(******************************************************************************* * WIP implementation of the Hindley-Milner type system primarily for learning * purposes. * * Wish List: * - TODO Debug this inference (let f (fn x x) f) ******************************************************************************) open Types open Debug (******************************************************************************* * Library ******************************************************************************) let ( let* ) = Option.bind let set_from_list (xs : string list) : set = xs |> List.fold_left (fun acc x -> FromString.add x true acc) FromString.empty (* Map union that favors the rhs values (i.e. "last writer wins"). *) let lww (xs : 'a FromString.t) (ys : 'a FromString.t) : 'a FromString.t = FromString.union (fun k x y -> Some y) xs ys let emptyEnv : env = FromString.empty let rec free_type_vars (t : _type) : set = match t with | TypeVariable k -> FromString.singleton k true | TypeInt -> FromString.empty | TypeBool -> FromString.empty | TypeArrow (a, b) -> lww (free_type_vars a) (free_type_vars b) let i : int ref = ref 0 let make_type_var () : _type = let res = Printf.sprintf "a%d" !i in i := !i + 1; TypeVariable res exception OccursCheck let bind_var (k : string) (t : _type) : substitution = if t == TypeVariable k then FromString.empty else if FromString.exists (fun name _ -> name == k) (free_type_vars t) then raise OccursCheck else FromString.singleton k t let rec instantiate (q : quantified_type) : _type = let (QuantifiedType (names, t)) = q in match t with | TypeInt -> TypeInt | TypeBool -> TypeBool | TypeVariable k -> if List.exists (( == ) k) names then make_type_var () else TypeVariable k | TypeArrow (a, b) -> TypeArrow (instantiate (QuantifiedType (names, a)), instantiate (QuantifiedType (names, b))) let quantified_type_ftvs (q : quantified_type) : set = let (QuantifiedType (names, t)) = q in lww (free_type_vars t) (names |> set_from_list) let generalize (env : env) (t : _type) : quantified_type = let envftv = env |> FromString.bindings |> List.map (fun (_, v) -> quantified_type_ftvs v) |> List.fold_left lww FromString.empty in let names = lww (free_type_vars t) envftv |> FromString.bindings |> List.map (fun (k, _) -> k) in QuantifiedType (names, t) let rec substitute_type (s : substitution) (t : _type) : _type = match t with | TypeVariable k as tvar -> (match FromString.find_opt k s with | Some v -> substitute_type s v | None -> tvar) | TypeArrow (a, b) -> TypeArrow (substitute_type s a, substitute_type s b) | TypeInt -> TypeInt | TypeBool -> TypeBool let substitute_quantified_type (s : substitution) (q : quantified_type) : quantified_type = let (QuantifiedType (names, t)) = q in let s1 = FromString.filter (fun k v -> List.exists (fun x -> k != x) names) s in QuantifiedType (names, substitute_type s1 t) let substitute_env (s : substitution) (env : env) : env = FromString.map (fun q -> substitute_quantified_type s q) env let compose_substitutions (xs : substitution list) : substitution = let do_compose_substitutions s1 s2 = lww s2 (FromString.map (substitute_type s2) s1) in List.fold_left do_compose_substitutions FromString.empty xs let rec unify (a : _type) (b : _type) : substitution option = match (a, b) with | TypeInt, TypeInt -> Some FromString.empty | TypeBool, TypeBool -> Some FromString.empty | TypeVariable k, _ -> Some (bind_var k b) | _, TypeVariable k -> Some (bind_var k a) | TypeArrow (a, b), TypeArrow (c, d) -> let* s1 = unify a c in let* s2 = unify (substitute_type s1 b) (substitute_type s1 d) in let s3 = compose_substitutions [s1; s2] in s1 |> Debug.substitution |> Printf.sprintf "s1: %s\n" |> print_string; s2 |> Debug.substitution |> Printf.sprintf "s2: %s\n" |> print_string; s3 |> Debug.substitution |> Printf.sprintf "s3: %s\n" |> print_string; Some s3 | _ -> None let print_env (env : env) = Printf.sprintf "env: %s\n" (Debug.env env) |> print_string let print_val (x : value) = Printf.sprintf "val: %s\n" (Debug.value x) |> print_string let print_inference (x : inference option) = match x with | None -> "no inference\n" |> print_string | Some x -> Printf.sprintf "inf: %s\n" (Debug.inference x) |> print_string let rec infer (env : env) (x : value) : inference option = print_env env; print_val x; let res = match x with | ValueLiteral lit -> ( match lit with | LiteralInt _ -> Some (Inference (FromString.empty, TypeInt)) | LiteralBool _ -> Some (Inference (FromString.empty, TypeBool))) | ValueVariable k -> let* v = FromString.find_opt k env in Some (Inference (FromString.empty, instantiate v)) | ValueFunction (param, body) -> let typevar = make_type_var () in let env1 = FromString.remove param env in let env2 = lww (FromString.singleton param (QuantifiedType ([], typevar))) env1 in let* (Inference (s1, t1)) = infer env2 body in Some (Inference (s1, TypeArrow (substitute_type s1 typevar, t1))) | ValueApplication (f, x) -> let result = make_type_var () in let* (Inference (s1, t1)) = infer env f in let* (Inference (s2, t2)) = infer (substitute_env s1 env) x in let* s3 = unify (substitute_type s2 t1) (TypeArrow (t2, result)) in Some (Inference ( compose_substitutions [s3; s2; s1], substitute_type s3 result )) | ValueVarApplication (name, x) -> let* v = FromString.find_opt name env in let t1 = instantiate v in let typevar = make_type_var () in let* (Inference (s2, t2)) = infer env x in let* s3 = unify (substitute_type s2 t1) (TypeArrow (t2, typevar)) in Some (Inference ( compose_substitutions [s2; s3], substitute_type s3 typevar )) | ValueBinder (k, v, body) -> let* (Inference (s1, t1)) = infer env v in let env1 = FromString.remove k env in let tg = generalize (substitute_env s1 env) t1 in let env2 = FromString.add k tg env1 in let* (Inference (s2, t2)) = infer (substitute_env s1 env2) body in Some (Inference (compose_substitutions [s1; s2], t2)) in print_inference res; res let do_infer (x : value) : _type option = let* Inference (_, t) = infer FromString.empty x in Some t