module Xanthous.UtilSpec (main, test) where import Test.Prelude import Xanthous.Util import Control.Monad.State.Lazy (execState) main :: IO () main = defaultMain test test :: TestTree test = testGroup "Xanthous.Util" [ testGroup "smallestNotIn" [ testCase "examples" $ do smallestNotIn [7 :: Word, 3, 7] @?= 0 smallestNotIn [7 :: Word, 0, 1, 3, 7] @?= 2 , testProperty "returns an element not in the list" $ \(xs :: [Word]) -> smallestNotIn xs `notElem` xs , testProperty "pred return is in the list" $ \(xs :: [Word]) -> let res = smallestNotIn xs in res /= 0 ==> pred res `elem` xs , testProperty "ignores order" $ \(xs :: [Word]) -> forAll (shuffle xs) $ \shuffledXs -> smallestNotIn xs === smallestNotIn shuffledXs ] , testGroup "takeWhileInclusive" [ testProperty "takeWhileInclusive (const True) ≡ id" $ \(xs :: [Int]) -> takeWhileInclusive (const True) xs === xs ] , testGroup "endoTimes" [ testCase "endoTimes 4 succ 5" $ endoTimes (4 :: Int) succ (5 :: Int) @?= 9 ] , testGroup "modifyKL" [ testCase "_1 += 1" $ execState (modifyKL _1 $ pure . succ) (1 :: Int, 2 :: Int) @?= (2, 2) ] , testGroup "removeFirst" [ testCase "example" $ removeFirst @[Int] (> 5) [1..10] @?= [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10] , testProperty "the result is the right length" $ \(xs :: [Int]) p -> length (removeFirst p xs) `elem` [length xs, length xs - 1] ] ]