{ depot, pkgs, lib, ... }: # mostly stolen from espes { name , instanceType , configuration , prefix ? "${name}_" , region ? "us-east-2" , rootVolumeSizeGb ? 50 , securityGroupId ? null , extraIngressPorts ? [] }: let os = depot.ops.nixos.nixosFor ({ modulesPath, ... }: { imports = [ "${pkgs.path}/nixos/modules/virtualisation/amazon-image.nix" configuration ]; ec2.hvm = true; networking.hostName = name; # TODO: remove this once the terraform tls provider supports ed25519 keys # https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-tls/issues/26 services.openssh.extraConfig = '' PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes=+ssh-rsa PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa ''; }); targetUser = "root"; ec2Amis = import "${pkgs.path}/nixos/modules/virtualisation/ec2-amis.nix"; osRoot = os.config.system.build.toplevel; osRootPath = builtins.unsafeDiscardStringContext (toString osRoot.outPath); drvPath = builtins.unsafeDiscardStringContext (toString osRoot.drvPath); machineResource = "aws_instance.${prefix}machine"; recursiveMerge = builtins.foldl' lib.recursiveUpdate {}; securityGroupId' = if isNull securityGroupId then "\${aws_security_group.${prefix}group.id}" else securityGroupId; in recursiveMerge [ (lib.optionalAttrs (isNull securityGroupId) { resource.aws_security_group."${prefix}group" = { provider = "aws.${region}"; vpc_id = null; # terraform isn't good about knowing what other resources depend on # security groups lifecycle.create_before_destroy = true; }; resource.aws_security_group_rule.all_egress = { provider = "aws.${region}"; security_group_id = securityGroupId'; type = "egress"; protocol = "-1"; from_port = 0; to_port = 0; cidr_blocks = [""]; ipv6_cidr_blocks = ["::/0"]; description = null; prefix_list_ids = null; self = null; }; }) rec { data.external.my_ip = { program = [(pkgs.writeShellScript "my_ip" '' ${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq \ -n \ --arg ip "$(curl ifconfig.me)" \ '{"ip":$ip}' '')]; }; resource.aws_security_group_rule.provision_ssh_access = { provider = "aws.${region}"; security_group_id = securityGroupId'; type = "ingress"; protocol = "TCP"; from_port = 22; to_port = 22; cidr_blocks = ["\${data.external.my_ip.result.ip}/32"]; ipv6_cidr_blocks = []; description = null; prefix_list_ids = null; self = null; }; resource.tls_private_key."${prefix}key" = { algorithm = "RSA"; }; resource.aws_key_pair."${prefix}generated_key" = { provider = "aws.${region}"; key_name = "generated-key-\${sha256(tls_private_key.${prefix}key.public_key_openssh)}"; public_key = "\${tls_private_key.${prefix}key.public_key_openssh}"; }; resource.aws_instance."${prefix}machine" = { provider = "aws.${region}"; ami = ec2Amis."21.05"."${region}".hvm-ebs; instance_type = instanceType; vpc_security_group_ids = [ securityGroupId' ]; key_name = "\${aws_key_pair.${prefix}generated_key.key_name}"; root_block_device = { volume_size = rootVolumeSizeGb; tags.Name = name; }; tags.Name = name; }; resource.null_resource."${prefix}deploy_nixos" = { triggers = { # deploy if the machine is recreated machine_id = "\${${machineResource}.id}"; # deploy on os changes os_drv = drvPath; }; connection = { type = "ssh"; host = "\${${machineResource}.public_ip}"; user = targetUser; private_key = "\${tls_private_key.${prefix}key.private_key_pem}"; }; # do the actual deployment provisioner = [ # wait till ssh is up { remote-exec.inline = [ "true" ]; } # copy the nixos closure { local-exec.command = '' export PATH="${pkgs.openssh}/bin:$PATH" scratch="$(mktemp -d)" trap 'rm -rf -- "$scratch"' EXIT # write out ssh key echo -n "''${tls_private_key.${prefix}key.private_key_pem}" > $scratch/id_rsa.pem chmod 0600 $scratch/id_rsa.pem export NIX_SSHOPTS="\ -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no\ -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null\ -o GlobalKnownHostsFile=/dev/null\ -o IdentityFile=$scratch/id_rsa.pem" nix-build ${drvPath} nix-copy-closure \ --to ${targetUser}@''${${machineResource}.public_ip} \ ${osRootPath} \ --gzip \ --use-substitutes ''; } # activate it { remote-exec.inline = [ # semicolons mandatory '' set -e; nix-env --profile /nix/var/nix/profiles/system --set ${osRootPath}; ${osRootPath}/bin/switch-to-configuration switch; '' ]; } ]; }; } { resource.aws_security_group_rule = builtins.listToAttrs (map (port: { name = "ingress_${toString port}"; value = { provider = "aws.${region}"; security_group_id = securityGroupId'; type = "ingress"; protocol = "TCP"; from_port = port; to_port = port; cidr_blocks = [""]; ipv6_cidr_blocks = []; description = null; prefix_list_ids = null; self = null; }; }) extraIngressPorts); } ]