site_name: Volga Sprint site_description: 'A week of Nix hacking near the Volga' site_url: '' repo_name: '//web/volgasprint' repo_url: '' theme: name: material logo: assets/logos/volgasprint_nix.svg favicon: assets/logos/volgasprint_nix.svg palette: primary: black accent: '#FBFBFB' features: - tabs - instant - navigation.tabs - navigation.expand - navigation.instant - navigation.tracking - content.action.edit - content.code.annotate - - content.footnote.tooltips - toc.integrate nav: - Home: copyright: Copyright © 2024 The TVL Community markdown_extensions: - tables - admonition - def_list - attr_list - footnotes - pymdownx.highlight: anchor_linenums: true - pymdownx.inlinehilite - pymdownx.snippets - pymdownx.superfences - pymdownx.tabbed: alternate_style: true - pymdownx.tasklist