module Overview exposing (render) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (..) import Responsive import State import Tailwind import UI header1 : String -> Html msg header1 copy = h2 [ [ "text-center" , "pt-24" , "pb-12" , Responsive.h1 ] |> Tailwind.use |> class ] [ text copy ] header2 : String -> Html msg header2 copy = h2 [ [ "text-center" , "pb-10" , Responsive.h2 ] |> Tailwind.use |> class ] [ text copy ] paragraph : String -> Html msg paragraph copy = p [ [ "pb-10" , Responsive.h3 ] |> Tailwind.use |> class ] [ text copy ] sect : { title : String, copy : List String } -> Html msg sect { title, copy } = section [] (header2 title :: (copy |> paragraph)) numberedList : List String -> Html msg numberedList items = ol [ [ "list-inside" , "list-decimal" , Responsive.h3 ] |> Tailwind.use |> class ] (items |> (\x -> li [ [ "pb-10" ] |> Tailwind.use |> class ] [ text x ])) render : State.Model -> Html State.Msg render model = div [ [ "container", "mx-auto" ] |> Tailwind.use |> class ] [ header1 "Welcome to!" , paragraph """ Learn Piano Chords helps piano players master chords. """ , paragraph """ Chords are the building blocks songwriters use to create music. Whether you're a performer or songwriter, you need to understand chords to unlock your full musical potential. """ , paragraph """ I think that if practicing is enjoyable, students will practice more. Practice doesn’t make perfect; perfect practice makes perfect. """ , section [] [ header2 "Ready to get started?" , numberedList [ """ Sit down at the piano. """ , """ Set the tempo at which you would like to practice. """ , """ Select the key or keys in which you would like to practice. """ , """ When you are ready, close the preferences pane. We will show you the name of a chord, and you should play that chord on the piano. """ , """ If you don't know how to play the chord, toggle the piano viewer to see the notes. """ , """ At any point while you're training, press the screen to pause or resume your practice. """ ] ] , div [ [ "text-center", "py-20" ] |> Tailwind.use |> class ] [ UI.simpleButton { label = "Let's get started" , handleClick = State.SetView State.Preferences , color = UI.Secondary , classes = [] } ] ]