{ config, pkgs, ... }: let domain = config.machine.domain; in { # Configure the NixOS machine with Grafana and Tempo to collect metrics from nar-bridge. services.tempo = { enable = true; settings = { auth_enabled = false; server = { http_listen_address = ""; http_listen_port = 9080; grpc_listen_address = ""; grpc_listen_port = 9095; grpc_server_max_recv_msg_size = 67108864; grpc_server_max_send_msg_size = 67108864; log_level = "warn"; }; # move the otlp listener to another port than 4317, and disable the 4318 one. # opentelemetry-connector binds on both 4317 and 4318. distributor.receivers.otlp.protocols = { grpc.endpoint = ""; }; storage.trace = { backend = "local"; wal.path = "/var/lib/tempo/wal"; local.path = "/var/lib/tempo/blocks"; }; usage_report.reporting_enabled = false; # 10x the default overrides.defaults.ingestion.max_traces_per_user = 10000 * 10; }; }; services.alloy.enable = true; environment.etc."alloy/config.alloy".text = '' prometheus.exporter.unix "main" { } prometheus.scrape "main" { targets = prometheus.exporter.unix.main.targets forward_to = [otelcol.receiver.prometheus.default.receiver] } otelcol.receiver.prometheus "default" { output { metrics = [otelcol.exporter.otlp.default.input] } } otelcol.exporter.otlp "default" { client { endpoint = "" tls { insecure = true } } } ''; services.opentelemetry-collector = { enable = true; settings = { receivers = { otlp.protocols.grpc.endpoint = ""; otlp.protocols.http.endpoint = ""; }; processors = { batch = { }; }; exporters = { otlp = { endpoint = ""; # Tempo otlp-grpc tls.insecure = true; }; "otlphttp/metrics" = { compression = "gzip"; encoding = "proto"; endpoint = "http://localhost:8428/opentelemetry"; tls.insecure = true; }; }; service = { pipelines = { traces = { receivers = [ "otlp" ]; processors = [ "batch" ]; exporters = [ "otlp" ]; }; metrics = { receivers = [ "otlp" ]; processors = [ "batch" ]; exporters = [ "otlphttp/metrics" ]; }; }; }; }; }; services.victoriametrics.enable = true; services.grafana = { enable = true; settings = { server = { domain = domain; http_addr = ""; http_port = 3000; root_url = "https://%(domain)s/grafana"; serve_from_sub_path = true; }; analytics.reporting_enabled = false; "auth.anonymous" = { enabled = true; }; auth.disable_login_form = true; "auth.basic".enabled = false; "auth.github" = { enabled = true; client_id = "Ov23liAnuBwzWtJJ7gv4"; client_secret = "$__file{/run/credentials/grafana.service/github_auth_client_secret}"; scopes = "user:email,read:org"; auth_url = "https://github.com/login/oauth/authorize"; token_url = "https://github.com/login/oauth/access_token"; api_url = "https://api.github.com/user"; allow_sign_up = true; auto_login = false; allowed_organizations = [ "numtide" ]; role_attribute_path = "contains(groups[*], '@numtide/network') && 'GrafanaAdmin' || 'Viewer'"; }; }; provision = { enable = true; datasources.settings.datasources = [ { name = "Tempo"; type = "tempo"; uid = "traces"; url = ""; access = "proxy"; timeout = "300"; jsonData = { nodeGraph.enabled = true; # tracesToLogs.datasourceUid = "logs"; tracesToMetrics.datasourceUid = "metrics"; # serviceMap.datasourceUid = "metrics"; # nodeGraph.enabled = true; # lokiSearch.datasourceUid = "logs"; }; } { name = "prometheus"; type = "prometheus"; uid = "metrics"; url = "http://localhost:8428/"; } ]; }; }; systemd.services.grafana.serviceConfig.LoadCredential = "github_auth_client_secret:/etc/secrets/grafana_github_auth_client_secret"; services.nginx.virtualHosts."${domain}".locations."/grafana" = { proxyPass = "http://localhost:3000"; proxyWebsockets = true; }; }