{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Xanthous.Generators.Speech ( -- * Language definition Language(..) -- ** Lenses , phonotactics , syllablesPerWord -- ** Phonotactics , Phonotactics(..) -- *** Lenses , onsets , nuclei , codas , numOnsets , numNuclei , numCodas -- * Language generation , syllable , word -- * Languages , english , gormlak ) where -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Xanthous.Prelude hiding (replicateM) import Data.Interval (Interval, (<=..<=)) import qualified Data.Interval as Interval import Control.Monad.Random.Class (MonadRandom) import Xanthous.Random (chooseRange, choose, ChooseElement (..), Weighted (Weighted)) import Control.Monad (replicateM) import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary, CoArbitrary, Function) import Test.QuickCheck.Instances.Text () import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- newtype Phoneme = Phoneme Text deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic) deriving anyclass (NFData, CoArbitrary, Function) deriving newtype (IsString, Semigroup, Monoid, Arbitrary) -- | The phonotactics of a language -- -- The phonotactics of a language represent the restriction on the phonemes in -- the syllables of a language. -- -- Syllables in a language consist of an onset, a nucleus, and a coda (the -- nucleus and the coda together representing the "rhyme" of the syllable). data Phonotactics = Phonotactics { _onsets :: [Phoneme] -- ^ The permissible onsets, or consonant clusters -- at the beginning of a syllable , _nuclei :: [Phoneme] -- ^ The permissible nuclei, or vowel clusters in -- the middle of a syllable , _codas :: [Phoneme] -- ^ The permissible codas, or consonant clusters at -- the end of a syllable , _numOnsets :: Interval Word -- ^ The range of number of allowable onsets , _numNuclei :: Interval Word -- ^ The range of number of allowable nuclei , _numCodas :: Interval Word -- ^ The range of number of allowable codas } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic) deriving anyclass (NFData) makeLenses ''Phonotactics -- | Randomly generate a syllable with the given 'Phonotactics' syllable :: MonadRandom m => Phonotactics -> m Text syllable phonotactics = do let genPart num choices = do n <- fromIntegral . fromMaybe 0 <$> chooseRange (phonotactics ^. num) fmap (fromMaybe mempty . mconcat) . replicateM n . choose . ChooseElement $ phonotactics ^. choices (Phoneme onset) <- genPart numOnsets onsets (Phoneme nucleus) <- genPart numNuclei nuclei (Phoneme coda) <- genPart numCodas codas pure $ onset <> nucleus <> coda -- | A definition for a language -- -- Currently this provides enough information to generate multi-syllabic words, -- but in the future will likely also include grammar-related things. data Language = Language { _phonotactics :: Phonotactics , _syllablesPerWord :: Weighted Int NonEmpty Int } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic) deriving anyclass (NFData) makeLenses ''Language word :: MonadRandom m => Language -> m Text word lang = do numSyllables <- choose $ lang ^. syllablesPerWord mconcat <$> replicateM numSyllables (syllable $ lang ^. phonotactics) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- englishPhonotactics :: Phonotactics englishPhonotactics = Phonotactics { _onsets = [ "pl" , "bl" , "kl" , "gl" , "pr" , "br" , "tr" , "dr" , "kr" , "gr" , "tw" , "dw" , "gw" , "kw" , "pw" , "fl" , "sl" , {- "thl", -} "shl" {- , "vl" -} , "p", "b", "t", "d", "k", "ɡ", "m", "n", "f", "v", "th", "s" , "z", "h", "l", "w" , "sp", "st", "sk" , "sm", "sn" , "sf", "sth" , "spl", "skl", "spr", "str", "skr", "skw", "sm", "sp", "st", "sk" ] , _nuclei = [ "a", "e", "i", "o", "u", "ur", "ar", "or", "ear", "are", "ure" , "oa", "ee", "oo", "ei", "ie", "oi", "ou" ] , _codas = [ "m", "n", "ng", "p", "t", "tsh", "k", "f", "sh", "s", "th", "x" , "v", "z", "zh", "l", "r", "w" , "lk", "lb", "lt", "ld", "ltsh", "ldsh", "lk" , "rp", "rb", "rt", "rd", "rtsh", "rdsh", "rk", "rɡ" , "lf", "lv", "lth", "ls", "lz", "lsh", "lth" , "rf", "rv", "rth", "rs", "rz", "rth" , "lm", "ln" , "rm", "rn", "rl" , "mp", "nt", "nd", "nth", "nsh", "nk" , "mf", "ms", "mth", "nf", "nth", "ns", "nz", "nth" , "ft", "sp", "st", "sk" , "fth" , "pt", "kt" , "pth", "ps", "th", "ts", "dth", "dz", "ks" , "lpt", "lps", "lfth", "lts", "lst", "lkt", "lks" , "rmth", "rpt", "rps", "rts", "rst", "rkt" , "mpt", "mps", "ndth", "nkt", "nks", "nkth" , "ksth", "kst" ] , _numOnsets = 0 <=..<= 1 , _numNuclei = Interval.singleton 1 , _numCodas = 0 <=..<= 1 } english :: Language english = Language { _phonotactics = englishPhonotactics , _syllablesPerWord = Weighted [(20, 1), (7, 2), (2, 3), (1, 4)] } gormlakPhonotactics :: Phonotactics gormlakPhonotactics = Phonotactics { _onsets = [ "h", "l", "g", "b", "m", "n", "ng" , "gl", "bl", "fl" ] , _numOnsets = Interval.singleton 1 , _nuclei = [ "a", "o", "aa", "u" ] , _numNuclei = Interval.singleton 1 , _codas = [ "r", "l", "g", "m", "n" , "rl", "gl", "ml", "rm" , "n", "k" ] , _numCodas = Interval.singleton 1 } gormlak :: Language gormlak = Language { _phonotactics = gormlakPhonotactics , _syllablesPerWord = Weighted [ (5, 2) , (5, 1) , (1, 3) ] }