# Creates the Atom feed for my homepage. { depot, lib, pkgs, entry, pageEntries, ... }: with depot.nix.yants; let inherit (builtins) map readFile sort; inherit (lib) singleton; inherit (pkgs) writeText; inherit (depot.users.tazjin) atom-feed blog renderMarkdown; postToEntry = defun [ blog.post atom-feed.entry ] (post: rec { id = "https://tazj.in/blog/${post.key}"; title = post.title; content = readFile (renderMarkdown post.content); published = post.date; updated = post.date; # TODO(tazjin): this should be distinct from published links = singleton { rel = "alternate"; href = id; }; }); pageEntryToEntry = defun [ entry atom-feed.entry ] (e: { id = "tazjin:${e.class}:${toString e.date}"; updated = e.date; published = e.date; title = e.title; summary = e.description; links = singleton { rel = "alternate"; href = e.url; }; }); allEntries = (map postToEntry blog.posts) ++ (map pageEntryToEntry pageEntries); feed = { id = "https://tazj.in/"; title = "tazjin's interblag"; subtitle = "my posts, projects and other interesting things"; # TODO(tazjin): Take the most recently updated entry time instead. updated = builtins.currentTime; rights = "© 2020 tazjin"; authors = [ "tazjin" ]; links = singleton { rel = "self"; href = "https://tazjin/feed.atom"; }; entries = sort (a: b: a.published > b.published) allEntries; }; in writeText "feed.atom" (atom-feed.renderFeed feed)