use crate::interpreter::Value; #[derive(Debug)] pub enum ErrorKind { UnexpectedChar(char), UnterminatedString, UnmatchedParens, ExpectedExpression(String), ExpectedSemicolon, ExpectedClosingBrace, ExpectedToken(&'static str), TypeError(String), UndefinedVariable(String), InternalError(String), InvalidAssignmentTarget(String), RuntimeError(String), StaticError(String), // This variant is not an error, rather it is used for // short-circuiting out of a function body that hits a `return` // statement. // // It's implemented this way because in the original book the // author uses exceptions for control flow, and this is the // closest equivalent that I had available without diverging too // much. FunctionReturn(Value), } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Error { pub line: usize, pub kind: ErrorKind, } pub fn report(err: &Error) { eprintln!("[line {}] Error: {:?}", err.line, err.kind); }