use argon2::password_hash::{PasswordHasher, SaltString}; use argon2::Argon2; use gloo::console::log; use rand_core::OsRng; use web_sys::HtmlInputElement; use yew::prelude::*; fn hash_password(pw: &str) -> String { let salt = SaltString::generate(&mut OsRng); let argon2 = Argon2::default(); argon2 .hash_password(pw.as_bytes(), &salt) .expect("failed to hash pw") .to_string() } enum Msg { NoOp, SetEmail(String), SetPassword(String), SetUsername(String), UpdateCredentials, } #[derive(Default)] struct App { email: Option, password: Option, username: Option, hashed: Option, } impl App { fn whats_missing(&self) -> Option { let mut missing = vec![]; if self.username.is_none() { missing.push("username"); } if { missing.push("email"); } if self.password.is_none() { missing.push("password"); } match missing.len() { 0 => None, 1 => Some(missing[0].to_string()), 2 => Some(format!("{} and {}", missing[0], missing[1])), 3 => Some(format!("{}, {} and {}", missing[0], missing[1], missing[2])), _ => unreachable!(), } } fn update_credentials(&mut self) { if self.password.is_none() { log!("error: password unset, but credentials requested"); return; } let pw = self.password.as_ref().unwrap(); let hashed = hash_password(pw); log!("hashed password to", &hashed); self.hashed = Some(hashed); } fn display_credentials(&self) -> Html { if let (Some(username), Some(email), Some(hash)) = (&self.username, &, &self.hashed) { html! { <>

{"Your credentials are as follows: "}

                  {"  {\n"}
                  {"    username = \""}{username}{"\";\n"}
                  {"    email = \""}{email}{"\";\n"}
                  {"    password = \"{ARGON2}"}{hash}{"\";\n"}
                  {"  }"}

{"Please propose a CL to "} {"//ops/users/default.nix"} {", or submit your patch via email to "} {""} {"."}

} } else { html! {} } } } fn input_to_message(event: InputEvent, msg: fn(String) -> Msg) -> Msg { let input = event.target_unchecked_into::(); if input.check_validity() { msg(input.value()) } else { Msg::NoOp } } fn set_if_present(s: String, target: &mut Option) { if s.is_empty() { *target = None; } else { *target = Some(s); } } impl Component for App { type Message = Msg; type Properties = (); fn create(_: &Context) -> Self { Self::default() } fn update(&mut self, _: &Context, msg: Self::Message) -> bool { log!( "handling message ", match msg { Msg::NoOp => "NoOp", Msg::SetEmail(_) => "SetEmail", Msg::SetUsername(_) => "SetUsername", Msg::SetPassword(_) => "SetPassword", Msg::UpdateCredentials => "UpdateCredentials", } ); match msg { Msg::NoOp => return false, Msg::SetEmail(email) => set_if_present(email, &mut, Msg::SetUsername(username) => set_if_present(username, &mut self.username), Msg::SetPassword(password) => set_if_present(password, &mut self.password), Msg::UpdateCredentials => { self.update_credentials(); } } true } fn view(&self, ctx: &Context) -> Html { let link =; include!("main.html") } } fn main() { yew::Renderer::::new().render(); }