use emacs::{defun, Env, IntoLisp, Result, Value}; use gio::traits::AppInfoExt; use gio::AppInfo; emacs::plugin_is_GPL_compatible!(); #[emacs::module(defun_prefix = "taz", mod_in_name = false)] fn init(_: &Env) -> Result<()> { Ok(()) } /// Returns an alist of the currently available XDG applications (through their /// `.desktop' shortcuts), and the command line parameters needed to start them. /// /// Hidden applications or applications without specified command-line /// parameters are not included. #[defun] fn list_xdg_apps(env: &Env) -> Result { let mut visible_apps: Vec = vec![]; for app in AppInfo::all().into_iter().filter(AppInfo::should_show) { if let Some(cmd) = app .commandline() .and_then(|p| Some(p.to_str()?.to_string())) { visible_apps.push(env.cons(, cmd.into_lisp(env)?)?); } } env.list(&visible_apps) }