module State exposing (..) import Date exposing (Date) import Set exposing (Set) import Task import Time exposing (Weekday(..)) type alias WeekdayLabel = String type alias HabitLabel = String type Msg = DoNothing | SetView View | ReceiveDate Date | ToggleHabit WeekdayLabel HabitLabel | MaybeAdjustWeekday | ViewToday | ViewPrevious | ViewNext | ClearAll | ToggleMorning | ToggleEvening type View = Habits type HabitType = Morning | Evening | DayOfWeek | Payday | FirstOfTheMonth | FirstOfTheYear type alias Habit = { label : HabitLabel , habitType : HabitType , minutesDuration : Int } type alias CompletedHabits = Set ( WeekdayLabel, HabitLabel ) type alias Model = { isLoading : Bool , view : View , today : Maybe Date , completed : CompletedHabits , visibleDayOfWeek : Maybe Weekday , includeMorning : Bool , includeEvening : Bool } previousDay : Weekday -> Weekday previousDay weekday = case weekday of Mon -> Sun Tue -> Mon Wed -> Tue Thu -> Wed Fri -> Thu Sat -> Fri Sun -> Sat nextDay : Weekday -> Weekday nextDay weekday = case weekday of Mon -> Tue Tue -> Wed Wed -> Thu Thu -> Fri Fri -> Sat Sat -> Sun Sun -> Mon {-| The initial state for the application. -} init : ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init = ( { isLoading = False , view = Habits , today = Nothing , completed = Set.empty , visibleDayOfWeek = Nothing , includeMorning = True , includeEvening = True } , |> Task.perform ReceiveDate ) {-| Now that we have state, we need a function to change the state. -} update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg ({ today, visibleDayOfWeek, completed } as model) = case msg of DoNothing -> ( model, Cmd.none ) SetView x -> ( { model | view = x , isLoading = True } , Cmd.none ) ReceiveDate x -> ( { model | today = Just x , visibleDayOfWeek = Just (Date.weekday x) } , Cmd.none ) ToggleHabit weekdayLabel habitLabel -> ( { model | completed = if Set.member ( weekdayLabel, habitLabel ) completed then Set.remove ( weekdayLabel, habitLabel ) completed else Set.insert ( weekdayLabel, habitLabel ) completed } , Cmd.none ) MaybeAdjustWeekday -> ( model, |> Task.perform ReceiveDate ) ViewToday -> ( { model | visibleDayOfWeek = today |> Date.weekday }, Cmd.none ) ViewPrevious -> ( { model | visibleDayOfWeek = visibleDayOfWeek |> previousDay } , Cmd.none ) ViewNext -> ( { model | visibleDayOfWeek = visibleDayOfWeek |> nextDay } , Cmd.none ) ClearAll -> ( { model | completed = Set.empty }, Cmd.none ) ToggleMorning -> ( { model | includeMorning = not model.includeMorning }, Cmd.none ) ToggleEvening -> ( { model | includeEvening = not model.includeEvening }, Cmd.none )