module Piano exposing (render) import Browser import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (..) import List.Extra import Theory import UI {-| On mobile phones, the keyboard displays vertically. -} type Direction = Horizontal | Vertical type alias KeyMarkup a = { offset : Int , direction : Direction , isHighlit : Bool , note : Theory.Note , isRootNote : Bool } -> Html a type alias Props = { chord : Maybe Theory.Chord , firstNote : Theory.Note , lastNote : Theory.Note } {-| Convert an integer into its pixel representation for CSS. -} pixelate : Int -> String pixelate x = String.fromInt x ++ "px" {-| Pixel width of the white keys. -} naturalWidth : Direction -> Int naturalWidth direction = case direction of Vertical -> 1080 Horizontal -> 45 {-| Pixel height of the white keys. -} naturalHeight : Direction -> Int naturalHeight direction = case direction of Vertical -> 130 Horizontal -> 250 {-| Pixel width of the black keys. -} accidentalWidth : Direction -> Int accidentalWidth direction = case direction of Vertical -> round (toFloat (naturalWidth direction) * 0.6) Horizontal -> round (toFloat (naturalWidth direction) * 0.4) {-| Pixel height of the black keys. -} accidentalHeight : Direction -> Int accidentalHeight direction = case direction of Vertical -> round (toFloat (naturalHeight direction) * 0.63) Horizontal -> round (toFloat (naturalHeight direction) * 0.63) {-| Return the markup for either a white or a black key. -} pianoKey : KeyMarkup a pianoKey { offset, isHighlit, note, direction, isRootNote } = let { natColor, accColor, hiColor, rootColor } = { natColor = "bg-white" , accColor = "bg-black" , hiColor = "bg-red-400" , rootColor = "bg-red-600" } sharedClasses = [ "box-border" , "absolute" , "border" , "border-black" ] { keyWidth, keyHeight, keyColor, offsetEdge, extraClasses } = case ( Theory.keyClass note, direction ) of ( Theory.Natural, Vertical ) -> { keyWidth = naturalWidth Vertical , keyHeight = naturalHeight Vertical , keyColor = natColor , offsetEdge = "top" , extraClasses = [] } ( Theory.Natural, Horizontal ) -> { keyWidth = naturalWidth Horizontal , keyHeight = naturalHeight Horizontal , keyColor = natColor , offsetEdge = "left" , extraClasses = [] } ( Theory.Accidental, Vertical ) -> { keyWidth = accidentalWidth Vertical , keyHeight = accidentalHeight Vertical , keyColor = accColor , offsetEdge = "top" , extraClasses = [ "z-10" ] } ( Theory.Accidental, Horizontal ) -> { keyWidth = accidentalWidth Horizontal , keyHeight = accidentalHeight Horizontal , keyColor = accColor , offsetEdge = "left" , extraClasses = [ "z-10" ] } in div [ class (case ( isHighlit, isRootNote ) of ( False, _ ) -> keyColor ( True, True ) -> rootColor ( True, False ) -> hiColor ) , style "width" (pixelate keyWidth) , style "height" (pixelate keyHeight) , style offsetEdge (String.fromInt offset ++ "px") , class <| String.join " " (List.concat [ sharedClasses, extraClasses ]) ] [] {-| A section of the piano consisting of all twelve notes. -} keys : { direction : Direction , start : Theory.Note , end : Theory.Note , highlitNotes : List Theory.Note , rootNote : Maybe Theory.Note } -> List (Html a) keys { direction, start, end, highlitNotes, rootNote } = let isHighlit note = List.member note highlitNotes spacing prevOffset prev curr = case ( Theory.keyClass prev, Theory.keyClass curr, direction ) of -- Horizontal ( Theory.Natural, Theory.Accidental, Horizontal ) -> prevOffset + naturalWidth direction - round (toFloat (accidentalWidth direction) / 2) ( Theory.Accidental, Theory.Natural, Horizontal ) -> prevOffset + round (toFloat (accidentalWidth direction) / 2) ( Theory.Natural, Theory.Natural, Horizontal ) -> prevOffset + naturalWidth direction -- Vertical ( Theory.Natural, Theory.Accidental, Vertical ) -> prevOffset + naturalHeight direction - round (toFloat (accidentalHeight direction) / 2) ( Theory.Accidental, Theory.Natural, Vertical ) -> prevOffset + round (toFloat (accidentalHeight direction) / 2) ( Theory.Natural, Theory.Natural, Vertical ) -> prevOffset + naturalHeight direction -- This pattern should never hit. _ -> prevOffset ( _, _, notes ) = Theory.notesFromRange start end |> List.reverse |> List.foldl (\curr ( prevOffset, prev, result ) -> case ( prevOffset, prev ) of ( Nothing, Nothing ) -> ( Just 0 , Just curr , pianoKey { offset = 0 , isHighlit = List.member curr highlitNotes , note = curr , direction = direction , isRootNote = rootNote |> (\x -> x == curr) |> Maybe.withDefault False } :: result ) ( Just po, Just p ) -> let offset = spacing po p curr in ( Just offset , Just curr , pianoKey { offset = offset , isHighlit = List.member curr highlitNotes , note = curr , direction = direction , isRootNote = rootNote |> (\x -> x == curr) |> Maybe.withDefault False } :: result ) -- This pattern should never hit. _ -> ( Nothing, Nothing, [] ) ) ( Nothing, Nothing, [] ) in notes {-| Return the HTML that renders a piano representation. -} render : Props -> Html a render { chord } = div [ style "display" "flex" ] (keys { direction = Vertical , start = Theory.G3 , end = Theory.C6 , rootNote = chord |> .note , highlitNotes = chord |> Maybe.andThen Theory.notesForChord |> Maybe.withDefault [] } )