#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)] pub struct ConstantIdx(pub usize); #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)] pub struct StackIdx(pub usize); #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)] pub struct CodeIdx(pub usize); #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)] pub struct CodeOffset(pub usize); #[derive(Debug)] pub enum OpCode { /// Push a constant onto the stack. OpConstant(ConstantIdx), // Literal pushes OpNil, OpTrue, OpFalse, /// Return from the current function. OpReturn, // Boolean & comparison operators OpNot, OpEqual, OpGreater, OpLess, /// Unary negation OpNegate, // Arithmetic operators OpAdd, OpSubtract, OpMultiply, OpDivide, // Built in operations OpPrint, OpPop, // Variable management OpDefineGlobal(ConstantIdx), OpGetGlobal(ConstantIdx), OpSetGlobal(ConstantIdx), OpGetLocal(StackIdx), OpSetLocal(StackIdx), // Control flow OpJumpPlaceholder(bool), OpJumpIfFalse(CodeOffset), }