{ pkgs ? import {}, ... }: with pkgs; with lib; let emacs-nixpkgs = (import { overlays = [(import (builtins.fetchTarball { url = "https://github.com/nix-community/emacs-overlay/archive/54afb061bdd12c61bbfcc13bad98b7a3aab7d8d3.tar.gz"; sha256 = "0hrbg65d5h0cb0nky7a46md7vlvhajq1hf0328l2f7ln9hznqz6j"; }))]; }); emacs = (emacs-nixpkgs.emacsPackagesFor emacs-nixpkgs.emacsUnstable) .emacsWithPackages (p: with p; [ org ]); in opts: let src = if isAttrs opts then opts.src else opts; headline = if isAttrs opts then opts.headline else null; bn = builtins.baseNameOf src; filename = elemAt (splitString "." bn) 0; outName = if isNull headline then let bn = builtins.baseNameOf src; filename = elemAt (splitString "." bn) 0; in filename + ".html" else "${filename}-${replaceStrings [" "] ["-"] filename}.html"; escapeDoubleQuotes = replaceStrings ["\""] ["\\\""]; navToHeadline = optionalString (! isNull headline) '' (search-forward "${escapeDoubleQuotes headline}") (org-narrow-to-subtree) ''; in runCommand outName {} '' cp ${src} file.org echo "${emacs}/bin/emacs --batch" ${emacs}/bin/emacs --batch \ --load ${./config.el} \ --visit file.org \ --eval "(progn ${escapeDoubleQuotes navToHeadline} (org-html-export-to-html))" \ --kill substitute file.html $out \ --replace '' "" ''