;;; laptop-battery.el --- Display laptop battery information -*- lexical-binding: t -*-

;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
;; Version: 0.0.1
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1"))

;;; Commentary:
;; Some wrappers to obtain battery information.
;; To troubleshoot battery consumpton look into the CLI `powertop`.

;;; Code:

;; Roadmap

;; TODO: Support functions that work with reporting battery stats.
;; TODO: low-battery-reporting-threshold
;; TODO: charged-battery-reporting-threshold
;; TODO: Format modeline battery information.
;; TODO: Provide better time information in the modeline.

;; Dependencies

(require 'battery)
(require 'al)
(require 'maybe)

;; Library

(defun laptop-battery-available? ()
  "Return t if battery information is available."
  (maybe-some? battery-status-function))

(defun laptop-battery-percentage ()
  "Return the current percentage of the battery."
  (->> battery-status-function
       (al-get 112)))

(defun laptop-battery-print-percentage ()
  "Return the current percentage of the battery."
  (->> (laptop-battery-percentage)

(defun laptop-battery-display ()
  "Display laptop battery percentage in the modeline."
  (display-battery-mode 1))

(defun laptop-battery-hide ()
  "Hide laptop battery percentage in the modeline."
  (display-battery-mode -1))

(provide 'laptop-battery)
;;; laptop-battery.el ends here