use super::*; #[test] fn bug_query() { assert_eq!( dispatch(&handlers(), &"b/42".into()), Some("".to_string()) ); assert_eq!( dispatch(&handlers(), &"something only mentioning b/42".into()), None, ); assert_eq!(dispatch(&handlers(), &"b/invalid".into()), None,); } #[test] fn cl_query() { assert_eq!( dispatch(&handlers(), &"cl/42".into()), Some("".to_string()) ); assert_eq!( dispatch(&handlers(), &"something only mentioning cl/42".into()), None, ); assert_eq!(dispatch(&handlers(), &"cl/invalid".into()), None,); } #[test] fn depot_path_cgit_query() { assert_eq!( dispatch(&handlers(), &"//web/atward/default.nix".into()), Some("".to_string()), ); assert_eq!( dispatch(&handlers(), &"//nix/readTree/".into()), Some("".to_string()), ); assert_eq!(dispatch(&handlers(), &"/not/a/depot/path".into()), None); } #[test] fn depot_path_sourcegraph_query() { assert_eq!( dispatch( &handlers(), &Query { query: "//web/atward/default.nix".to_string(), cs: true, } ), Some("".to_string()), ); assert_eq!( dispatch( &handlers(), &Query { query: "/not/a/depot/path".to_string(), cs: true, } ), None ); } #[test] fn depot_root_cgit_query() { assert_eq!( dispatch( &handlers(), &Query { query: "//".to_string(), cs: false, } ), Some("".to_string()), ); } #[test] fn plain_host_queries() { assert_eq!( dispatch(&handlers(), &"cs".into()), Some("".to_string()), ); assert_eq!( dispatch(&handlers(), &"cl".into()), Some("".to_string()), ); assert_eq!( dispatch(&handlers(), &"b".into()), Some("".to_string()), ); assert_eq!( dispatch(&handlers(), &"todo".into()), Some("".to_string()), ); } #[test] fn request_to_query() { assert_eq!( Query::from_request(&Request::fake_http("GET", "/?q=b%2F42", vec![], vec![])) .expect("request should parse to a query"), Query { query: "b/42".to_string(), cs: false, }, ); assert_eq!( Query::from_request(&Request::fake_http("GET", "/", vec![], vec![])), None ); } #[test] fn settings_from_cookie() { assert_eq!( Query::from_request(&Request::fake_http( "GET", "/?q=b%2F42", vec![("Cookie".to_string(), "cs=true;".to_string())], vec![] )) .expect("request should parse to a query"), Query { query: "b/42".to_string(), cs: true, }, ); } #[test] fn settings_from_query_parameter() { assert_eq!( Query::from_request(&Request::fake_http( "GET", "/?q=b%2F42&cs=true", vec![], vec![] )) .expect("request should parse to a query"), Query { query: "b/42".to_string(), cs: true, }, ); // Query parameter should override cookie assert_eq!( Query::from_request(&Request::fake_http( "GET", "/?q=b%2F42&cs=false", vec![("Cookie".to_string(), "cs=true;".to_string())], vec![] )) .expect("request should parse to a query"), Query { query: "b/42".to_string(), cs: false, }, ); } #[test] fn depot_revision_query() { assert_eq!( dispatch(&handlers(), &"r/3002".into()), Some("".to_string()) ); assert_eq!( dispatch(&handlers(), &"something only mentioning r/3002".into()), None, ); assert_eq!(dispatch(&handlers(), &"r/invalid".into()), None,); }