;;; al.el --- Interface for working with associative lists -*- lexical-binding: t -*- ;; Author: William Carroll ;; Version: 0.0.1 ;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1")) ;;; Commentary: ;; Firstly, a rant: ;; In most cases, I find Elisp's APIs to be confusing. There's a mixture of ;; overloaded functions that leak the implementation details (TODO: provide an ;; example of this.) of the abstract data type, which I find privileges those ;; "insiders" who spend disproportionately large amounts of time in Elisp land, ;; and other functions with little-to-no pattern about the order in which ;; arguments should be applied. In theory, however, most of these APIs could ;; and should be much simpler. This module represents a step in that direction. ;; ;; I'm modelling these APIs after Elixir's APIs. ;; ;; On my wishlist is to create protocols that will allow generic interfaces like ;; Enum protocols, etc. Would be nice to abstract over... ;; - associative lists (i.e. alists) ;; - property lists (i.e. plists) ;; - hash tables ;; ...with some dictionary or map-like interface. This will probably end up ;; being quite similar to the kv.el project but with differences at the API ;; layer. ;; ;; Similar libraries: ;; - map.el: Comes bundled with recent versions of Emacs. ;; - asoc.el: Helpers for working with alists. asoc.el is similar to alist.el ;; because it uses the "!" convention for signalling that a function mutates ;; the underlying data structure. ;; - ht.el: Hash table library. ;; - kv.el: Library for dealing with key-value collections. Note that map.el ;; has a similar typeclass because it works with lists, hash-tables, or ;; arrays. ;; - a.el: Clojure-inspired way of working with key-value data structures in ;; Elisp. Works with alists, hash-tables, and sometimes vectors. ;; ;; Some API design principles: ;; - The "noun" (i.e. alist) of the "verb" (i.e. function) comes last to improve ;; composability with the threading macro (i.e. `->>') and to improve consumers' ;; intuition with the APIs. Learn this once, know it always. ;; ;; - Every function avoids mutating the alist unless it ends with !. ;; ;; - CRUD operations will be named according to the following table: ;; - "create" *and* "set" ;; - "read" *and* "get" ;; - "update" ;; - "delete" *and* "remove" ;; ;; For better or worse, all of this code expects alists in the form of: ;; ((first-name . "William") (last-name . "Carroll")) ;; ;; Special thanks to github.com/alphapapa/emacs-package-dev-handbook for some of ;; the idiomatic ways to update alists. ;; ;; TODO: Include a section that compares alist.el to a.el from ;; github.com/plexus/a.el. ;;; Code: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Dependencies: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (require 'dash) (require 'list) (require 'map) ;; TODO: Support function aliases for: ;; - create/set ;; - read/get ;; - update ;; - delete/remove ;; Support mutative variants of functions with an ! appendage to their name. ;; Ensure that the same message about only updating the first occurrence of a ;; key is consistent throughout documentation using string interpolation or some ;; other mechanism. ;; TODO: Consider wrapping all of this with `(cl-defstruct alist xs)'. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Library ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; TODO: Support a variadic version of this to easily construct alists. (defun al-new () "Return a new, empty alist." '()) ;; Create ;; TODO: See if this mutates. (defun al-set (k v xs) "Set K to V in XS." (if (al-has-key? k xs) (progn ;; Note: this is intentional `alist-get' and not `al-get'. (setf (alist-get k xs) v) xs) (list-cons `(,k . ,v) xs))) (defun al-set! (k v xs) "Set K to V in XS mutatively. Note that this doesn't append to the alist in the way that most alists handle writing. If the k already exists in XS, it is overwritten." (map-delete xs k) (map-put! xs k v)) ;; Read (defun al-get (k xs) "Return the value at K in XS; otherwise, return nil. Returns the first occurrence of K in XS since alists support multiple entries." (cdr (assoc k xs))) (defun al-get-entry (k xs) "Return the first key-value pair at K in XS." (assoc k xs)) ;; Update ;; TODO: Add warning about only the first occurrence being updated in the ;; documentation. (defun al-update (k f xs) "Apply F to the value stored at K in XS. If `K' is not in `XS', this function errors. Use `al-upsert' if you're interested in inserting a value when a key doesn't already exist." (if (not (al-has-key? k xs)) (error "Refusing to update: key does not exist in alist") (al-set k (funcall f (al-get k xs)) xs))) (defun al-update! (k f xs) "Call F on the entry at K in XS. Mutative variant of `al-update'." (al-set! k (funcall f (al-get k xs))xs)) ;; TODO: Support this. (defun al-upsert (k v f xs) "If K exists in `XS' call `F' on the value otherwise insert `V'." (if (al-has-key? k xs) (al-update k f xs) (al-set k v xs))) ;; Delete ;; TODO: Make sure `delete' and `remove' behave as advertised in the Elisp docs. (defun al-delete (k xs) "Deletes the entry of K from XS. This only removes the first occurrence of K, since alists support multiple key-value entries. See `al-delete-all' and `al-dedupe'." (remove (assoc k xs) xs)) (defun al-delete! (k xs) "Delete the entry of K from XS. Mutative variant of `al-delete'." (delete (assoc k xs) xs)) ;; Additions to the CRUD API ;; TODO: Implement this function. (defun al-dedupe-keys (xs) "Remove the entries in XS where the keys are `equal'.") (defun al-dedupe-entries (xs) "Remove the entries in XS where the key-value pair are `equal'." (delete-dups xs)) (defun al-keys (xs) "Return a list of the keys in XS." (mapcar 'car xs)) (defun al-values (xs) "Return a list of the values in XS." (mapcar 'cdr xs)) (defun al-has-key? (k xs) "Return t if XS has a key `equal' to K." (not (eq nil (assoc k xs)))) (defun al-has-value? (v xs) "Return t if XS has a value of V." (not (eq nil (rassoc v xs)))) (defun al-count (xs) "Return the number of entries in XS." (length xs)) ;; TODO: Should I support `al-find-key' and `al-find-value' variants? (defun al-find (p xs) "Find an element in XS. Apply a predicate fn, P, to each key and value in XS and return the key of the first element that returns t." (let ((result (list-find (lambda (x) (funcall p (car x) (cdr x))) xs))) (if result (car result) nil))) (defun al-map-keys (f xs) "Call F on the values in XS, returning a new alist." (list-map (lambda (x) `(,(funcall f (car x)) . ,(cdr x))) xs)) (defun al-map-values (f xs) "Call F on the values in XS, returning a new alist." (list-map (lambda (x) `(,(car x) . ,(funcall f (cdr x)))) xs)) (defun al-reduce (acc f xs) "Return a new alist by calling F on k v and ACC from XS. F should return a tuple. See tuple.el for more information." (->> (al-keys xs) (list-reduce acc (lambda (k acc) (funcall f k (al-get k xs) acc))))) (defun al-merge (a b) "Return a new alist with a merge of alists, A and B. In this case, the last writer wins, which is B." (al-reduce a #'al-set b)) (provide 'al) ;;; al.el ends here