(ns bbbg.db (:gen-class) (:refer-clojure :exclude [get list count]) (:require [camel-snake-kebab.core :as csk :refer [->kebab-case ->snake_case]] [bbbg.util.core :as u] [clojure.set :as set] [clojure.spec.alpha :as s] [clojure.string :as str] [com.stuartsierra.component :as component] [config.core :refer [env]] [honeysql.format :as hformat] [migratus.core :as migratus] [next.jdbc :as jdbc] [next.jdbc.connection :as jdbc.conn] next.jdbc.date-time [next.jdbc.optional :as jdbc.opt] [next.jdbc.result-set :as rs] [next.jdbc.sql :as sql]) (:import [com.impossibl.postgres.jdbc PGSQLSimpleException] com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource [java.sql Connection ResultSet Types] javax.sql.DataSource)) (s/def ::host string?) (s/def ::database string?) (s/def ::user string?) (s/def ::password string?) (s/def ::config (s/keys :opt [::host ::database ::user ::password])) (s/fdef make-database :args (s/cat :config (s/keys :opt [::config]))) (s/fdef env->config :ret ::config) (s/def ::db any?) ;;; (def default-config (s/assert ::config {::host "localhost" ::database "bbbg" ::user "bbbg" ::password "password"})) (defn dev-config [] default-config) (defn env->config [] (->> {::host (:pghost env) ::database (:pgdatabase env) ::user (:pguser env) ::password (:pgpassword env)} u/remove-nils (s/assert ::config))) (defn ->db-spec [config] (-> default-config (merge config) (set/rename-keys {::host :host ::database :dbname ::user :username ::password :password}) (assoc :dbtype "pgsql"))) (defn connection "Make a one-off connection from the given `::config` map, or the environment if not provided" ([] (connection (env->config))) ([config] (-> config ->db-spec (set/rename-keys {:username :user}) jdbc/get-datasource jdbc/get-connection))) (defrecord Database [config] component/Lifecycle (start [this] (assoc this :pool (jdbc.conn/->pool HikariDataSource (->db-spec config)))) (stop [this] (some-> this :pool .close) (dissoc this :pool)) clojure.lang.IFn (invoke [this] (:pool this))) (defn make-database [config] (map->Database {:config config})) (defn database? [x] (or (instance? Database x) (and (map? x) (contains? x :pool)))) ;;; ;;; Migrations ;;; (defn migratus-config [db] {:store :database :migration-dir "migrations/" :migration-table-name "__migrations__" :db (let [db (if (ifn? db) (db) db)] (cond (.isInstance Connection db) {:connection db} (.isInstance DataSource db) {:datasource db} :else (throw (ex-info "migratus-config called with value of unrecognized type" {:value db}))))}) (defn generate-migration ([db name] (generate-migration db name :sql)) ([db name type] (migratus/create (migratus-config db) name type))) (defn migrate! [db] (migratus/migrate (migratus-config db))) (defn rollback! [db] (migratus/rollback (migratus-config db))) ;;; ;;; Database interaction ;;; (defn ->key-ns [tn] (let [tn (name tn) tn (if (str/starts-with? tn "public.") (second (str/split tn #"\." 2)) tn)] (str "bbbg." (->kebab-case tn)))) (defn ->table-name [kns] (let [kns (name kns)] (->snake_case (if (str/starts-with? kns "public.") kns (str "public." (last (str/split kns #"\."))))))) (defn ->column ([col] (->column nil col)) ([table col] (let [col-table (some-> col namespace ->table-name) snake-col (-> col name ->snake_case (str/replace #"\?$" ""))] (if (or (not (namespace col)) (not table) (= (->table-name table) col-table)) snake-col ;; different table, assume fk (str (str/replace-first col-table "public." "") "_" snake-col))))) (defn ->value [v] (if (keyword? v) (-> v name csk/->snake_case_string) v)) (defn process-key-map [table key-map] (into {} (map (fn [[k v]] [(->column table k) (->value v)])) key-map)) (defn fkize [col] (if (str/ends-with? col "-id") (let [table (str/join "-" (butlast (str/split (name col) #"-")))] (keyword (->key-ns table) "id")) col)) (def ^:private enum-members-cache (atom {})) (defn- enum-members "Returns a set of enum members as strings for the enum with the given name" [db name] (if-let [e (find @enum-members-cache name)] (val e) (let [r (try (-> (jdbc/execute-one! (db) [(format "select enum_range(null::%s) as members" name)]) :members .getArray set) (catch PGSQLSimpleException _ nil))] (swap! enum-members-cache assoc name r) r))) (def ^{:private true :dynamic true} *meta-db* "Database connection to use to query metadata" nil) (extend-protocol rs/ReadableColumn String (read-column-by-label [x _] x) (read-column-by-index [x rsmeta idx] (if-not *meta-db* x (let [typ (.getColumnTypeName rsmeta idx)] ;; TODO: Is there a better way to figure out if a type is an enum? (if (enum-members *meta-db* typ) (keyword (csk/->kebab-case-string typ) (csk/->kebab-case-string x)) x))))) (comment (->key-ns :public.user) (->key-ns :public.api-token) (->key-ns :api-token) (->table-name :api-token) (->table-name :public.user) (->table-name :bbbg.user) ) (defn as-fq-maps [^ResultSet rs _opts] (let [qualify #(when (seq %) (str "bbbg." (->kebab-case %))) rsmeta (.getMetaData rs) cols (mapv (fn [^Integer i] (let [ty (.getColumnType rsmeta i) lab (.getColumnLabel rsmeta i) n (str (->kebab-case lab) (when (= ty Types/BOOLEAN) "?"))] (fkize (if-let [q (some-> rsmeta (.getTableName i) qualify not-empty)] (keyword q n) (keyword n))))) (range 1 (inc (.getColumnCount rsmeta))))] (jdbc.opt/->MapResultSetOptionalBuilder rs rsmeta cols))) (def jdbc-opts {:builder-fn as-fq-maps :column-fn ->snake_case :table-fn ->snake_case}) (defmethod hformat/fn-handler "count-distinct" [_ field] (str "count(distinct " (hformat/to-sql field) ")")) (defn fetch "Fetch a single row from the db matching the given `sql-map` or query" [db sql-map & [opts]] (s/assert (s/nilable (s/keys)) (binding [*meta-db* db] (jdbc/execute-one! (db) (if (map? sql-map) (hformat/format sql-map) sql-map) (merge jdbc-opts opts))))) (defn get "Retrieve a single record from the given table by ID" [db table id & [opts]] (when id (fetch db {:select [:*] :from [table] :where [:= :id id]} opts))) (defn list "Returns a list of rows from the db matching the given sql-map, table or query" [db sql-map-or-table & [opts]] (s/assert (s/coll-of (s/keys)) (binding [*meta-db* db] (jdbc/execute! (db) (cond (map? sql-map-or-table) (hformat/format sql-map-or-table) (keyword? sql-map-or-table) (hformat/format {:select [:*] :from [sql-map-or-table]}) :else sql-map-or-table) (merge jdbc-opts opts))))) (defn count [db sql-map] (binding [*meta-db* db] (:count (fetch db {:select [[:%count.* :count]], :from [[sql-map :sq]]})))) (defn exists? "Returns true if the given sql query-map would return any results" [db sql-map] (binding [*meta-db* db] (pos? (count db sql-map)))) (defn execute! "Given a database and a honeysql query map, perform an operation on the database and discard the results" [db sql-map & [opts]] (jdbc/execute! (db) (hformat/format sql-map) (merge jdbc-opts opts))) (defn insert! "Given a database, a table name, and a data hash map, inserts the data as a single row in the database and attempts to return a map of generated keys." [db table key-map & [opts]] (binding [*meta-db* db] (sql/insert! (db) table (process-key-map table key-map) (merge jdbc-opts opts)))) (defn update! "Given a database, a table name, a hash map of columns and values to set, and a honeysql predicate, perform an update on the table. Will " [db table key-map where-params & [opts]] (binding [*meta-db* db] (execute! db {:update table :set (u/map-keys keyword (process-key-map table key-map)) :where where-params :returning [:id]} opts))) (defn delete! "Delete all rows from the given table matching the given where clause" [db table where-clause] (binding [*meta-db* db] (sql/delete! (db) table (hformat/format-predicate where-clause)))) (defmacro with-transaction [[sym db opts] & body] `(jdbc/with-transaction [tx# (~db) ~opts] (let [~sym (constantly tx#)] ~@body))) (defn -main [& args] (let [db (component/start (make-database {::config (env->config)}))] (case (first args) "migrate" (migrate! db) "rollback" (rollback! db)))) (comment (def db (:db bbbg.core/system)) (generate-migration db "add-attendee-unique-meetup-id") (migrate! db) )