; (true, false) } Msg::SetWorkBackground(background) => { self.record.work_background = background; (true, false) } }; if state_change { if let Err(err) = LocalStorage::set("record", &self.record) { console::warn!( "failed to persist record in local storage: ", err.to_string() ); } } view_change } fn view(&self, ctx: &Context<Self>) -> Html { let link =; let location = self.history.location(); let route = Route::recognize(location.path()).unwrap_or(Route::NotFound); match route { Route::Home => include!("home.html"), Route::PrivacyPolicy => html! { <main>{include!("")}</main> }, Route::NotFound => todo!(), } } } fn main() { yew::Renderer::<App>::new().render(); }