#+OPTIONS: title:nil toc:nil num:nil #+HTML_HEAD: aspen smith #+HTML_HEAD: my name is aspen smith and i'm a software engineer and musician. * code - [[https://github.com/glittershark/][github]] - [[https://cs.tvl.fyi/depot/-/tree/users/grfn][my directory in the tvl monorepo]] * work i am currently looking for a job! ideally i'd like to do something involving compilers or database query planners, or other low-level systems work. i'm pretty language-agnostic generally, but i'm quite fond of rust and prefer not to work in go. if you're interested, send me an [[mailto:web@gws.fyi][email]]. most recently, i worked on database internals at [[https://readyset.io/][readyset]], an incrementally maintained, partially stateful materialized view maintenance system for sql that's wire-compatible with postgresql and mysql, based on [[https://github.com/mit-pdos/noria][noria]]. * projects - [[https://windtunnel.ci/][windtunnel]], a continuous benchmarking software-as-a-service currently accepting early alpha users (send me an email if you want to try it out!) - [[https://cs.tvl.fyi/depot/-/tree/users/grfn/achilles][achilles]], a compiler for (what I plan to become) a dependently typed, low-level functional programming language targeting LLVM - [[https://github.com/glittershark/org-clubhouse][org-clubhouse]], an emacs package for lightweight integration between [[https://orgmode.org/][org-mode]] and [[https://clubhouse.io/][the clubhouse project management tool]] - [[https://cs.tvl.fyi/depot/-/tree/users/grfn/xanthous][xanthous]], a terminal roguelike in haskell that I work on intermittently and exclusively for fun \\ you can now try xanthous out over ssh by running ~ssh -p 2222 xanthous.gws.fyi~. if you do so I'd love if you send me an email about it * music - https://sacrosanct.bandcamp.com/, a post-rock project with a [[https://bandcamp.com/h34rken][friend of mine]] - [[https://soundcloud.com/missingggg][my current soundcloud]], releasing instrumental hip-hop under the name *missing* - you can also find a log of all the music I listen to [[https://www.last.fm/user/wildgriffin45][on last.fm]] * contact - [[mailto:web@gws.fyi][web@gws.fyi]] - [[https://twitter.com/glittershark1][twitter]] - [[https://bsky.app/profile/gws.fyi][bluesky]] - https://keybase.io/glittershark - grfn on IRC (hackint or libera.chat) - [[http://keys.gnupg.net/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x44EF5B5E861C09A7][gpg key: 0F11A989879E8BBBFDC1E23644EF5B5E861C09A7]]