{ depot, pkgs, ... }:
inherit (pkgs) graphviz runCommandNoCC writeText;
tvlGraph = runCommandNoCC "tvl.svg" {
nativeBuildInputs = with pkgs; [ fontconfig freetype cairo jetbrains-mono ];
} ''
${graphviz}/bin/neato -Tsvg ${./tvl.dot} > $out
homepage = depot.web.tvl.template {
title = "The Virus Lounge";
content = ''
The Virus Lounge
Welcome to **The Virus Lounge**. We're a group of people who got
together in 2020, when we felt that there was not enough
spontaneous socialising on the internet.
Because of our shared interests in topics like **build systems**
and **monorepos** we started working on code together, in our
monorepo called the *depot*.
Feel free to explore the tech we have built so far, all our
systems are linked in the footer.
We mostly hang out on IRC. You can find us in [`#tvl`][tvl-irc]
on [hackint][], which is also reachable [via XMPP][hackint-xmpp]
at [`#tvl@irc.hackint.org`][tvl-xmpp] (sic!).
Hackint also provide a [web chat][tvl-webchat].
[tvl-irc]: ircs://irc.hackint.org:6697/#tvl
[hackint]: https://hackint.org/
[hackint-xmpp]: https://hackint.org/transport/xmpp
[tvl-xmpp]: xmpp:#tvl@irc.hackint.org?join
[tvl-webchat]: https://webirc.hackint.org/#ircs://irc.hackint.org/#tvl