;;; window-manager.el --- Functions augmenting my usage of EXWM -*- lexical-binding: t -*- ;; Author: William Carroll ;; Version: 0.0.1 ;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1")) ;;; Commentary: ;; I switched to EXWM from i3, and I haven't looked back. One day I may write a ;; poem declaring my love for Emacs and EXWM. For now, I haven't the time. ;; Wish list: ;; - TODO: Support different startup commands and layouts depending on laptop or ;; desktop. ;; - TODO: Support a Music named-workspace. ;;; Code: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Dependencies ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (require 'alert) (require 'al) (require 'prelude) (require 'string) (require 'cycle) (require 'set) (require 'kbd) (require 'ivy-helpers) (require 'display) (require 'vterm-mgt) (require 'dash) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Library ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; TODO: Associate `window-purpose' window-layouts with each of these named ;; workspaces. ;; TODO: Associate KBDs for each of these named-layouts. ;; TODO: Decide between window-manager, exwm, or some other namespace. ;; TODO: Support (cycle-from-list '(current previous)) to toggle back and forth ;; between most recent workspace. ;; TODO: Support ad hoc cycle for loading a few workspaces that can be cycled ;; between. (cycle-from-list '("Project" "Workspace")) ;; TODO: Consider supporting a workspace for Racket, Clojure, Common Lisp, ;; Haskell, Elixir, and a few other languages. These could behave very similarly ;; to repl.it, which I've wanted to have locally for awhile now. ;; TODO: Support MRU cache of workspaces for easily switching back-and-forth ;; between workspaces. (cl-defstruct window-manager--named-workspace label kbd display) (defgroup window-manager) (defconst window-manager--install-kbds? t "When t, install the keybindings to switch between named-workspaces.") ;; TODO: Consume `cache/touch' after changing workspaces. Use this to enable ;; cycling through workspaces. (defconst window-manager--named-workspaces (list (make-window-manager--named-workspace :label "Web Browsing" :kbd "c" :display display-4k-horizontal) (make-window-manager--named-workspace :label "Coding" :kbd "d" :display display-4k-horizontal) (make-window-manager--named-workspace :label "Vertical" :kbd "h" :display display-4k-vertical) (make-window-manager--named-workspace :label "Laptop" :kbd "p" :display display-laptop)) "List of `window-manager--named-workspace' structs.") ;; Assert that no two workspaces share KBDs. (prelude-assert (= (list-length window-manager--named-workspaces) (->> window-manager--named-workspaces (list-map #'window-manager--named-workspace-kbd) set-from-list set-count))) (defun window-manager--alert (x) "Message X with a structured format." (alert (string-concat "[exwm] " x))) ;; Use Emacs as my primary window manager. (use-package exwm :config (require 'exwm-config) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Multiple Displays ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (require 'exwm-randr) (exwm-randr-enable) (setq exwm-randr-workspace-monitor-plist (->> window-manager--named-workspaces (-map-indexed (lambda (i x) (list i (window-manager--named-workspace-display x)))) -flatten)) (setq exwm-workspace-number (list-length window-manager--named-workspaces)) (setq exwm-input-simulation-keys ;; TODO: Consider supporting M-d and other readline style KBDs. '(([?\C-b] . [left]) ([?\M-b] . [C-left]) ([?\C-f] . [right]) ([?\M-f] . [C-right]) ([?\C-p] . [up]) ([?\C-n] . [down]) ([?\C-a] . [home]) ([?\C-e] . [end]) ([?\C-d] . [delete]) ;; TODO: Assess whether or not this is a good idea. ;; TODO: Ensure C-c copies. ([?\C-c] . [C-c]))) (exwm-enable)) (defcustom window-manager-screenlocker "xsecurelock" "Reference to a screen-locking executable." :group 'window-manager) ;; Here is the code required to allow EXWM to cycle workspaces. (defconst window-manager--workspaces (->> window-manager--named-workspaces cycle-from-list) "Cycle of the my EXWM workspaces.") (prelude-assert (= exwm-workspace-number (list-length window-manager--named-workspaces))) (defun window-manager-next-workspace () "Cycle forwards to the next workspace." (interactive) (window-manager--change-workspace (cycle-next window-manager--workspaces))) (defun window-manager-prev-workspace () "Cycle backwards to the previous workspace." (interactive) (window-manager--change-workspace (cycle-prev window-manager--workspaces))) ;; TODO: Create friendlier API for working with EXWM. ;; Here is the code required to toggle EXWM's modes. (defun window-manager--line-mode () "Switch exwm to line-mode." (call-interactively #'exwm-input-grab-keyboard) (window-manager--alert "Switched to line-mode")) (defun window-manager--char-mode () "Switch exwm to char-mode." (call-interactively #'exwm-input-release-keyboard) (window-manager--alert "Switched to char-mode")) (defconst window-manager--modes (cycle-from-list (list #'window-manager--char-mode #'window-manager--line-mode)) "Functions to switch exwm modes.") (defun window-manager-toggle-mode () "Switch between line- and char- mode." (interactive) (with-current-buffer (window-buffer) (when (eq major-mode 'exwm-mode) (funcall (cycle-next window-manager--modes))))) ;; Ensure exwm apps open in char-mode. (add-hook 'exwm-manage-finish-hook #'window-manager--char-mode) ;; Interface to the Linux password manager ;; TODO: Consider writing a better client for this. (use-package ivy-pass) ;; TODO: How do I handle this dependency? (defconst window-manager--preferred-browser "google-chrome" "My preferred web browser.") ;; TODO: Consider replacing the `ivy-read' call with something like `hydra' that ;; can provide a small mode for accepting user-input. ;; TODO: Put this somewhere more diliberate. (defun window-manager--label->index (label workspaces) "Return the index of the workspace in WORKSPACES named LABEL." (let ((index (-elem-index label (-map #'window-manager--named-workspace-label workspaces)))) (if index index (error (format "No workspace found for label: %s" label))))) (defun window-manager--register-kbd (workspace) "Registers a keybinding for WORKSPACE struct. Currently using super- as the prefix for switching workspaces." (let ((handler (lambda () (interactive) (window-manager--switch (window-manager--named-workspace-label workspace)))) (key (window-manager--named-workspace-kbd workspace))) (exwm-input-set-key (kbd-for 'workspace key) handler))) (defun window-manager--change-workspace (workspace) "Switch EXWM workspaces to the WORKSPACE struct." (exwm-workspace-switch (window-manager--label->index (window-manager--named-workspace-label workspace) window-manager--named-workspaces)) (window-manager--alert (string-format "Switched to: %s" (window-manager--named-workspace-label workspace)))) (defun window-manager--switch (label) "Switch to a named workspaces using LABEL." (cycle-focus (lambda (x) (equal label (window-manager--named-workspace-label x))) window-manager--workspaces) (window-manager--change-workspace (cycle-current window-manager--workspaces))) (exwm-input-set-key (kbd "C-S-f") #'window-manager-toggle-previous) (defun window-manager-toggle-previous () "Focus the previously active EXWM workspace." (interactive) (window-manager--change-workspace (cycle-focus-previous! window-manager--workspaces))) (defun window-manager--exwm-buffer? (x) "Return t if buffer X is an EXWM buffer." (equal 'exwm-mode (buffer-local-value 'major-mode x))) (defun window-manager--application-name (buffer) "Return the name of the application running in the EXWM BUFFER. This function asssumes that BUFFER passes the `window-manager--exwm-buffer?' predicate." (with-current-buffer buffer exwm-class-name)) ;; TODO: Support disambiguating between two or more instances of the same ;; application. For instance if two `exwm-class-name' values are ;; "Google-chrome", find a encode this information in the `buffer-alist'. (defun window-manager-switch-to-exwm-buffer () "Use `completing-read' to focus an EXWM buffer." (interactive) (let* ((buffer-alist (->> (buffer-list) (-filter #'window-manager--exwm-buffer?) (-map (lambda (buffer) (cons (window-manager--application-name buffer) buffer))))) (label (completing-read "Switch to EXWM buffer: " buffer-alist))) (exwm-workspace-switch-to-buffer (al-get label buffer-alist)))) (when window-manager--install-kbds? (progn (->> window-manager--named-workspaces (list-map #'window-manager--register-kbd)) (window-manager--alert "Registered workspace KBDs!"))) (defun window-manager-current-workspace () "Output the label of the currently active workspace." (->> window-manager--workspaces cycle-current window-manager--named-workspace-label)) (defun window-manager-swap-workspaces () "Prompt the user to switch the current workspace with another." (interactive) (let* ((selection (->> window-manager--named-workspaces (-map #'window-manager--named-workspace-label) (-reject (lambda (x) (s-equals? x (window-manager-current-workspace)))) (completing-read (format "Swap current workspace (i.e. \"%s\") with: " (window-manager-current-workspace))))) (i (-find-index (lambda (x) (s-equals? selection (window-manager--named-workspace-label x))) window-manager--named-workspaces))) (exwm-workspace-swap exwm-workspace--current (elt exwm-workspace--list i)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Startup Applications in `window-manager--named-workspaces' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (add-hook 'exwm-init-hook (lambda () ;; (display-arrange-primary) (window-manager--switch "Coding"))) (provide 'window-manager) ;;; window-manager.el ends here