{ depot, pkgs, lib, config, ... }: let virtualHost = "code.sterni.lv"; repoSections = [ { section = "active"; repos = { spacecookie = { description = "gopher server (and library for Haskell)"; upstream = "https://github.com/sternenseemann/spacecookie.git"; }; "mirror/depot" = { description = "monorepo for the virus lounge"; upstream = "https://code.tvl.fyi/depot.git"; defaultBranch = "canon"; }; "mirror/flipdot-gschichtler" = { description = "message queue system for OpenLab's flipdot display"; upstream = "https://github.com/openlab-aux/flipdot-gschichtler.git"; }; "mirror/nixpkgs" = { description = "Nix packages collection"; upstream = "https://github.com/nixos/nixpkgs.git"; }; }; } { section = "poc"; repos = { emoji-generic = { description = "generic emoji library for Haskell"; upstream = "https://github.com/sternenseemann/emoji-generic.git"; }; grav2ty = { description = "“realistic” 2d space game"; upstream = "https://github.com/sternenseemann/grav2ty.git"; }; haskell-dot-time = { description = "UTC-centric time library for haskell with dot time support"; defaultBranch = "main"; }; buchstabensuppe = { description = "toy font rendering for low pixelcount, high contrast displays"; defaultBranch = "main"; upstream = "https://github.com/sternenseemann/buchstabensuppe.git"; }; "mirror/saneterm" = { description = "modern line-oriented terminal emulator without support for TUIs"; upstream = "git://git.8pit.net/saneterm.git"; }; }; } { section = "archive"; repos = { gopher-proxy = { description = "Gopher over HTTP proxy"; upstream = "https://github.com/sternenseemann/gopher-proxy.git"; }; likely-music = { description = "experimental application for probabilistic music composition"; upstream = "https://github.com/sternenseemann/likely-music.git"; }; logbook = { description = "file format for keeping a personal log"; upstream = "https://github.com/sternenseemann/logbook.git"; }; sternenblog = { description = "file based cgi blog software"; upstream = "https://github.com/sternenseemann/sternenblog.git"; }; }; } ]; repoPath = name: repo: repo.path or "/srv/git/${name}.git"; cgitRepoEntry = name: repo: lib.concatStringsSep "\n" ( [ "repo.url=${name}" "repo.path=${repoPath name repo}" ] ++ lib.optional (repo ? description) "repo.desc=${repo.description}" ++ lib.optional (repo ? defaultBranch) "repo.defbranch=${repo.defaultBranch}" ); cgitHead = pkgs.writeText "cgit-head.html" '' ''; cgitConfig = pkgs.writeText "cgitrc" '' virtual-root=/ enable-http-clone=1 clone-url=https://${virtualHost}/$CGIT_REPO_URL enable-blame=1 enable-log-filecount=1 enable-log-linecount=1 enable-index-owner=0 enable-blame=1 enable-commit-graph=1 root-title=code.sterni.lv css=/cgit.css head-include=${cgitHead} mimetype-file=${pkgs.mime-types}/etc/mime.types about-filter=${depot.tools.cheddar.about-filter}/bin/cheddar-about source-filter=${depot.tools.cheddar}/bin/cheddar readme=:README.md readme=:readme.md section-sort=0 ${ lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n" (section: '' section=${section.section} '' + builtins.concatStringsSep "\n\n" (lib.mapAttrsToList cgitRepoEntry section.repos) ) repoSections } ''; /* Merge a list of attrs, but fail when the same attribute occurs twice. Type: [ attrs ] -> attrs */ mergeManyDistinctAttrs = lib.foldAttrs ( val: nul: if nul == null then val else throw "Every attribute name may occur only once" ) null; flatRepos = mergeManyDistinctAttrs (builtins.map (section: section.repos) repoSections); reposToMirror = lib.filterAttrs (_: repo: repo ? upstream) flatRepos; # User and group name used for running the mirror scripts mirroredReposOwner = "git"; # Make repo name suitable for systemd unit/timer unitName = name: "mirror-${lib.strings.sanitizeDerivationName name}"; in { imports = [ ./nginx.nix ./fcgiwrap.nix ]; config = { services.nginx.virtualHosts."${virtualHost}" = { enableACME = true; forceSSL = true; root = "${pkgs.cgit-pink}/cgit/"; extraConfig = '' try_files $uri @cgit; location @cgit { include ${pkgs.nginx}/conf/fastcgi_params; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME ${pkgs.cgit-pink}/cgit/cgit.cgi; fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $uri; fastcgi_param QUERY_STRING $args; fastcgi_param HTTP_HOST $server_name; fastcgi_param CGIT_CONFIG ${cgitConfig}; fastcgi_pass unix:${toString config.services.fcgiwrap.socketAddress}; } ''; }; users = { users.${mirroredReposOwner} = { group = mirroredReposOwner; isSystemUser = true; }; groups.${mirroredReposOwner} = { }; }; systemd.timers = lib.mapAttrs' ( name: repo: { name = unitName name; value = { description = "regularly update mirror git repository ${name}"; wantedBy = [ "timers.target" ]; enable = true; timerConfig = { # Fire every 6h and distribute the workload over next 6h randomly OnCalendar = "*-*-* 00/6:00:00"; AccuracySec = "6h"; RandomizedDelaySec = "6h"; Persistent = true; }; }; } ) reposToMirror; systemd.services = lib.mapAttrs' ( name: repo: { name = unitName name; value = { description = "mirror git repository ${name}"; after = [ "network.target" ]; script = let path = repoPath name repo; in '' set -euo pipefail export PATH="${lib.makeBinPath [ pkgs.coreutils pkgs.git ]}" if test ! -d "${path}"; then mkdir -p "$(dirname "${path}")" git clone --mirror "${repo.upstream}" "${path}" exit 0 fi cd "${path}" git fetch "${repo.upstream}" '+refs/*:refs/*' --prune ''; serviceConfig = { Type = "oneshot"; User = mirroredReposOwner; Group = mirroredReposOwner; }; }; } ) reposToMirror; }; }