(in-package :panettone.authentication) (defvar *user* nil "The currently logged-in user") (defclass/std user () ((cn dn mail displayname :type string))) ;; Migrating user authentication to OAuth2 necessitates some temporary ;; workarounds while other parts of the panettone code are being ;; amended appropriately. (defun fake-dn (username) "Users are no longer read directly from LDAP, but everything in panettone is keyed on the DNs. This function constructs matching 'fake' DNs." (format nil "cn=~A,ou=users,dc=tvl,dc=fyi" username)) (defun find-user-by-dn (dn) "Previously this function looked up users in LDAP based on their DN, however panettone now does not have direct access to a user database. For most cases only the username is needed, which can be parsed out of the user, however email addresses are temporarily not available." (let ((username (car (uiop:split-string (subseq dn 3) :separator '(#\,))))) (make-instance 'user :dn dn :cn username :displayname username :mail nil))) ;; Implementation of standard OAuth2 authorisation flow. (defvar *oauth2-auth-endpoint* nil) (defvar *oauth2-token-endpoint* nil) (defvar *oauth2-client-id* nil) (defvar *oauth2-client-secret* nil) (defvar *oauth2-redirect-uri* (or (uiop:getenv "OAUTH2_REDIRECT_URI") "https://b.tvl.fyi/auth")) (defun initialise-oauth2 () "Initialise all settings needed for OAuth2" (setq *oauth2-auth-endpoint* (or (uiop:getenv "OAUTH2_AUTH_ENDPOINT") "https://auth.tvl.fyi/auth/realms/TVL/protocol/openid-connect/auth")) (setq *oauth2-token-endpoint* (or (uiop:getenv "OAUTH2_TOKEN_ENDPOINT") "https://auth.tvl.fyi/auth/realms/TVL/protocol/openid-connect/token")) (setq *oauth2-client-id* (or (uiop:getenv "OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID") "panettone")) (setq *oauth2-client-secret* (or (uiop:getenv "OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET") (error "OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET must be set!")))) (defun auth-url () (format nil "~A?response_type=code&client_id=~A&redirect_uri=~A" *oauth2-auth-endpoint* (drakma:url-encode *oauth2-client-id* :utf-8) (drakma:url-encode *oauth2-redirect-uri* :utf-8))) (defun claims-to-user (claims) (let ((username (cdr (assoc :preferred--username claims))) (email (cdr (assoc :email claims)))) (make-instance 'user :dn (fake-dn username) :cn username :mail email ;; TODO(tazjin): Figure out actual displayName mapping in tokens. :displayname username))) (defun fetch-token (code) "Fetches the access token on completion of user authentication through the OAuth2 endpoint and returns the resulting user object." (multiple-value-bind (body status) (drakma:http-request *oauth2-token-endpoint* :method :post :parameters `(("grant_type" . "authorization_code") ("client_id" . ,*oauth2-client-id*) ("client_secret" . ,*oauth2-client-secret*) ("redirect_uri" . ,*oauth2-redirect-uri*) ("code" . ,code)) :external-format-out :utf-8 :want-stream t) (if (/= status 200) (error "Authentication failed: ~A (~A)~%" (alexandria:read-stream-content-into-string body) status) ;; Returned JWT contains username and email, we can populate ;; all fields from that. (progn (setf (flexi-streams:flexi-stream-external-format body) :utf-8) (let* ((response (cl-json:decode-json body)) (access-token (cdr (assoc :access--token response))) (payload (cadr (uiop:split-string access-token :separator '(#\.)))) (claims (cl-json:decode-json-from-string (base64:base64-string-to-string payload)))) (claims-to-user claims))))))