{ depot, lib, pkgs, ... }: with depot.nix.yants; let inherit (builtins) hasAttr filter; config = { name = "tazjin's blog"; baseUrl = "https://tazj.in/blog"; staticUrl = "https://tazj.in/static/"; footer = ''


''; }; inherit (depot.web.blog) post includePost renderPost; posts = list post (import ./posts.nix); rendered = pkgs.runCommand "tazjins-blog" { } '' mkdir -p $out ${lib.concatStringsSep "\n" (map (post: "cp ${renderPost config post} $out/${post.key}.html" ) posts)} ''; in { inherit rendered config; # Filter unlisted posts from the index posts = filter includePost posts; # Generate embeddable nginx configuration for redirects from old post URLs oldRedirects = lib.concatStringsSep "\n" (map (post: '' location ~* ^(/en)?/${post.oldKey} { return 301 https://tazj.in/blog/${post.key}; } '') (filter (hasAttr "oldKey") posts)); }